Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly, Blood coming out of her wherever. Candidates... Let's Please Talk About Protecting WOMEN! Fight ISIS, Fight Iran! Before it's too late! Isis Treatment of Yezidi Women!


Donald Trump's 'blood' comment about Megyn Kelly draws outrage

Atlanta (CNN)Donald Trump's feud with Megyn Kelly escalated Friday night when he said the Fox News host had "blood coming out of her wherever" at this week's Republican debate, resulting in swift condemnation from conservatives and a major political event pulling its invitation to him.
During Thursday's presidential debate, Kelly pressed Trump about misogynistic, sexist comments he made in the past, such as calling some women "fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals."
Trump slammed Kelly, saying her questions were "ridiculous" and "off-base."
"You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes," Trump told CNN's Don Lemon on Friday night. "Blood coming out of her wherever."

All this talk about how Donald Trump degrades women avoids talking about real mistreatment of women that is so painful that noone wants to talk about it yet should be talking about it and SHOULD BE STOPPING IT!

Donald Trump sounds like a teenage male in a locker room. 

True,  it is not Presidential.  He is hitting below the belt.  

Yet, it is a typical low class way of speaking and a way of men getting back at women when women are being difficult,  contrary, moody, obnoxious or on the attack. There are much worse derogatory names to call a women.  Use your imagination...

It is even common for women to accuse other women of being in that time of month when a woman acts in a manner that is characterized as "doglike" (hint: term used for female dog that begins with a B and ends with a Y).

In fact, it's common for a woman to apologize for being hysterical, moody or unreasonable because it's that time of month.  Women themselves do it all the time. 

In this case, Megyn Kelly was asking a question that attacked Donald's character and Donald was ticked off.  I personally thought that he handled the question fairly well during the debate and to his credit kept his cool.  After the debate, however,  he in my opinion, went on a rebound and overreacted. 

It made lots of news and his ratings seem to rise. 

 But The REAL NEWS SHOULD BE WOMEN's PROTECTION and Women's rights. 

So let us talk the real Issues and not merely the Drama. 

IF Megyn Kelly and Donald Trump want to talk about real issues, especially about women's protection, let them  talk about stopping the spread and empowerment of ISIS and IRAN  true misogynist, sexist societies whose treatment of women are subhuman!

Our country and the world is in big time trouble.  OBAMA's policies are clearly empowering these misogynistic regimes big time and Democratic politicians who support Obama's agenda are being hypocrites and liars when they say that they have worked for, advocated for, fought for women's rights and their right to make a personal decision.  They are all speaking BS. .

 I want to know what these Republican candidates suggest short term, way before the Presidential election of 2016, as to what America should do to combat ISIS and the horrific, animalistic, treatment that Yezidi women have been subjected to since ISIS has been gaining ground.

Why did America, a superpower, fail to stop ISIS, a relatively weak force a year ago in spite of America's "military efforts" and basically ignored the cries of the Yezidi women?.  ISIS is now on the border with Israel and has taken over many countries, has beheaded and enslaved those they consider infidels and millions displaced and fleeing...http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/isis-worst-refugee-crisis-generation-millions-flee-islamic-state-iraq-syria-1506613

Why is HIllary and other Democrats supporting Obama and his administration who are empowering those who truly hate and despise women, who treat women literally as animals and property,owned by men, sold and resold as sex slaves with absolutely no human rights whatsoever? 

Why is America's taxpayer money funding  Planned Parenthood who buys and sells body parts of aborted children, and treats dead carcasses of human fetuses no different than any other commodity, squabbling over prices etc? 

Why aren't the Republicans raising h-ll about such barbaric practices and not putting into a motion to impeach Obama and his administration.  

We can not afford to wait an entire year with evil growing exponentially for a new Republican President..  Republicans need to unite now to fight this Administration from taking over our country!  Do we want additional millions of refugees fleeing their homes? 

 Let us talk about our Constitution and how the President of the USA has been circumventing it. Let us talk about how this world is so much more dangerous from just this past year.

Hillary says she finds Donald's comments to Megyn offensive. After all, she deeply cares about women, protecting women and their healthcare. She is after all a women and how dare Republicans attack Planned Parenthood after all that they do for women's health? 

I wonder what Hillary thinks about the disturbing videos concerning ISIS and Yezidi Women's health following the ISIS attack.  

I wonder, what  the Republican candidates think about disturbing videos about ISIS and the way they treat the Yezidi women?

Hopefully this debate will trigger a real debate as per how we can get back our country before it is too late, before martial law takes over under Obama who clearly seems to be an impostor in the White House.  Lies and Deceit are his trademark and personal attacks on his attackers are his modus operendi. 

The people of the USA understand that a true gentlemen as are  most of the Republican candidates will have a hard time winning over the likes of the Obama Administration because playing by the rules, and being politically correct, and being democratic and civil is twisted by the likes of the Administration and then used against you.  We are dealing with evil where those that oppose us don't appreciate sanctity of human life.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=66&v=aP8-t8iWj08 Ben Carson Meet The Press FULL Interview On Trump, Black Lives Matter, Debate

With this administration, black means white and white means black. According to Obama the Republican Caucus sides with those who chant "Death to AMerica" because they are critical of the Obama Nuclear Deal with Iran. Other examples are too numerous to count...

Please, be aware that the following contains very graphic and disturbing material. Viewer Discretion advised...RT

Never..."Again!" Yezidis Facing Genocide!

Published on Aug 9, 2015

A special event by Canadian Jews and friends of the Yezidi people. One year ago this August the Yezidis of northern Iraq faced a genocide, Thousands of their men were killed by ISIS after the Kurds abandoned them on Mount Sinjar, Over 7,000 of their women and girls were kidnapped into sex slavery for ISIS fighters and until this day the Yeziti people are facing terrible things by the muslims who surround them. Yezitis are not Arab, Muslim or Christian but are a peaceful people. http://www.yezidihumanrights.org/

Video production by Treasures of the Heart Video



Slaves of the Caliphate - BBC News


Iran vs Israel : The nuclear deal (2015)


On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 10:56 PM, RANANAH GOLDHAR <rgoldhar2@sympatico.ca> wrote:

Please forward this email to all of your contacts that have a heart and conscience!
"NEVER  AGAIN!"     
Marking 2014 Aug. 3 Betrayal by Iraqi Kurdish Forces and ISIS Massacre of 5000 and Enslavement of 7000 Yezidis

Terrified Yezidi child being sold as sex-slave at Mosul Slave Market


Check out our facebook event page and invite your "facebook friends"

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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