Monday, November 10, 2014

Tough Choices of Major Roy Levy of Golani Brigade. Moral Dilemma of a Commander. Let's make an Opera or movie about this. The Challenge of Giulio Meotti!


Let us call upon all those that support the arts to support Art that Stands for Israel and Truth!  

For example, Let us make a Movie or Opera about this:

The Truth about the IDF (Israeli Defence Force)

Op-Ed: Don't Just Blame "Klinghoffer", Blame Yourselves Protesting, while important, is not the answer. The Jewish intellectual community can do better. by Giulio Meotti

Giulio Meotti writes:

Why isn't there a single Jewish artist who created a counter "Klinghoffer" opera? Where are all the Jewish writers?

Why have Israeli artists left the massacres of the Second Intifada unheard, unseen?

Is it possible that all that US Jewry has to offer to the public is the sexual pathology of Philip Roth, the psycho-convulsions of Woody Allen or the homosexual melancholy of Tony Kushner?

Why don't Jewish artists such as David Mamet produce art which stands for Israel and truth?

Instead of trying to ban operas, which, to some, makes it seem that Jews are moving closer to the Muslim fanatics who in Europe are destroying freedom of expression by banning operas such as "Aisha", Jews should compete with anti-Semites on their own ground. That of journalism and culture. Israel and world Jewry are losing that battle because of their own lack of self-confidence.

Leon Klinghoffer, who was killed in my beautiful Italian sea, with the complicity of my cowardly political authorities, deserved more than prayers and protests in New York. He deserved an opera immortalizing his Jewish martyrdom for the generations to come. 
Dear Giulio Meotti, 

It is not merely lack of self-confidence.  

Why is it that funding in the arts for leftist liberal agenda is readily available yet funding for Israel and Truth hard to come by?  Ask Yuval Granot, Shmuel Katz's sonwho is about to produce a movie about his dad which is sure to brighten the flame of Zionism worldwide.


In the Event  "Global Anti-Semitism: A Threat to International Peace and Security," Palau Hosts U.N. Session on Combating Anti-Semitism

The final speaker before a short Q and  A PART TWO VIDEO  was Dr. Michael Llorenz, Professor Touro College Graduate School of Business, "Entrepreneurship: A Tool to Social Integration"  (20:56 – 35:33) This, too, was a powerful  speech. 

Michael Llorenz, director of the Entrepreneurship Center at the Touro College Graduate School of Business, described a positive strategy that can be implemented against anti-Semitism and the delegitimization of Israel. He called on supporting budding entrepreneurs with incentives and encouraging them to take on projects that collaborate with Israeli innovators and other aspects of Israeli society. This way, it will become more difficult to treat Israel as a vilified "other."

Entrepreneurship is also not limited to science and technology. Social entrepreneurship can be the modern version of tikkun olam (repairing the world)—for instance, by launching a social media campaign against anti-Semitism.

"Entrepreneurship is highly effective diplomacy," he said.

Robin Ticker

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