Tuesday, April 08, 2014


BS"D (acronym for BSiata Dishmaya  - with the help of G-d, our answer to BDS)

Yasher Koach to Richard Allen of JCCWatch.org and Beth Gilinsky of National Conference of Jewish Affairs for this Protest Rally!  They are true heroes of the day! Their budget is Zero! Also kudos to Helen Freedman and  AFSI always in the front line fighting for what is right and good. Yasher Koach to all the groups sponsoring and promoting this protest rally! Stop what you are doing even cleaning for Pesach and come!
Starts with Boycotts Rally to Oppose Israel Boycotters Participation in Celebrate Israel Parade in NYC

UFA-Federation, JCRC and yes even the IDF and the State of Israel are at times confused about Zionism. Their vision becomes blurry. So if for example, the Israel Day Parade parade is filled with BDS and or gay groups,  homosexual groups sporting huge rainbow colored flags there to promote their degenerate agenda, it is deteriorating  to the point where it is no longer serving a positive function.

We must answer to a higher authority.  Today on Arutz7, see story below,  Israel National News, the following news is making headlines.  It is connected to our protest.  What I am referring to is the destruction of homes in Yitzhar. We can not ignore the news of the day since it is interrelated. The producers of the Israel Day Parade takes it's cue from the Gov't of Israel which includes the likes of anti Israel Arab parties, Meretz etc. which are the BDS parties of the Knesset. Their decisions are influenced by these bad elements. 

Please join me with expressing a feeling of total disgust with the IDF's demolition of homes in Yitzhar!

Even Rabbi's who are politically motivated can't see the forest for the trees. (story below)

In all due respect to Rabbi Ronsky and to all those who engage in character assassination and  call 16 year old youth  accused of slashing tires, "violent elements",  "terrorists" or "criminal"....  please withhold your slander.  First of all, often these "price tag" accusations prove false and when investigated are proven to have Arab not Jewish perpetrators and are planted in order to slander,  deligitimize and assassinate the character of the settlers. .  

But let us assume that for this time, tires were indeed slashed by Jewish youth in response to IDF home demolitions. BTW Slashing tires usually fall under the category of vandalism,  a far lesser crime than being a "terrorist". Why not at the very least "dan Lekaf zechus?"  (judge favorably on the side of merit)

Arutz 7 reported that the IDF tore down a new house last week belonging to Avi and Shoshana Lazar. The Lazar family was due to move into their new home this week with five children. It seems like a 16 year old kid slashed IDF tires.  He was labeled a terrorist which escalated matters. More tires were slashed and the IDF  then demolished 4 more homes in Yitzhar!  Very Macho of them!

How would former IDF Chief Rabbi Ronsky respond if the IDF came and demolished his home in the name of Zionism and the homes of all his neighbors.  How much of a "Zionist" would he be?

Talking of all coming under One big Tent....We all answer to a Higher authority. G-d's Umbrella/Tent and the IDF is included. 

Is being appointed as Rabbi of the IDF means the IDF Rule of Law overrides G-d's rule of law?  

Many feel that soldiers should refuse, according to the instruction of their Rabbi's to obey immoral IDF orders to demolish Jewish homes for political purposes.  If Rabbi Ronsky is a true Rabbi why didn't he address the illegal house demolition of the Lazar''s a week ago?    Rabbi Ronsky should have spoken up, as a Rabbi, with authority to stop Jewish destruction by the hands of Jews.   The IDF perpetrated a criminal, anti Torah, and anti Zionist provocation and executed immoral orders of political higher ups.  These orders had nothing whatsoever to do with ZIonism and/or protection of the Land and in fact emboldens and empowers our enemies to attack us!  

If the Rabbi was thinking clearly he would admit that tires are easily replaceable and in this case was not a terror or criminal act but in response to a criminal act

If I would defend this kid pleading guilty to the charges, I would  find fault with Rabbi Ronsky and other Rabbi's who fail to condemn or prevent the IDF from acting recklessly.  

The bottom line is that Rabbi Ronsky and the majority of Rabbi's including Chareidi Rabbi's who recently protested with hundreds of thousands "in the name of Torah" are now silent about what the Torah says about destroying Jewish homes in Eretz Yisroel.  They fail,  by their silence, to stop  IDF bulldozers from destroying Jewish homes! 

Are we going to experience another Gush Katif and Amona on a massive scale in Judea and Samaria? 

Remember that these kids were young children who experienced deep and lasting trauma when they witnessed their beautiful homes destroyed and their lives shattered with the Gush Katif expulsions!  We all know what happened in Sderot and southern Israel following the Gush Katif expulsions. Shame on you for  blaming such kids who destroy tires!  Look at yourself in the mirror and see that by your silence you are allowing the IDF, border police etc.  to destroy homes and communities once again! 

 Don't be a hypocrite and condemn their "criminal" actions which are pale in comparison to yours!  These kids deserve our apologies and assurances that the sins of the past are not repeated!

What you call Zionism is just the opposite!  The kids know the truth!

Former IDF Chief Rabbi Calls Yitzhar Extremists 'Anti-Zionists'

Rabbi Ronski, former IDF Chief Rabbi, urges state to stop extremists in Yitzhar, stresses majority of the community against violence.http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/179403#replies


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BETH GILINSKY <bgilinsky@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 5:13 PM
To: "natlconference@gmail.com" <natlconference@gmail.com>

Media Alert:


Tuesday, April 8th; 5:30*-7 PM

UJA-Federation Bldg.

130 E. 59 St., Bet. Lex & Park Aves

MESSAGE: STOP the Anti-Semitic, Arab economic, cultural, and academic boycott of Israel



Smiling Harvard Hillel Students Visit Arafat Grave?  Shanda! Why? Will we be like them?



Media Contacts: 

Richard Allen, Founder, JCCWatch.org 917-434-3480

Beth Gilinsky, National Conference on Jewish Affairs 

 (212) 726-1124 natlconference@gmail.com 

New York April 3, 2014 – The National Conference on Jewish Affairs (NCJA), an umbrella group of Jewish leaders from around the country and one of the co-sponsors of tomorrow's anti-BDS rally at UJA headquarters, is calling on the Jewish community to take action against the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel economic, cultural and academic boycott and its promoters and enablers. 


Beth Gilinsky stated today:  "At this time, perhaps more than any time since the beginning of the Holocaust, when anti-Semitic violence and anti-Israel hatred are skyrocketing across the globe, we call on Jewish leaders to show some backbone: stand with Israel against the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, Hamas-backed BDS movement, which dehumanizes Jews, demonizes Israel, and, sadly, some dishonorable Jewish groups support."


The rally will take place Tuesday, April 8th at 5:30 PM in front of the UJA Building in Manhattan.  

Sponsors: JCCWatch.org, AFSI, Z Street, Jewish Action Alliance, National Conference on Jewish Affairs, Endowment for Middle East Truth, Americans for Peace and Tolerance, Ha-Emet, Coalition for Israel, National Council of Young Israel, International Committee for the Land of Israel, IsraelLives.org, Amcha Initiative.

*Flyering and signs starting at 4PM


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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