Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pro Israel Journalist Tuvia Tenenbom a multilingual journalist and play-write exposes B'Tselem, Gideon Levy, Rabbi's for Human Rights. Hope he creates an Opera entitled "Catch The Jew".


(BTW B'Tselem and Rabbi's for Human Rights were allowed to march in this Year's Israel Day Parade. Protesters who now protest "The Death of Klinghoffer" also relentlessly protested these enemies of Israel marching in the Israel Day Parade. 

Please visit JCCWatch Alert! Boycott Israel Groups Marching in Celebrate Israel Parade. Groups that fund and support the boycott of Israel have been approved by the UJA-Federation to march in the Celebrate Israel Parade.)  Why do Jews like Peter Gelb of the Met and John Ruskay of UJA Federation aid our worst enemies????

The Israeli media have been buzzing about the delicious story of Tuvia Tenenbom and his expose of the shenanigans of the radical Left operating in the West Bank.  Tenenbom is a multilingual journalist and play-write. He is well known as the founder of the Jewish Theater in New York.  Passing himself off as a clueless leftist German reporter, he allowed himself to be hosted by various far-Leftist propaganda groups operating in the West Bank, supposedly "aiding" Palestinians.  He wrote his experiences up in a delightful book called "Catch the Jew," in Hebrew only for now (but in the process of being translated into English).

The findings of Tuvia Tenenbom is written up in YNET as well. 

Holocaust deniers in B'Tselem Op-ed Ynet:  Organization is not dealing with human rights, but encourages anti-Semitism. It's not about criticizing Israel's actions or about healing world; it's about Jewish support of fabricated blood libels meant to assist Hamas. So this is who UJA Federation and the JCRC allowed to march in the Israel Day Parade?????,7340,L-4565828,00.html

...B'Tselem is the main supplier of factual background material thanks to researcher Atef Abu a-Rub who is also a Holocaust denier. The man is responsible for dozens of "researches" and reports about the Israeli abuse in the territories. He is so good at his job that when foreign reporters calls B'Tselem to visit the territories, it is Abu a-Rub who is sent to serve as their tour guide and shows them the area through his eyes.

...Member of B'Tselem public council Hussein Abu Hussein described Israel as a "big monster that attacks us on a daily basis and nibbles through our flesh… we all feel like crushing its head, but just talking will not help, therefore everyone has a role. Atef Abu a-Rub has a role. He is responsible for a flowing supply of "information" to describe Israel as a monster.

Abu a-Rub's story is taken from a fascinating book called "Catch the Jew" by Tuvia Tennenbaum. Tennenbaum, a former Israeli, wrote the book to a German publishing house following a similar journey through Germany, which was depicted in his book "I Sleep in Hitler's Room" Where Tuvia posed as a German reporter and toured the realm of the "human rights kingdom". The results were terrifying.

...Tennebaum asked from B'Tselem a tour in the territories and B'tselem sent Atef Abu a-Rub who, off course, told him his 1001 Arabian Nights tales about the Jews' wrong doings.
It's important to mention that Abu a-Rub also contributes to Gideon Levy's research, so next time someone is reading this research they should know that perhaps, occasionally, they point out to things that needs fixing, but mainly they prove that this is a satanic propaganda mechanism; it is not clear whether B'Tselem and Levy planned it that way, but they sure serve as key players in it.

Tenenbaum wasn't just satisfied with one organization – he joined additional bodies and activists that together created a terrifying industry of lies. One of these organizations is "Rabbis for Human Rights" headed by Rabbi Arik Ascherman. Ascherman sent Tenenbaum with the organization's field agents who thought he was speaking only German and English, therefore spoke in Hebrew and in Arabic, two languages Tuvia is fluent in. They tried hard to provide him with evidence of Israel's atrocities, but he wasn't buying it.




Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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