Friday, October 09, 2015


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From: Janet Lehr <>
Date: Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 2:17 AM



Please credit: Janet Lehr, Correspondent and Photographer, NYC


RALLY MONDAY OCTOBER 7, 5PM, HELD FACING THE ISRAELI CONSULATE IN NYC sponsored by AFSI, Chabad, Stand with Israel Activists and Crown Heights Women for the Safety & Integrity of Israel.


JUDY KADISH, Co-Director of AFSI, stressed how personally each of us are taking the crisis happening in Israel today. 


Kadish sited the rally held Monday night in front of the Netanyahu residence where thousands came out asking for secure roads and continued building in Judea and Samaria when Bibi seemed to respond to the unrest with the promise of a "STRONG HAND" – including 4 extra units in J&S, 1000s of extra police in Jerusalem



October 7: On his routine commute to work in Jerusalem on Wednesday morning, at theTekoa checkpoint , Josh Hasten, resident of Elazar in the Gush Etzion area of Judea,  a freelance journalist and friend of AFSI,  was nearly murdered.


A  mob of 50 Arabs, attacked armed with cinder blocks, resulting in Chaos, Screaming,  and many Injuries. The soldiers standing right there told everyone to WAIT, WAIT;  the soldiers waited.  It was 20 minutes before they took action.  Is this the "STRONG HAND" of the government?


Later in the morning a man was stabbed in the neck by a teenage girl at the Lion's gate. He was armed and able to shoot the terrorist and so survived the attack.  Individual strength succeeded.


October 3: A Palestinian man approached a group of Israelis by the Lions Gate in Jerusalem's Old City and began stabbing. The attacker injured one woman and her baby. Then stabbed two other members of the group to death. Israeli police shot the attacker dead on site.   Palestinian Islamic Jihad issued a statement proudly claiming the attacker was a member of their organization.


October 1: Eitan and his wife Naama Henkin were ambushed by Palestinian gunmen as they drove with their four children, all under the age of 10, they were pronounced dead at the scene.  The children who had just witnessed their parents murder were only lightly injured. 


September 14: Stones rained down on Alexander Levlovitz.  He lost control of his car, he crashed seriously injuring two female passengers; all while on the way home from celebrating Rosh Hashanah with his family.  Alexander Levlovitz was killed by  stones thrown by those Palestinian youths.


June 30: Rosenfeld and a group of three friends were attacked by a Palestinian individual with a gun on the evening of June 29, 2015 in the Binyamin region, North of Tel Aviv.  The attack was perpetrated by Hamas member Ahmed Najar, who was one of the prisoners released during the Gilad Shalit  prisoner exchange deal in 2011.


Feb 22: Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat tackled an Arab attacker who stabbed a haredi man seconds earlier and then wildly attempted to accost passersby near the capital's City Hall. Individual strength succeeds.


Israel is the eternal homeland of the Jewish people, people who will not be scared off.  Israel needs the "Strong Hand" of the government to convince its enemies that it will not be defeated, that it, Israel, is the eternal homeland of the Jewish people.  No, the Jewish people will not be scared off.


We urge the "STRONG HAND" of the government as promised by Bibi show itself!

The Jewish people need their government to be strong!

AM Yisroel Chai!


REBETZIN TAMAR ADELSTEIN, Crown Heights Women for the Safety & Integrity of Israel, added her strong impassioned voice: Today's solutions will only arrive when, as the Lubavitcher Rebbe suggested: Israel will be willing to take 2 steps back from all the  Accords and Agreements it has signed and take 1 step forward, and then another in asserting its right to protect and defend its citizens.  Rather than continue to make all kinds of complicated calculations on how to avoid or reduce terrorism, keep it simple, just like Josh Hasten did yesterday while driving into Yerushalayim "as the mob ran down the hill, hurtling cinder blocks and rocks at his car, HE DREW OUT HIS HANDGUN, AND THEN FIRED ONE SHOT WHICH SENT THEM FLEEING.


Swift and terrible consequences are the only answer that will bring an immediate halt to terror. 


Rebetzen Adelstein queried: Will a firm response to terror and an increase of new and existing communities jepoardize American and International support?


The Rebbe's answer is clear: When Jews take a strong effective stand, they emerge victorious, possibly even without war.  Any delay in taking effective measures or practising more and more compromise invites more and greater pressure.  Trust in the Rebbe's wise, straightforward guidance and his great love for C'lal Yisroel's safety and take those steps forward now. 


HELEN FREEDMAN, AFSI co-Director, spoke last, closing with an impassioned plea for action by the government of ISRAEL.  We call upon Israeli leaders, lawmakers, the Court and Civil Administration to be strong and not be bowed into placing diplomatic sensibilities over the security of Jewish lives. 


REMEMBER, victims are victims of an act of hostility.  Terrorism is a state of action.  It is hostility behind the murders and near murders. Human beings driven by hatred went out onto the roads in order to murder Jews, and they succeeded.   These murderers took from everyone a sense of security.   The murderers are the killers, Arab killers, backed by a too-large segment of Arab society, with far too little principled opposition to murder.   But those who preach that 'here is a Jew and therefore he deserves death,' -they will not be imprisoned. And those who today will give candies to children in order to celebrate the murder in cold blood of two more Jews, will pay no price. They may be killers tomorrow but surely, they will continue to take from everyone the sense of security.     


The assembled, bold activists for Israel, voiced their love of Israel thru song and roars of AM YISRAEL CHI. 

The Israeli Government Must Respond.


Executive Director Helen Freedman:

Chabad Bachurim at Protest:

Young Protester:




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Janet Lehr                                                             If I am not for myself, WHO WILL BE?

IsraelLives                                                               If I am only for myself, WHAT AM I?                                                                If not now, WHEN ?

                                                                                                                   Rabbi Hillel


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