Friday, August 07, 2015

Fwd: Israeli Racism Against Jews, Lessons from the heatwave, Smash Iran and Aliya to Israel, and more

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From: "Yekutiel Ben Yaakov" <>
Date: Aug 7, 2015 6:37 AM
Subject: Israeli Racism Against Jews, Lessons from the heatwave, Smash Iran and Aliya to Israel, and more
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Voice of Judea News and Commentary

1-      Israeli gov racism against Jews?
2-      Israeli gov treats Jewish activists worse than Arab terrorists
3-      Israel's heatwave is a wake-up call to ready for war - smash Iran and come home NOW to Israel!


Do Israeli leaders, legislators and Rabbis believe that Jewish blood is cheaper than Arab blood? Is the spilling of Arab blood a greater crime than the ongoing spilling of Jewish blood? Is one act of "terror" against Arabs to be viewed more harshly than thousands of combined terror attacks against Jews? Any objective bystander in Israel can hardly miss the clear preference given to the spilled blood of Arabs when it comes to the massive sweeping condemnation by Israeli leaders of such rare attacks against Arabs, in sharp contrast to the indifference shown by elected Israeli officials when it comes to the ongoing, massive attacks and massacres carried out by Arabs against Jews.

This self-hating national breast-beating- ritual performed by elected officials, rabbis and media across the board in Israel is particularly amusing when it comes to the recent torching of an Arab house which lead to the death of an Arab child. Before the flames were even extinguished, Israel's President Rivlin and a convoy of Jewish apologists were already begging forgiveness and attacking the "Jewish perpetrators" of the arson - in the harshest of hysterical epithets. As a side note, it has yet to be proven that the fire was an act of deliberate arson or that the arsonists were of the Mosaic persuasion. The fact that Arab calligraphic style Hebrew words of vengeance were carefully drawn on the home is hardly proof that the perpetrators were Jews. In fact, if anything can be concluded by the shape and style of the letters and words painted on the wall deep in the Arab village, it would be that it is unlikely the artistic work of Jews who would have penetrated so deep into the village and spent so much time painting as the flames raged through the house.

The fact that none of the village cameras and that no witness identified Jews roaming their village should only further cast some level of doubt over the logical integrity behind the crusade being launched against Jews for the arson. There are enough examples of Arabs having carried out attacks against rival Hamulot tribes where they cunningly left Hebrew messages of "vengeance" and "price tag" to instigate arrests against Jews and to incite violence against Jews. Let us not forget that the Hebron Massacre that occurred  this time of year back in 1929 and which led to the murder of dozens of Jews was instigated by false blood libels against Jews by Arabs who claimed Jews had raped and murdered Arabs.

 We Jews are all too familiar with blood libels against us that were construed to trigger, inspire and motivate Jew-haters to initiate, target and intensify their rabid terror/pogroms/massacres against Jews. It is one thing, though, when Arab haters jump on the bandwagon to demonize all Jews, and yet another when the President and Prime Minister of Israel do so. It is a further outrage, when thousands of attacks against Jews are virtually ignored by Jewish leaders, yet when one possible retaliatory attack that might likely have been carried out by Jews against Arabs brings unbalanced and excessive condemnation of Jews and opens the door to harsh collective punishment against "settlers" and hilltop Jewish youth with new draconian powers given to the Shin Bet to harass and intimidate Jews accused of being anti-Arab activists.

Here is a small aid to measure the unbalanced and distorted response of Jewish politicians in Israel to the recent incident in the Arab village of D/Tuma in contrast to their deafening response of silence after recent cases in which Arabs murdered Jews.

The attached chart shows how the Primie Minister, President and other politicians repeatedly condemned the possible Jewish attack against Arabs on their facebook pages while they blatantly ignored recent attacks against Jews before and after the Arab house arson.

Placing the possible Jewish-hand in the D/Tuma arson into perspective and proportion: Find here a list of names of Israeli and Jewish children murdered by known Arab assailants in comparison to the handful of incidents carried out by Jews against Arab children.

How Many Children Have Been Murdered and by whom?

Arab children killed by Jews – 1 maybe 2
Muhammad Abu-Khdeir, age 16
Ali Saad Dawabsha, age 1 (Undetermined. Possibly by Jews. )

Israeli children (Jews and Arabs) killed by Arab terrorists – 177 Read post for complete list of names and ages of Jewish children killed by Arab terrorists.

How many arson attacks have been launched against Jews this year? Hundreds, if not thousands. Not a day passes without dozens of incidents of boulders, fire bombs and arson against Jews. How many against Arabs? Approximately ten this year, assuming unproven allegations against Jews are all true.

2-      Israeli Government: Treats Jewish Activists Worse Than Arab Terrorists

The Israeli Security Services recently arrested Meir David Ettinger, the grandson of the late outspoken Jewish activist Rabbi Meir Kahane. Ettinger is suspected of offering moral support and guidance to Jewish hilltop youth suspected of retaliatory "price-tag" attacks against Arabs. In one recent incident last week an Arab home was torched causing the death of an Arab child. The alleged arson occurred near the location where Malachi Rosenfeld was murdered last month. The Arab house located in the occupied Arab village of D/Tuma has produced its fair share of terrorists over the years. While no evidence has implicated Jews, an Arabic style Hebrew message of "revenge" was painted on the Arab home in Kfar D/Tuma.

The Israeli government jumped at the opportunity to give a greenlight to security services to investigate Jewish hilltop activists with the same controversial torture methods permitted against "Arab terrorist-time-bombs" (suspected of planning serious terror attacks against Jews.) Administrative detention of hilltop Jewish suspects has also been permitted and Defense Minister Yaalon already issued three such 6-month-administrative detention orders. Administrative detention allows the Shin Bet to hold and interrogate suspects for 6 months without a trial. Mordecai Maiyer, one 18 year old Jewish boy from Maaleh Adumim, Jerusalem has already been taken into Shin Bet "Dungeon" style custody.

Voice of Judea Commentary:

Here we have it. One "Jewish terror" act of retaliation for thousands of Arab attacks triggers these draconian measures and demonizing of Jewish "settlers".  To make a moral comparison between one possible act of retaliation on the one side, with thousands of premeditated acts of terror and hundreds of first-degree murders perpetrated against Jews is absurd. However, if one possible act carried out by Jews merits collective punishment against Jews and such harsh action on the part of the government, then it seems only fair, in the name of quality, to drive the Arabs out of Israel for the thousands of acts that they perpetrate against Jews.

Such a reaction would be balanced in view of the intense measures now being executed against Jews. To place things into proportion, if one incident can bring about the detention and orders of expulsion to so many Jews, than the thousands of incidents carried out by Arabs should justify the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Arabs. Additionally, if there were no hostile Arabs in Israel, there would be no Arab terror in Israel or no reason for Jewish youth to seek retaliation against the ongoing barbaric, murderous assaults launched by Arabs against Jews. Once we place the numbers and reality into perspective and into fair proportions, we would reach the conclusion that the only answer left is to expel the hostile Arabs from Israel.



Israel cooled down by a degree or two today, however, forecasts predict the scorching weather to continue and intensify over Shabbat and into next week. With temperatures in Israel soaring in the direction of 100 degrees, it was no surprise to hear of heat-strokes, death and injuries due to the high temperatures over recent days.

Voice of Judea Commentary:
It was good to hear that Iran received a double dose of the heat plague, with temperatures approaching 170 degrees, after factoring in the humidity and other variables.

When nature hits us, it is G-d trying to tell us something
The heat plague is reminiscent of the Rat epidemic that plagued Iran last year. Once again, Israel too, received the plague in far less significant numbers and intensity. While the scorching heat has left millions of dollars of damage to Israeli agriculture and while there have been fatalities, it pales in complexion to the damage inflicted upon Iran and other Middle-Eastern countries. As happy as we might be to see our most bitter enemys  melting away in their Persian Hell-hole, this does not minimize the pain and anguish being caused by our own, albeit, smaller heat plague. The untimely death of Dan Sela - the soldier who mysteriously fell to his death, after exiting the air-conditioned  military bus on a tour with his unit of the "old city" of Jerusalem is only one of the recent tragedies caused by the heatwave in Israel. Naturally this is also a call for the Jews to Teshuva and to seek to find what needs tikun-correction as the Talmud teaches us in Tractate Taanit.

All disasters around the world are for the Jews, so says the Talmud in Yevamot
As we know natural disasters around the world are supposed to be analyzed by the Jews to understand what we need to correct and fix spiritually. The Talmud in Yevamot says (63a) that all major events of disaster  around the world, happen on behalf of the Jew, to do teshuva and to seek out the connection and the cause. Measure for measure is the way of G-d, and punishment and suffering of Jews and even of far-away gentiles is a wake-up call and a warning to us, before tragedy hits at home.

How can we know what to fix?
How does one seek answers to know what we Jews must correct and about what sins to repent for? Firstly, the issue that we ultimately conclude needs to be corrected, needs to be within the framework of the halachic system and needs to jive with basic Torah values. The cause and affect would need to be things that make sense from a halachic Jewish perspective. For example, if there was a mass parade of Jews to say the shema and to proclaim commitment to faith and Torah on Sunday, and then on Monday if a tornado hit that very area, it would not be a legitimate Torah conclusion to derive as a lesson that "we should not say the shema or not commit to following the Torah." The conclusion needs to be Torah-proof and make sense.

G-d striking the gentiles is also a wake up call for us, even if we are not hit quite so hard
However, a look at the preceding events to the tragedy could be used as a moral compass to direct us to the cause of the tragedy. G-d in His infinite mercy upon Israel gives us warnings by afflicting the gentiles first for crimes that they do which we copy, as well as by repeatedly hitting the Gentiles harder and harder to serve as a wake-up call to us. Yes, we also receive a dose of the punishment for our sins, yet G-d strives for the Jew to repent and limits the punishment against the Jews.

Is this not the prophecy of Zephanya, Chapter 3?
This is apparently a fulfillment of the prophecy in Zefanya 3, where it speaks of the Jews sinning and of G-d, in His infinite mercy, dishing out punishment to the gentiles first. Then, small measures of punishment is exacted against the Jewish people to awaken them to repent. However, the Jews are stubborn and refuse to wake up, and even awaken to sin earlier than the gentiles - to copy their evil ways. And so the prophet speaks of the punishment then being meted out to the gentiles again. And then the Jews, still not learning a lesson from the punishment dished out to the gentiles, as the Jews continue to copy the decadent ways of the Goyim,  G-d further intensifies the punishment against the gentiles in the hope that the Jews will yet learn a lesson…Then Zephanya speaks of the end of days when the world will be punished into submission  for their plotting against the Jews. The context of the sins of the "pride people" and the "gay city" is also referred to in the backdrop of the verses. The Talmud in Yevamot brings down this chapter in Tzefania to prove that Jews need to learn from all of the plagues and disasters that are suffered by the gentiles as a wake-up call to Jews to do teshuva. Jews, wake up- Return to G-d and return to His land.

Rabbi Wasserman would learn the daily newspaper...
Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman was known to read the secular Russian media to learn what needed to be fixed by his local Yeshiva and community. The Hafetz Haim was said to have held a day of fasting after he heard about a devastating earthquake in Japan to do teshuva and seek repentance. We look at recent events that precede a tragedy or natural disaster to see if there is a measure for measure related connection to define the potential cause its effect. Only by defining the cause could one seek to know what deed or misdeed we need to fix.

Does the Torah warn that a particular sin would cause such a punishment? There is no other way to correct a sin, without knowing what the sin is that requires our attention. The illness can be cured if we know what the cause is. This is why we must have the ability to seek the cause by reviewing headlines, or the daf yomi of that day or the parsha of that week to see a hint and to know in which direction to find the answers. If the answers were not of the nature that anyone can google or see for himself after a basic of those days and the current events, then it would not be reasonable to expect us to wake up to teshuva for a specific sin.  The answer is there for any who cares to look at the blaring headlines. The answer is there for anyone who seeks to open his eyes and his ears and who truly seeks to avert future tragedy. The answers are staring  at us on the wall, otherwise we would not be expected to utilize the punishment or suffering as an indication about what needs correcting.

G-d is good. Punishements and suffering to wake us up and prevent worse...
The Talmud says in Baba Kama that one who says that G-d is "Vatran" - does not execute punishment, is then punished by G-d. Similarly the Rambam in Hilchot Taanit says that one who says that there is no rhyme or reason to events and that it is not all orchestrated by G-d but rather a matter of chance and a "mikreh" or "Kerry" - translated as a mere coincidence, then he will be given more and more "Kerry" until he wakes up and seeks to repent for the sin that has caused that tragedy.

When one looks at the news in the days prior to the heatwave in an attempt to try and piece-together a puzzle and to find a Torah-proof cause to the heatwave and the tragedy here, as well as the more intense tragedies elsewhere that need correction on our part, we see a series of events which immediately preceded the crippling heat-wave, we find the following headlines:

Government destroys Jewish homes in Beth El. Indictment of Rabbi for sexual abuse of the wives of his disciples in Zefat. Israel's diplomatic efforts to lobby Congress against the Obama-Iran deal. Gay Pride Parade planned for Jerusalem. Jewish teens arrested and blamed for arson against a church near Tiberias.Yes, sexual decadence and abominations like the Gay Pride Parade do cause decrees against the Jewish people. Historically all of Israel's recent wars as well as last year's kidnapping and murder of the three boys that led to the war in Gaza all happened on the day or shortly after the Gay Pride Parades. Not to speak of the horrible allegations against the Rabbi in Zefat for his sexual crimes against many women which surfaced recently.. Driving Jews out of their homes and shelter onto the streets could bring about a decree that exposes all of Israel to heat and other woes of nature even in the confines of their air-conditioned homes that otherwise shelter them from heat and rough climate conditions. We also read in the days preceding the heatwave about more and more IDF officers and soldiers being investigated for "war crimes" for using "excessive unwarranted" force to defend themselves. In Israel's obsessive quest to find favor in the eyes of the gentiles they prosecute their own soldiers, for fighting back against the enemy. Now in the heat wave, a soldier dies for no apparent reason, and not in battle. A wake up call to stop putting our soldiers in harms way just for the sake of pleasing the gentiles?

The Gaon of Vilna states that gematria is also a tool in these days of confusion before redemption

 A gematria of  "soldier Dan Sela" equals the numeric value of The "Winograd" Commision. The self-hating commission that was aimed at self-criticism. At a time when all of Israel's leaders fall over themselves to apologize to the Arabs and at a time when the news broadcasts daily about Israeli military trials and investigations against officers who used "excessive and unwarranted force" against he poor Arabs in recent battles and incidents.

The Final Report of the Commission to Investigate the Lebanon Campaign in 2006 (the Winograd Committee) was submitted on 30 January 2008 to the then Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, and to the Minister of Defense, Ehud Barak. A press release covered some of the major conclusions.The committee stood behind everything they had said in the Interim Report.

Taken from Wikipedia: The report categorized the 2nd Lebanon war as a serious missed opportunity. The war had ended without clear military victory, a much smaller para-military organization successfully resisted against a much larger force which had complete air superiority among other technological advantages. Lebanese rockets aimed at Israel's civilian population continued throughout the war which Israel could not effectively stop. Life in the affected regions of Israel was seriously disrupted, with many civilians either leaving their homes temporarily or spending time in shelters. When Israel initiated a large scale ground offensive the offensive did not result in military gains and was not completed.
Some of the troubling findings revealed that there were serious failings and shortcomings in the decision-making processes at both the political and military levels, in preparedness, decision-making and performance in the IDF, particularly the army, in strategic thinking and planning, in both the political and the military echelons, and in the defence of the civilian population and in coping with rockets.
The decision to react immediately to the kidnapping limited Israel's range of options to only two, a stand-off war or an invasion. Israel went to war before it had decided which option to use and military and political echelons failed to have a serious discussion of the options or decide between them. Even so, until the first week of August, Israel was unprepared to launch a large-scale ground operation.
As a result, Israel was 'dragged' into a ground operation too late. Despite the fact that it was a limited war initiated by Israel itself, Israel did not use its military force well and effectively. Israel did not gain a political achievement because of military successes.

Voice of Judea Commentary:
Was the death of this young healthy soldier a wake-up call to ready ourselves for war. Wow, sounds like a mirror warning and report that could G-d forbid be commissioned after Israel is struck off-guard by thousands of rockets or a nuclear assault from Iran. Crying before Congress to save us would not be so pathetic if we were now preparing our troops for the future war with our neighbors and preparing to take out Iran in a preemptive military strike. Are we going to be again dragged in to react too late after Iran and their proxies surprise us and determine the intensity and timing of teh next conflict? Will we again miss the opportunity to destroy them and finish them off once and for all?

Shmitta end means economic crashes in the Exile
The closing days of the shemitta year have unraveled  over recent shmittas as days of judgement upon the nations. Our Rabbis also teach us that a solar eclipse is a bad sign for the nations, something expected also at the close of the shmita year.. Stock market crashes and other calamities have been experienced after shmitta in recent history. Such tragedies always bring with them the risk that the Jewish scapegoat in the Galut will be forced to pay the price. Kerry and others are already hinting that the Jews will be blamed for the next war America is dragged into due to Israel's intransigent position in the region or for Obama's failure to sell the Iran deal to the American public. .Obama is openly blaming Jewish money for opposition to the Iran deal. The next war, with or without an Iran deal in place will bring about, G-d forbid, a rash of Jew hatred unparalleled in American history as the Jews are blamed for the "Jewish War" and for the ongoing campaign of terror that will inevitably be unleashed against  America and the Western "Satan".

Time to come home
This is not a time to be left behind in America or the Exile. It is no coincidence that the prophecy in Zephanya speaks also about the humble and the poor who adhere to the Torah who are saved and who survive, while the rich and the haughty G-d forbid perish. This, G-d forbid, is the fate that awaits American Jewry who live a lucrative and comfortable life of luxury in the Exile. Now, it is time to leave the Exile and come home to Israel, while this can still be done with relative ease. Liquidate the Exile before the Exile Liquidates you. Time is of the essence. Who knows how events will continue to unravel? Big things are happening around the world. It is all for the Jews and we are at the center of it all.

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