Sunday, October 09, 2016

Fwd: Robin​​, tomorrow, will you #HeedTheCall in NYC? On one foot, the whole Torah


To IfNotNow followers who don't know the Truth of your Heritage...

On one foot I will tell the truth. It is then up to you to learn the rest!

Israel is the Promised Land! Promised exclusive to the Nation of Israel.


Israel is a HolyLand!

It was not promised to Palestinians who are not a People. Nor are these non people especially Holy when they celebrate, glorify, advocate and educate terror as they did today following a terror attack in Jerusalem and a police officer and a 60 year woman were murdered. 

The "Occupation"  is simply a LIE that #HeedTheCall is perpetuating. 

Just like a stick can not stand on its own leg, neither can this lie.

Judea and Samaria is the heartland of Israel, our Promised Land, promised to the Nation Of Israel as an everlasting heritage!

The Nation Of Israel consist of 12 Tribes.

The entire Land of Israel was divided in the Bible, following the conquest by Israelites led by Joshua,  between these 12 tribes.

Judea is the parcel of land for the Tribe of Judah.

Samaria was divided between the descendants of  Benjamin and Josef. To the north of Shchem, Nablus,  the inheritance fell to the Tribe of Menasheh. South of Shchem to the Tribe of Efraim, both the children of Josef.

Jerusalem and her surrounding territory went to the Tribe of Benjamin the son of Rachel.

Jews of today can trace their ancestry to these Tribes. 

Jews are commanded to keep the Mitzvoth which keeps the Land and people Holy.

It is by the Word of G-d that Jews are the rightful inheritors of the Land of Israel.

Hillel, the wise sage would be the first to agree that now is the time  to expose the impersonators of Judaism, those who use his name to promote lies, with learning the truth!

- Shchem, Nablus is where the Tomb of Josef lies. Josef was Jacobs favorite son, one of the 12 Tribes. It is located in Samaria.
- Jerusalem and Har HaBayit, the site of the Akeida and where the 2  Temples, Beit Hamikdash were built and subsequently destroyed by the Babylonians and Romans was located in the inheritance of Benjamin, one of the 12 Tribes.
- Chevron, the dwelling place and burial site of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rifka, Jacob and Leah and prior to that Adam and Eve, falls in the inheritance of Judah another one of the 12 Tribes. 
- Rachel, Jacobs favorite wife was buried in Beit Lechem, Bethlehem  is situated south of Jerusalem in the Judean Hills.

To all Jews who are drawn to this false message of Love and Peace, know that IfNotNow is feeding you LIES. 

There is absolutely no stolen Occupation by Jews of Palestinian land.

Israel reclaimed its Heritage in wars initiated by her enemies and accepted by International Law at St. Remo and the League of Nations, never revoked.

Palestinians can not trace their lineage to any people.

Jews trace their lineage to the 12 Tribes and righteous converts to Judaism.

Torah is the law that binds all Jews to the Land of Israel and to our G-d.

So Find your real identity.
Read the Bible and hook up with Authentic Judaism and not with those playing on your ignorance.

The legal argument. 

"Judea & Samaria in Israeli Law" - Harel Arnon, The Lawfare Project

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Becky Taurog, IfNotNow NYC" <>
Date: Oct 9, 2016 12:50 PM
Subject: Robin​​, tomorrow, will you #HeedTheCall in NYC?
To: <>
> Robin,
> In just 24 hours IfNotNow's largest ever week of action continues in NYC. Will you join me in the streets?
> This week, American Jews all over the country are gathering for demonstrations rooted in ritual to mark the 50th year of the occupation and a rising movement to end our community's support for the occupation.
> This is a crucial moment, between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, to publicly reckon with the 50th year of occupation and do collective repentance.
> We know how hard it is to go through the holidays – either at synagogue or around family dinner – without acknowledging the daily nightmare of the occupation for Palestinians or the moral disaster it is causing in our own community. I hope these gatherings will be a chance to full reckon with this crisis, together, in public, where honesty is needed most.
> There's a #HeedTheCall demonstration happening near you tomorrow (Monday!). With our communal leaders ignoring the 50th year of occupation -- can you join us in the streets?
> Here are the details:
> What: IfNotNow march from the NYC Federation, demanding our community #HeedTheCall to end our support for the occupation
> When: Monday, Oct 10 from 4pm - 6pm
> Where: Meet at 4pm at a public plaza near the corner of E 60th and 3rd (across the street from 200 E 60th) in Manhattan. We will end the march at another plaza at 59th and 5th.
> More Details: Wear white and bring a shofar if you got one! For more updates, check out the facebook event.
> Over the past 10 days, IfNotNow has had actions across the country. We've held Tashlich rituals and blown Shofars in lobbies of organizations that support the occupation; we've dropped banners over highways and written some powerful poetry.
> But we've can't give up now. Only massive, public actions will get our community to wake up, heed the call, and end our support for the occupation.
> There is no more important time than the High Holidays to fully reckon with the sins of occupation, and push for a profound moral, spiritual and political change so let's make this week huge.
> See you out there,
> Becky, Jonathan, and the rest of the IfNotNow NYC team.
> PS. If you are curious about the demonstrations happening in other cities, check out the full list here!
> Like us on Facebook
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> Donate!
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