Friday, April 22, 2016

Fwd: chametz by Shalom Pollack

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From: "Shalom Pollack" <>
Date: Apr 22, 2016 8:39 AM
Subject: chametz
To: <>

--- ENTER YOUR CONTENT HERE -Energy minister  Steinitz created  a head line  this week when he  was quoted as saying,"I eat hametz on Passover".
He had to keep a  low profile after that admission.

There  was  a time when this  was not a situation one had to wiggle out of  but a part pf the proud red flag held high  by those who ruled Israel for fifty years(before and after the establishment of the state).

The current controversy over the actions of sergeant Elor Azaria  is another sign that the times, they are  a changing.
As soon as he  finished off the wounded but potentially threatening  terrorist in Hebron, the  military and political establishment  proclaimed  that a very serious infraction was committed and will be investigated and prosecuted rigorously.
 The film taken by the EU funded. pro Palestinian NGO, Betzelem, catapulted the establishment and media into the usual knee jerk frenzy of breast pounding and  self flagellation.
What will the world  say? How  do  we look in the eyes of such a caring, concerned world...?

The Jewish public felt differently. Polls show that two thirds of them support  the soldier who  was immediately arrested and put into chains.
PM  Netanyahu, like many politicians know how to smell the political winds and in the  wake of the immediate public fury promptly made a call to the soldier's father explaining that he too is the father of a soldier and understands....

He and minister of education Bennet got into a sharp exchange over rumored plans to relinquish security control of parts of "area A" from where waves of terror had eminated before Israel  allowed herself a free hand there. Israel is toying with the idea of giving the PA another please the caring  world

Opposition MK Lieberman too  continues his attacks on the PM for his  less than resolute actions vis a  vis the Hamas tunnel threat from Gaza.

It was not only the Right that was heard this week. Opposition leader Herzog said that the Labor party is seen by too many Israelis as 'Arab lovers"(true) and that "we must set the record straight  that we are not for our enemies."

This  was very interesting. The Labor party of Ben Gurion, Golda Meir, and Rabin, never openly sought Arab support. It was not what they were about then . However as the Right came to power they sought a wider base and began a continual slide away from their classic Zionist  stand to a more "cosmopolitan", liberal" one. This did indeed attract Arab voters and MK's(one, MK Balul who said  that" the Arabs who attacked the soldiers in Hebron were not terrorists but were fighting an illegal occupation").

The Jewish population  has progressively given up on Labor. "Left" is becoming a  nasty word in Israel (thanks to the Oslo fantasy/addiction and  it's consequences.)
Poor Herzog. He is under attack from his party Left stalwarts and  still the Jewish majority just do not trust or like those "Arab lovers".

Polls taken this week indicate that two thirds of Israeli  support sergeant Elor Azaria and interestingly enough, another poll showed equal numbers of Jews who do not eat chametz on Pesach.
They are probably  one and the same. They are  the ones more likely to spend the holiday in Israel than abroad. The ones  seeking chametz abroad are mostly the 1.7 children and a dog population.

There is indeed a palpable shift in the demographics of Israel.
 Now all we need is a true leader to channel this awakening of common sense and self respect to a clear direction.

This will happen to God willing.

Happy holiday of  freedom to all.

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