Monday, June 12, 2017

Fwd: Mike Huckabee newsletter More On Comey

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From: "Mike Huckabee" <>
Date: Jun 12, 2017 7:59 AM
Subject: More On Comey
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The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 

Today's Commentary:  More On Comey -- James Comey = Whatever -- Trump Told The Truth



In case you had more important things to do on Thursday than watch the James Comey Senate testimony (say, if unlike practically everyone in Washington, you actually had a job to go to), here's the full video and transcript. It's good to see or read the whole thing, because both sides are cherry-picking the parts that make them look good and the other side look bad.

I'd point out, though, that you can sense a difference even in the carefully-edited excerpts some people are citing. The anti-Trump crowd is pulling out Comey's negative comments about Trump – that he found what he said about the Flynn investigation inappropriate; that he accused Trump of lying about FBI staffers having lost confidence in him; etc. – but notice that they tend to be Comey's personal feelings or interpretations of what Trump said or intended. And even Comey admitted that none of them are incriminating or amount to obstruction of justice.

But the things Trump supporters are pulling out – that Comey hid behind a professor friend to leak a private conversation with the President to the New York Times; that he did tell Trump on three occasions that he was not the target of an investigation, just as Trump claimed; that many news stories based on anonymous sources were wrong, like a Times story claiming that Trump's campaign aides "had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence;" that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch interfered in the Hillary Clinton investigation (telling him to call it a "matter," not an investigation, which it plainly was); that Trump didn't try to kill the Russia investigation but just wanted it finished up soon because it's distracting him from doing what Americans elected him to do, etc. – all are revelations of fact, not personal opinions.

Also worth noting is that Comey's own testimony cast doubt on his veracity on several occasions. For instance, his defenders would have us believe that his note to himself about what Trump said in their private meeting is somehow believable because he claims to have written it down right away. But it's still just "he said/he said" hearsay. I could write down the lyrics of "Sweet Home Alabama" and claim it's a transcript of a conversation I had with Chuck Schumer. That doesn't magically turn it into proof. And considering Comey admitted he did it so that he could secretly leak it to the media via a third party and force the appointment of a special prosecutor is manipulation piled on top of dishonesty. Frankly, it taints all his testimony. It does prove one thing, though: Donald Trump's instincts about whom to fire are still right on the money.

Finally, my favorite comment on the whole liberal narrative implosion came not from a pundit or politician but from an anonymous poster on an Internet comment board, who asked this: So Comey could tell that Hillary wasn't trying to obstruct justice when she used hammers and Bleach Bit software to scrub her email server, but he couldn't tell that Trump wasn't trying to obstruct justice when he used the word "hope" to express that he was just hoping for something?


Mike Huckabee


Message from Huck PAC:  

URGENT:  HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 who will pass President Trump's agenda. Help us raise and additional $15,000 in June by chipping in $5 or more today! This will help us reach our budgeted goal!  Thank you!



James Comey = Whatever

By Mike Huckabee

It must have been keenly disappointing for Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) that the only time James Comey claimed President Trump lied was when he said that with Comey at the helm, the FBI was poorly-led and he'd lost the confidence of the people working under him. Let's put aside for a moment that every fired employee in history probably thought he was doing a bang-up job and the boss who fired him for cause was lying.

Comey then went on in the rest of his testimony to admit that he was too weak to speak frankly to his boss, that he personally leaked details of a closed-door talk with the US President to the New York Times through a beard to hide his identity so he could spark the appointment of a special prosecutor, that he claimed he leaked that story to the Times in response to a Trump tweet that wasn't sent until after the Times story ran, that he knew Trump wasn't under investigation but never said so, and that he never revealed that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch interfered in the investigation of Hillary Clinton by telling him to call it a "matter" instead of an investigation (and for some reason, he didn't bother to write that down to preserve it).

In other words, he proved that Trump wasn't lying: if your boss did all that, would you still have confidence in him?


Trump Told The Truth

By Mike Huckabee

In his Senate testimony, James Comey said that media accounts based on anonymous leaks of classified information are often wrong because the people talking about classified data usually aren't privy to it, and people who are don't talk about it. For instance, Comey finally made it clear that Trump was telling the truth: Comey had assured him on three occasions that he was not the subject of an investigation. Trump has been criticized for getting too agitated about that, but how would you like it if you were trying to do the most difficult job in the world and constantly being undermined by false accusations that you were under a federal investigation, and the one subordinate who could confirm you weren't refused to say anything?

Before all the liberal media outlets who've been trying to fan this cold briquette into a raging fire try to shove their phony news down the memory hole, Dan McLaughlin at National Review did a terrific research job in rounding up some of the many boldface headline stories about how "it's official," start the impeachment countdown because Trump is absolutely, positively under federal investigation – as one put it, "for treason!"

It must be great being a political reporter for a liberal media outlet these days. As long as your story hits Trump hard enough, you don't have to check a single fact. It's like writing for Marvel Comics, only with less research required.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this edition of the newsletter please forward it to a friend and tell them they can subscribe for free at

Message from Huck PAC:  

URGENT:  HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 who will pass President Trump's agenda. Help us raise an additional $15,000 in June by chipping in $5 or more today! This will help us reach our budgeted goal! Thank you!


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