Monday, April 20, 2015

Fwd: PART II: ACTION NEEDED NOW! Re: Iran - We Cannot Stop Our Vigilance! from Lynne and Nessim Tammam Yom Hashoah Mobilization Committee

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lynne Bursky Tammam <>
Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 10:20 AM
To: "" <>, "" <>
Cc: Lynne Bursky-Tammam <>

Dear All,
There are two critical developments of which everyone should be aware:    
  • Senator Schumer stood by his statements, his words, and his promises.   Now, we have to praise him for that and encourage him to maintain his courage, his fortitude, and his commitment in the face of formidable obstacles within his own party.   Please read the article below to fully appreciate the extent of Senator Schumer's actions in response to the pressure from his constituents.  That includes every single one of you who, made a phone call, wrote an e-mail, wrote a letter, wrote an article, or who stood outside of his office!!!  
    Senator Schumer was and continues to be instrumental in getting the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act enacted as it was formulated by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  Securing a veto-proof majority continues to be the goal.   The Senate is expected to vote on the bill imminently.   If and when a deal is presented to Congress, we will have to work tirelessly to make sure that 60 votes are secured against it IF it is a bad deal.   (This is the result of one of the amendments that was made to garner the votes needed for a veto-proof majority.)  

  • Russia is ready to complete the sale and transfer to Iran of one of the most advanced anti-missile systems in the world.    If these missiles are shipped to Iran within the next 6 months or sooner, Iran will be able to fire a single battery of missiles at multiple targets up to almost 90,000 feet!    This will make any offensive against Iran far more difficult or nearly impossible from the air.     We must encourage Congress to increase sanctions against Russia that are severe enough to discourage them from delivering to Iran one of the most advanced anti-missile defense systems in the world.  Increased economic sanctions will make it more costly for Russia to sell the missiles than to not sell them.   

1)  Call Senator Schumer at 202-224-6542 or 212-486-4430.  You can e-mail him at   You can also send a postcard to 780 Third Avenue,  Suite 2301  N.Y., N.Y. 10017  or to 322 Hart Senate Office Building   Washington, D.C. 20510 (Postcards take less time to pass through security.   You can send two postcards with two different messages.)
Sample message:  "First, and foremost, I am calling/writing to praise you for your display of courage and integrity at this historic juncture.   Your efforts to secure passage and enactment of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act has come at a perilous time for the United States and its allies, not to mention Israel.     I and all your constituents who are terrified about the prospect of Iran having nuclear capability are confident that you will continue to garner the necessary support in Congress to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. 
With the extremely alarming news that: 1) Iran is heavily arming terrorists in the West Bank, promising that this move will 'lead to Israel's annihilation'; 2) that Iran supplied much of Hamas's arsenal, training, and technical expertise in its recent war with Israel," 3)  that Iran has a direct presence on Israel's border with Syria and may be establishing elements of its nuclear program; and 4) that Russia is planning to transfer the S-300 advanced anti-missile defense system to Iran,  we are counting on you more than ever to fulfill your promise to be a 'shomer' for the security of Israel and the United States.    As you have stated, 'We must do everything to prevent a nuclear Iran...this issue is far too important for the United States, for Israel, and for the entire Middle East.'"    
Secondly,  the Russian sale of the S-300 missile system to Iran is of grave concern.  The most severe sanctions possible should be enacted against Russia if it intends to proceed with this sale.  This sophisticated missile system will make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to launch any air offensive against Iran if that, G-d forbid, should be necessary."
2)  Call Senator Gillibrand at 202-224-4451 or 212-688-6262.   E-mail her at and send an e-mail to Moran Banai, her assistant for Jewish interests and foreign affairs, at     You can send a postcard to her at 780 Third Ave.  Suite 2601  New York, N.Y. 10017 or 478 Russell  Washington, D.C. 20510.
Sample message:    I am calling/writing for three reasons.   First, I am aware that you voted to reaffirm sanctions against Iran in the budget passed before the holiday recess which was of critical importance.   Sanctions are what brought Iran to the negotiating table. 
Secondly, your office stated on April 9 that you had "not decided as yet" if you would co-sponsor the bill.   Did you sign on as a to co-sponsor the Corker-Menendez bill?  We are counting on you to be on the right side of history at this extremely perilous time and vote for the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 and ensure its enactment despite all obstacles.    We are all depending on you to make sure that Congress ensures that Iran, the world's foremost leader of state-sponsored terrorism, is prevented from having nuclear weapons. 
Thirdly, the Russians' decision to transfer the S-300 sophisticated missile system to Iran, the regime that has sworn to "wipe Israel off the map," is of grave concern.  This missile system will make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to launch any air offensive against Iran if it should become necessary.  We are asking you to fight for the most severe sanctions possible against Russia if they proceed with this sale."
3)  If Iran remains intransigent with their continued refusal to allow inspections, their insistence on continuing with nuclear weapon research and development, and their insistence on removal of all sanctions immediately, we must fight for greater and more punishing sanctions to be imposed by the United States.    Contrary to what President Obama, Secretary Kerry, Congresswoman Boxer, Greg Rosenbaum (Chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council) , the New York Times and others have been promoting, the imposition and enforcement of the most severe sanctions is a last chance for diplomacy that will force the Iranians' hands.   The alternative, as Former Ambassador John Bolton has advocated, is military action (NYT, 3/26/15).  IRAN, THE WORLD'S FOREMOST LEADER OF STATE-SPONSORED TERRORISM, THE ROGUE NATION THAT IS SEEKING REGIONAL DOMINATION, THE NATION THAT HAS SWORN TO "ANNIHILATE ISRAEL AND WIPE IT OFF THE MAP," CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HAVE A NUCLEAR BOMB UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 
4) As reported in the Times (4/11/15), Stephen Bittel, a Miami-based business executive and prominent fund-raiser for  Democrats is having a huge fund-raiser for Senator Schumer in Florida later this month.  Bittel said, "Jews of every persuasion were expected" to attend.   Mr. Bittel was quoted as saying "I think that the problem is we are in the most polarized political environment in my adult life.  It's unfortunate."   IF YOU KNOW ANYONE IN FLORIDA WHO MIGHT BE ATTENDING THIS EVENT, LET THEM KNOW THAT THE PROBLEM IS THAT IRAN IS SEEKING TO "WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP" AND IS ON A QUEST FOR REGIONAL DOMINATION!   ALLOWING A NUCLEAR IRAN IS NOT A MATTER OF POLITICS!   IT IS NOT A REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRATIC ISSUE!   IT IS AN ISSUE THAT WILL HAVE GRAVE CONSEQUENCES FOR ISRAEL, THE U.S. AND THE ENTIRE WORLD.    Please send your contacts in Florida information and articles regarding alarming developments related to Iran.  

At this time of Holocaust Remembrance,  we should let all those with whom we have contact understand that NOW is the time to put into action the words "NEVER AGAIN."   Much of American Jewry in the 1930s and early 1940s did not know what was happening in Europe.  We have information!   We are informed!   We have no excuse for not acting!    In the face of the enormity of the danger of a nuclear Iran, we cannot remain silent and we are obligated to act in the memory of the millions whose voices were silenced during the Shoah.  
WE CANNOT STOP OUR VIGILANCE!   As Benjamin Netanyahu said on April 1st, "the greatest threat to our security and to our future was and remains Iran's effort to arm itself with nuclear weapons." 
Most sincerely and with prayers for the unity of the Jewish people at this dangerous time,   
Lynne Bursky-Tammam and Nessim Tammam
Chairpersons, Yom Hashoah Mobilization Committee



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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