Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Seize the Moment! Signs of Moshiach: Deputy Foreign Minister Hotoveli First Rashi of Breishis (and President Rivlin conflicting messages) Ayelet Shaked Justice Minister - Supporting Jewish State Law - Nahum Rakover Mishpat Ivri on Front Page of Ami Magazine..Hoshiva Shofteinu Kavarishona.... Rabbi Reisman of Agudath Yisroel quotes Chasam Sofer a true Zionist on Leyl Shavuoth


Tzipi Hotovely - Deputy Foreign Minister

Hotovely Tells Foreign Ministry to Quote Torah to the World.  Deputy FM in speech tells Israeli envoys worldwide to reference Torah in arguing Israel's right to all of the land. Tzipi Hotovely Quotes Rashi In Telling Diplomats That All Of Israel's Land Belongs To Jews 

Deputy Minister Hotovely Quotes First Rashi

Let us compare Deputy Minister Hotovely's remarks with President Rivlin.  Before doing so let us see President Rivlin in a positive light.  

Reuven Rivlin - President

President Rivlin was so proud of Chabad in Nepal and so proud of what Israel was doing in Nepal! He is a beaming Grandfather shepping Nachas from his kids..

President Rivlin loves the fact that Israel is a game player and leader in the universal stage of nations.  He and the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, have to deal with enormous pressures and at times need to be gently reminded however, that this goes hand in hand with a fundamental given that the Land of Israel must be under exclusive Sovereignty of the Children of Israel following the precepts of the Torah.  A Palestinian State, aka the two State Solution,  are mutually exclusive with a Jewish State.. 

Will a Palestinian State have the obligation of keeping  Shemittah for example?  This exalted status of being a leader among nations carries with it obligations and responsibilities.  These obligations and responsibilities require that we settle the Land, the entire Land as the Deputy Minister Tzipi Hatovely made clear and let me add, according to the precepts of the Torah. 

Therefore, it makes me sad to report that....

President Reuven Rivlin, who in the past was a prominent opponent to a two-state solution, met Thursday with EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and reiterated the commitment Netanyahu made a day earlier to a two-state solution.

Probably a political ploy to quiet the raging storms brewing when Israel speak the truth about Judea and Samaria and Har Habayit. 

Ayelet Shaked: Justice Minister

A True Jewish Minister of Justice. During her Knesset membership, Ms. Shaked pushed for passage of an amendment that would limit the – in her words – "leftist" High Court of Justice's power, while supporting the "Jewish State Law," 

NAHUM RAKOVER is featured in this week's Ami Magazine.  A Conversation with Professor Nahum Rakover. BTW Rabbi Frankfurter, publisher of AMI magazine took a leading role in defending the Chareidi position against the Chareidi Draft not particularly Tzioni Stand.  Interesting that they are publicizing the work of Nahum Rakover and Mishpat Ivri. 

Nahum Rakover (Hebrew: נחום רקובר b. 13 November 1932), professor emeritus at Bar-Ilan University, is an Israeli former Deputy Attorney General in Israel,
Rakover is a leading researcher in the area of applying traditional Jewish rabbinic law to Israel's state legal system.[1]
He is a prolific author on Jewish law and associated with the Mishpat Ivri movement, and is the author of over 30 books and 200 articles.[1] In addition to important monographs, he has compiled several bibliographies on the use of Jewish law in Israeli judicial opinions, legislative deliberations, and scholarship.

Rabbi Reismanm Rav of Agudath Yisroel of Madison gave a very Tzioni lecture on Tikkun Leyl Shavuoth..  He said that he has 20 sources of the Chasam Sofer which proves how Zionistic the Chasam Sofer was in the early 1800's, before Jewish Settlement In Judea and Samaria and making Aliya was fashionable. He says that the Chasam Sofer was a Gilgul of the Ramban.  Not sure if that was literal or figurative.  Probably the latter. Rabbi Reisman shared two proofs that seem to differ from the Shita of the Satmer Rebbe's position that Moshiach must come before Jews return to the Land of Israel.  The first proof was the Pasuk "Rachel Mevakah Al Baneha"  Mother Rochel is crying for her children.  Hashem consoles her "Minee Koleych Mibechi, ....Vashavu Meeretz Oyev".  Hashem consoles Mother Rochel that they will return from the land of their enemies.  The Chasam Sofer asks.  Why is this such a consolation.  Didn't Hashem already promise the ingathering of the exiles in the time of Moshiach? "Unefutzoseinu Kanes Miyarkesai Aretz". Doesn't Hashem keep His promises?  How was Rachel Imeinu consoled?  From here we learn that they will return while they are still in the Land of their enemies, ie before Moshiach comes when they are still among the Goyim. .

The second proof was from the last Perek of Yirmiyahu.  Contact Rabbi Reisman for more details.

It seems like we are in a window of opportunity.  The Chareidim and the Dati Leumi and secular Zionist and the Gov't of Israel are slowly uniting with a Torah message.  Let us seize the moment!  

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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