Thursday, July 16, 2015

Schumer, Time to call Obama and Kerry What They Are: Traitors! Stop Iran Now by Uniting Democrats and Republicans against Obama Administration.. Will Schumer be a Shomer? Democrats need to choose! Only on the Offensive!


The Goal : Stop Iran Now!

Time to Call Obama and Kerry What They Are: Traitors by Daniel Greenfield

In order to win enough votes to override of Obama's veto it is not enough for Schumer to vote against the Iranian Deal.  A lot more is required of him. Schumer must mobilize other Democrat Congress-members to get the required number of votes to override a Presidential veto. 

This means openly opposing Obama.  

Obama does not take kindly to those who dare to oppose him especially those within his camp.  Even if the Democrats just want to stop a bad deal, Obama will treat their opposition as a Coup forcing them to go on the defensive so why not start off on the Offensive? 

The Democrats are between a rock and a hard place.  

There doesn't see to be another way other than to target the Obama Administration and unite Democrats and Republicans alike to go on the offensive with the Obama Administration and those who support him such as Hillary Clinton,  Senator Kirsten Gillibrand etc.. 

Let us impress upon Schumer and fellow Democrats in the Congress that they have to choose.     

There is no sitting on the fence with this Deal.  

They either run with Obama or against him.  

When they choose to run with Obama on this deal, we who understand the horrific consequences G-d forbid must be willing to blacklist them.  We won't forgive nor forget... (hope that is not a racial comment. It wasn't meant to be...)

The Democratic Party under Obama Administration has lost its vision.  It's not only the Iranian deal which is problematic but that those behind it are not  to be trusted.  ( and this doesn't only apply to the Iranians as the following points indicate..)

  • Obama Administration empowered Muslim Brotherhood and stopped arms to Sisi.  In spite of that, Sisi stood his ground against Obama and his Administration and has won world respect.  Sisi's regime is the only power in the Middle East that is effectively stopping ISIS right  now on Israel's southern border.  Thank G-d. Bless him and may he have continued success against fighting evil.. Can you imagine the terrible danger Israel would be in on the southern border if Morsi and not Sisi would be in control?
  • Obama Administration's policies in comparison have proven a disaster when it comes to fighting ISIS. There are millions of refugees, Thousands have been beheaded, Thousands enslaved. 
  • Obamacare is unaffordable and mediocre compared to previous plans before Obamacare, forced insurance upon middle class with fines if we don't comply etc.  The burden of carrying insurance for the nonpaying uninsured is way too much for the paying insured.  .Just ask your average American....
  • Criminal immigration into America going haywire,  Donald Trump is gaining ground..
  • Assault on the 2nd Amendment and clamping down with gun control on law abiding citizens leaving relatively more non law abiding citizens with access to guns since they will circumvent the law to obtain them anyway
  • Planned Parenthood fiasco, pro choice is now big business selling baby parts
  • Individuals, private business fined big fines for not baking a cake for a same sex union?  
  • etc....

Where is our wrath against Obama's policies????.  The only way Democrats have a chance next election if they distance themselves from Obama now! 

Now let us brace ourselves for the expected backlash!

If Schumer as minority leader, succeeds in convincing enough Democrats to join with him in opposing Obama, Obama will not be very happy.  He will retaliate. 

 Look how he got back at Netanyahu.... 

He stopped armed shipments to Israel at the height of Protective Edge..., 
He meddled into Israeli politics by pouring lots of money into a negative campaign against Netanyahu,  
He called him names 
and tried to humiliate him. 
threatened to isolate Israel in the UN etc.

Is it fair to put the entire onus on Schumer to do the right thing... Others must be willing to share the brunt of the backlash. Schumer is probably a dead duck if he succeeds in opposing this Iranian deal if Obama has his way. Therefore, Democrats and Republicans must unite to fight the Obama Administration.

Suggestions that will encourage Minority Democrat Leader Schumer to go on the Offensive and stand up to Obama and his Administration!
  • It is the right thing to do!
  • Let him know we and much of America are behind him 100 percent if he chooses to go on the Offensive with the Obama Administration
  • Let him declare that the only good deal with Iran is to Destroy Iranian nuclear capability. Iran is not to be trusted.
  • Let Schumer and other Democrats threaten to destroy Obama's legacy and his programs listed above such as Obamacare, allowing illegal Immigration, instituting ridiculous political correctness  guidelines that pertain only to Islam  etc The important thing is not to be afraid...!!
  • Let Schumer and fellow Democratic elected officials assure their constituencies that from now on they will side with their conscience and against Obama's platform when necessary.  They will not blindly follow an Administration that has lost its vision and gone a muck.  
  • No matter how invested one is with the Democratic party, the time has come to cut ones losses! The Iranian deal is the straw that broke the camel's back. Even if it is the untouchable Democratic party... 

Who will want to vote Democrat anyway after Obama gets his way?  How will one live with their conscience or explain  to their grandchildren their decision to support a bad deal?       

Democratic politicians will have everything to gain by opposing and distancing themselves from Obama.(so long as we still have a country left...) 

Hashem Oz LeAmo Yiten Hashem Yevarech es Amo BaShalom.  May G-d send his people moral fortitude to fight evil and Bless them with Peace. 

Thank you for listening.

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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