Saturday, May 20, 2017

Fwd:Mike Huckabee on Trump's identifying the Special Counsel Investigation as Witch Hunt with No Evidence May 20, 2017

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From: Mike Huckabee <>
Date: Sat, May 20, 2017 at 8:03 AM
Subject: A special Saturday edition


The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 

Today's Commentary:  President Trump's Press Conference -- Time Magazine Rips off MAD Magazine -- UPDATE: Stephen Colbert and the FCC



President Trump gave a press conference on Thursday in which he spoke more freely about the special counsel appointed to investigate alleged Russian interference in the US election. He said he believes "it hurts the country terribly because it shows we're a divided, mixed-up, not-unified country. And we have very important things to do right now," yet everyone is totally consumed by an investigation into partisan allegations for which no evidence has yet been found. Trump said he respects the special counsel process but this is "the single greatest witch hunt" in the history of American politics.

It's instructive to look at the reaction to those comments because they are a perfect illustration of the disconnect between the liberal/Beltway political media who are still shocked and furious over Trump's election and the voters who elected him. To the former, it was another outrageous, unfiltered outburst and an attempt to meddle in and obstruct the investigation. And that comment about respecting the process while calling it a witch hunt showed both disrespect and stupidity, since it was obviously self-contradictory.

But I'd wager the typical American who doesn't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome probably heard those comments, knew exactly what he meant and nodded in agreement. His voters sent Trump to Washington to help bring back jobs, rein in government, secure the borders, stand up to our enemies and appoint judges who've read the Constitution. They didn't need Vladimir Putin to tell them that Hillary Clinton wouldn't have done any of that. And they're sick of manufactured outrage and scandals preventing it from getting done.

As for the "respect/witch hunt" comment, that's hardly an oxymoron to regular working Americans. They know exactly how it feels to have to show respect to government entities (pick any three letters at random: IRS, EPA, NSA, etc.) that they personally think are being abused by partisan scoundrels. They show due respect to the OSHA inspector who pops up when they're trying to finish getting a roof put on before it rains, but that doesn't mean they don't personally think he's a pencil-pushing meddler who doesn't know which side of a step ladder to stand on. When Trump said that, DC elites were so shocked, they dropped their monocles into their plates of caviar. Meanwhile, most other Americans outside the blue enclaves just thought, "Finally, someone in Washington who tells you what he honestly thinks instead of spewing a lot of focus group-tested gasbaggery."


Mike Huckabee


Message from Huck PAC:  

URGENT:  HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 who will pass President Trump's agenda. Help us raise $15,000 in May by chipping in $5 or more today! Thank you!



Time Magazine Rips off MAD Magazine

By Mike Huckabee

It's official: Time magazine has transformed from being America's leading news weekly to being such a leftwing caricature of itself that it's now stealing anti-Trump covers from MAD magazine, a proudly juvenile humor periodical that boasts that it's written by "the usual gang of idiots." I guess that's another thing Time copied.

This may be a new low for Time, but it's just the natural progression in a long downward spiral for once respectable publications such as Time and Newsweek. They've gone from at least trying to be objective news reporters and analysts to promoting a transparent one-sided liberal view, even to the extent of selecting and manipulating cover photos to insure that Democrats like Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer seem to be lit by the golden glow of their Photoshopped halos while Republicans look like the Grinch with a nasty hangover (in one case, they let a cartoonist go ahead and depict Newt Gingrich as the Grinch, that easy joke possibly marking the first step on their long road to going MAD.)

But then, it's hard to blame them for pandering so shamelessly to their target market. A few years ago, Newsweek sold for a dollar. I don't mean the issue price; I mean the entire company was sold for a dollar to a buyer who was willing to take on its debt load. In the age of the Internet and 24-hour cable news, bringing out a weekly news magazine is sort of like trying to sell the latest news from 1918. I expect next week's issue to accuse Trump of leaking classified information to the Kaiser.



UPDATE:  Stephen Colbert And The FCC

By Mike Huckabee

When the FCC said it was looking into whether Stephen Colbert's recent obscenity-laced anti-Trump diatribe masquerading as a monologue violated obscenity rules, the liberal media thundered that the Trump Administration was trying to censor its critics (boy, talk about a full time job!) But in fact, the FCC is required to look at any program if the agency receives public complaints of indecency about it. And they got a few complaints about Colbert. Actually, over 5700.

It's unlikely that they will take action. But for future reference, if Colbert wants to avoid the FCC having to investigate his program for indecency, all he has to do is hire some writers who are capable of writing actual comedy rather than foul-mouthed leftist rants. Then again, if he did that, he'd probably drop back to third in the ratings.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this edition of the newsletter please forward it to a friend and tell them they can subscribe for free at

Message from Huck PAC:  

URGENT:  HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 who will pass President Trump's agenda. Help us raise $15,000 in May by chipping in $5 or more today! Thank you!


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