Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Prof. Paul Eidelberg on America, Iran, Obama, Muslims


Paul EidelbergPaul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy,

Obama's agenda: adulterate American culture and terminate America's National Sovereignty. This should be the constant warning of patriots competing for the American Presidency.

A Message to My Fellow Americans

Whereas (1) the leaders of Iran have brazenly and repeatedly screamed "Death to America," and
Whereas (2) this genocidal threat is derived from immutable Islamic theology, and 
Whereas (3) this genocidal threat is derived from the Qur'an and other Islamic scriptures, on which the entire power structure of Islamic regimes are based and continue to exist, and 
Whereas (4) Islamic theology precludes enduring political compromise or accommodation with non-Muslims, and 
Whereas (5) the Government of Iran is engaged in a nuclear weapons program to implement the genocidal malediction "Death to America,"

Therefore, the only rational, responsible, and upright policy of the United States and of its next President is to eliminate Iran as a political power capable of fulfilling that malediction. 

Any reliance on diplomatic agreements with Iran that contradict that curse is indicative of folly and cowardice, or the inability to face the fact that Islamic leaders cannot engage in abiding compromise with the United States without violating their religion or Islamic scriptures, a breach that would undermine their continuance in power vis-à-vis any competing Islamic party. 

Therefore, it behooves Americans to support that Presidential candidate who possesses the courage and wisdom to be guided by the preceding considerations concerning Iran, its deeply engrained Islamic character, and its absolutist theological imperatives.◙

Anyone for America? by Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Barack Obama. is hastening the end of America as a sovereign nation-state. This was evident in his Supreme Court appointments, Sonia Sotomayor and ‎Elena Kagan,  who advocate  support "transnational legal thinking."

Such thinking heralds the end of America as a sovereign state. This amounts to a bloodless revolution, and it has has ever been the goal of Barack Obama, a man without a country, a pseudo-cosmopolitan or post-American pesident.

So far as I know, none of the umpteen U.S. presidential candidates has addressed this  all-important issue. This is why even Donald Tromp falls into the "humanitarian" trap of advocating amnesty to illegal immigrants. 

Fwd: Iran's Collaborator, President Barack Obama: Part I

Negotiating with Muslims  Prof. Paul Eidelberg


Since Muslims regard "non-Muslims" as "pigs and "dogs," and not as wolves, it is not enough for the disciples of Muhammad to kill non-Muslims. The proud warriors of Allah must also degrade infidels, especially Christians, Allah's most numerous and most powerful opponents and competitors.


That's what the Islamic war cry "Allahu Akbar" means: Allah is the greatest of the gods.  


Overweening pride is the distinctive character trait of Muslims, in contrast to Christians, who exalt humility. Thus, for Muslims to degrade Christians only accentuates the lowliness in which Christian's take pride!


To the extent that the Christian ethos influences the attitude of American diplomats and American foreign policy experts, these Americans are entrapped in an ironic and deleterious situation when dealing with Allah's faithful. This is one, but not the only, reason why I oppose negotiations with Muslims.


In relating to the warriors of Allah, one should employ an uncompromising and coercive "either-or" approach.


Of course, such a modus operandi goes against the grain of liberals and democracies whose media are fond of Benjamin Netanyahu's negotiating ideal of "reciprocity," a concept utterly foreign to Islam.


Reciprocity is so foreign to Islam that its adoption by Muslims would be equivalent to a renunciation of their religion!


Yet this is precisely what is logically and politically entailed by the policy of "territory for peace" pursued by every Israeli prime minister from Yitzchak Rabin to Netanyahu, along with their countless experts in political science!☼




Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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