Friday, March 14, 2014

Zachor! Read and Weep. Jews Empowering Evil: Purim Story, Holocaust 1938, Kastner (Perfidy), 2014 Chareidim and Rich Jewish Liberal Democrats and OTD Jews, Teshuva and not Holocaust Please G-d...


Between all of the categories of Jews Empowering Evil, I venture to say that sadly almost each one of us, by virtue of having a close family member OTD (Off The Derech), or because of areivim (being guarantors of our fellow Jew)  or being a liberal rich Jewish leftist, or a Jewish BDS supporter or a Collaborator of evil (like Kastner), or even a Chareidi or didn't protest the Expulsion or a Dati Leumi Leader who collaborated with the IDF to expel the Jews,   we fall into a category of being a Jew that empowers evil.  Rather than give up in despair we need to do Teshuva like the Jews in the Purim story! 

all  empowers evil and inviting the Amalek of our time to battle us.  


Likkutei Dibburim An Anthology of Talks by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch

Purim Seuda - 5701 (1941)

...What the world is now going through [36] should remind us Jews of the ancient epoch of Haman, which is being repeated today with greater intensity. A certain portion of our people have forgotten that they are "G-d's nation." Indeed, "They have said to G-d, 'Depart from us,"' [37] and they do not desire to know His ways. [38] There has arisen an Ivri-Jew, without faith and without Torah and mitzvos. People have spurned and forgotten their own roots; they have forgotten that we are in exile.

The Ivri-Jews of Haman's days welcomed their life in exile with open arms and songs of joy. They did not want to know that the time of redemption was fast approaching. Being foolishly involved in their physical desires, they wanted to hear nothing of redemption, and scoffed at Mordechai's warnings and Malachi's prophecies. This was a period during which "the judges were on trial." [39] Anyone with a bit of money addressed the leading Torah personalities of the day in the basest and most presumptuous manner. And when the crisis came, the political Ivri-Jews and luxury-seeking assimilationists saw and felt what value there was in politics, and what security there was in wealth.

Indivisible anti-Semitism 

By CAROLINE B. GLICK 03/14/2014

...It is no doubt tempting to accept the artificial distinction between rejecting Israel's right to exist and rejecting the right of Jews to practice Judaism. Doing so allows you to pretend that the problem isn't as bad as it is, and to pretend that the fates of Israel and Jews of the Diaspora are not directly linked. It allows you to pretend that Jewish Americans who join the BDS movement are not anti-Semites. And it allows you to pretend that European leaders who minimize real anti-Semitic crimes by equating them with imaginary Israeli crimes are not inherently hostile to Jews.

But you cannot fight Jew-hatred by making distinctions between its various forms. They are all components of the same thing. And either you fight all of them, with no distinction, or you fight none of them, and even legitimize the bigotry.

For more, log on to

Caroline B. Glick is the author of The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East.

Kastner -  Sympathy for the Devil? Rudolf Kastner, the Jew who dealt with Nazis.

Op-Ed: Wealthy American Jews Have Abetted Iran's Nukes

Published: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 11:07 PM by Mark Langfan
48 rich Jewish American Jews have condemned Israel to an ultimate nuclear Holocaust.

Likkutei Dibburim An Anthology of Talks by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch

Purim Seuda - 5701 (1941)

...Jews of America and its neighboring countries! You are being summoned by G-d's call to repentance. This moment is far more serious than can be imagined. You are being called from heaven to pay up your ancient debt on the promissory note that says that "All Jews are comrades" and that "All Jews are guarantors for one another" - by observing Shabbos, the dietary laws and the laws of family purity, and by putting on tefillin and fulfilling the other practical mitzvos.

It is painfully difficult to say what I have to say. My unbounded love for all Jews makes it exceedingly difficult for me to speak - but on no account may I dishonor the duty that I owe to [that very mitzvah of] ahavas Yisrael. Imagine a man who finds that he himself has to carry out extremely painful surgery on a brother whom he dearly loves. Yet operate he must, in order to save his brother's life.

Brother Jews! You are being put to an earnest test. The trial is a great one, and the Evil Inclination with his persuasively evil collaborators is even greater. You find it difficult to observe Shabbos, the dietary and marital laws, tefillin, and so forth - but it is preferable to do all of these things out of one's own free will than to do them (G-d forbid) with a broken spirit.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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