Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mi LaHashem Eilai! Message of Chanuka. Netanyahu, please for now and onward... our red line must be our Covenant.


Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu, Knesset Members, Rabbanim and Activist List, amv"sh

Our Red line must be consistent with Torah.

You, Netanyahu had a red line. Nuclear Iran. It was presented  graphically and impressively in front of the UN.

Obama together with the P5+1  crossed your red line in Geneva this past week,  betraying Israel.

In response,  Israel and Jews throughout the world have been Baruch Hashem  standing together as One, albeit scared, standing alone, shouting a message of truth and warning to the world that this deal is reminiscent of Neville Chamberlain and the 1930s! 
Yet there is a silver lining.  Please read Daniel Greenfield Why Obama's Iran Nuke Deal Is a Good Thing
Obama's goal according to Caroline Glick is to weaken Israel, legitimize anti-Israel policy makng and empowers Iran with nuclear capability and respectability.

The message of Chanukah is to bring forth light in the darkness.

We are now within a very auspicious time "Sheasah Nissim Laavoseinu, Bayamim Hahem Bizman Hazeh". Who [G-d] makes miracles in those days and in our times.

 Let us not allow the moment to pass and to sour.

While Obama and the world recently crossed Netanyahus red line, let us admit to ourselves that Torah's red line has been repeatedly crossed with Israel being a willing or not so willing partner.  Oslo etc.

My daughter brought home a book called "There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom" by Louis Sacher. Don't worry it's appropriate. It's a story of a boy, a basically good kid who is different. The caption reads "he may be the weirdest kid in school, but he's not completely hopeless" This kid has helped nurture an image of himself of being a monster. His kind therapist,Carla tells him. "Sometimes people think someone's a monster. But that's only because they can't see the 'good that's there inside him. And then a terrible thing happens." "They kill him?" "No, even worse. They call him a monster, and other people start calling him a monster, and then after a while he starts believing it himself. He thinks he's a monster too. So he acts like one. But he still isn't a monster. He still has lots of good, buried deep inside him."
  • ... "Well, how does a monster stop being a monster?" He asked. "I mean, if everyone sees only a monster, and they keep treating him like a monster, how does he stop being a monster?" "It isn't easy," Carla said.  "I think, first, he has to realize for himself that he isn't a monster.  That, I think, is the first step. Until he knows he isn't a monster, how is anybody else supposed to know?"
Israel needs to reframe the world's perception of the Jew of being the illegal occupiers, the "monster" so to speak, and convince first ourselves that we are not a monster.
A perfect example of a Jew treating their fellow Jew as a monster is Shay Nitzan. How can the Gov't of Israel even consider such a guy with his background of settler demonization.
Another example of perpetuating this monstrous image of Israel is by not protesting libelous accusations of being called "illegal occupiers", justifying BDS.   Why does PM Netanyahu  attempt to negotiate with the EU to be included in a Scientfic Community bent on demonizing Judea and Samaria? Why is he listening to Tsipi Livni? Being part of an Anti-semitic, albeit scientific community, is bound to backfire.  Luckily the EU rejected PM's compromise attempts.    http://www.israelnationalnews.com/wap/Item.aspx?type=0&item=174488 
The time is now to acknowledge and recognize that we don't gain anything by not standing up for Torah.
I hear your comments:  "Hasn't Netanyahu adopted a practical, realistic and rational approach given the fact we are literally under the nuclear gun? Aren't we standing to lose billions of dollars for scientific research if we don't try to compromise with the EU?"
The answer lies is the message of Shemittah and having faith and acknowledging that the Almighty Hashem is in charge.  Hashem has decreed that Israel will inherit the Land along with its obligations. In that merit, of keeping the obligations of the Land, the Nations of the world will be clamoring at our doorstep wanting to invest with Israel saying Am Chachom VeNavon!
History has proven that when we create a red line that is perhaps rational but  of our own intellect while disregarding Torah, it backfires. How do we ignore the written Torah, which repeatedly says "to you and your seed will I give the Land" (referring to our forefathers and not the Palestinians)? How do we stubbornly talk of a 2 State Solution and the "peace process"? Why are we surprised when it backfires and we are betrayed?
The settlers must be validated and Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem annexed. The Levy report publicized and adopted.
Shay Nitzan who thinks of his people as monsters is a tragedy waiting to happen
Another blatant example of being betrayed isJonathan Pollard and the Wye agreement.
And now more about Iram amd  the most recent historic mistake in Geneva and the betrayal of Israel by Obama and the major worldly powers. 
Caroline Glick writes in her post The Goal of Obama:s Foreign Policy: "Iran will achieve nuclear capability while enriching itself through the deal because the deal gives Iran sanctions relief without requiring Iran to make any irreversible concessions. Indeed, Iran just received the international community's permission to continue to enrich uranium, keep all its nuclear installations open and build new centrifuges."  She concludes " The goal of Obama's foreign policy is to weaken the State of Israel".
Secret negotiations were happening behind Israel's back between US and Iran and our less than worthless "sacrifices" for peace,  bought us only grief and heartache.
Terrorists have been released with a heroes' welcome and walking free and there is a serious housing shortage in Yesha  for young families whose family size Baruch Hashem has increased. Hundred of thousands of families in Yesha are denied expanding their homes and/or affordable housing in proportion with natural growth in their communities... For what purpose? For the purpose of forcing them to live elsewhere and not Judea and Samaria.
"The United States and Iran secretly engaged in a series of high-level, face-to-face talks over the past year, in a high-stakes diplomatic gamble by the Obama administration that paved the way for the historic deal sealed early Sunday in Geneva aimed at slowing Tehran's nuclear program, The Associated Press has learned.
"The discussions were kept hidden even from America's closest friends, including its negotiating partners and Israel, until two months ago, and that may explain how the nuclear accord appeared to come together so quickly after years of stalemate and fierce hostility between Iran and the West.
"But the secrecy of the talks may also explain some of the tensions between the U.S. and France, which earlier this month balked at a proposed deal, and with Israel, which is furious about the agreement and has angrily denounced the diplomatic outreach to Tehran.
"U.S. President Barack Obama personally authorized the talks as part of his effort -- promised in his first inaugural address -- to reach out to a country the State Department designates as the world's most active state sponsor of terrorism.
"The talks were held in the Middle Eastern nation of Oman and elsewhere with only a tight circle of people in the know, the AP learned. Since March, Deputy Secretary of State William Burns and Jake Sullivan, Vice President Joe Biden's top foreign policy adviser, have met at least five times with Iranian officials.
"The last four clandestine meetings, held since Iran's reform-minded President Hasan Rouhani was inaugurated in August, produced much of the agreement later formally hammered out in negotiations in Geneva among the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, Germany and Iran, said three senior administration officials. All spoke only on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss by name the highly sensitive diplomatic effort."
Rabbosai, Ain Od milvado. There is Noone we can depend on other than the Almighty G-d.
Rabbis, Bennett is speaking fearlessly for Torah. We must follow this lead.
Israel has only to act in faith and with Torah as our guide to find favor in the Almighty Creator who is stronger than Iran and the P5+1 powers in Geneva combined!
Pshat, the basic and literal explanation of Torah verses, according to Rashi, is the driving force behind commentary. "Ayn mikra yotzei midei peshuto". The basic meaning of Torah verses can not be dismissed. Surely, praying and Torah study are necessary in this obligatory war for all of us and we are all Soldiers fighting a Holy War.
Fighting in a Jewish army is fundamental to Torah as is learning Torah. If you are Chareidi please continue reading and try to see the Emes in these words.   Let us  understand that we are fighting a Milchemet Mitzvah, a war that every Israelite is obligated to fight and no one is exempt. Surely we would need to make sure that the army must retain sanctity and holiness according to the Torah commandment and specifications. The Biblical verse "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh" requiring a Holy camp, is referring to a military camp and not a separate seating concert. The call for Chareidim to join the army is  consistent and an integral part of Torah and not as some Chareidim claim an assault on Torah. In the story of Chanukah, the Maccabbees won a MILITARY battle and were victorious. The few against the many.  We hope and pray for Salvation. May "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh" be actualized pshuto kemashmaoh, literally!
Let us not G-d forbid confuse a Jewish Holy War with Jihad an immoral hijacking of the term "Holy War"..  And let us not be blinded with Obama's rhetoric. Arutz7 reports that speaking in San Francisco, Obama praised the talks that led to the deal with Iran, calling them "clear-eyed and principled" and saying that the United States "cannot close the door on diplomacy.
Obama is encouraging Iran, whose global msg is Israel's destruction,  to join the global community.
May we Zocheh, merit, this miracle of Hashem's Salvation in the face of nuclear Holocaust,  with defending Our Covenant, our legitimate right to Judea and Samaria and all of Israel, and acknowledge and praise Hashem for the beautiful gift of Eretz Yisroel, for having kept His promise after 2000 years of exile and allowing us to return to the Land and be Sovereign in Our Land. Baruch Hashem, Blessed be His Name!
May we be Zocheh, to merit, to  experience first hand the Miracles of Chanukah today, in our times,  to win, to defeat our enemies,  the few against the many,  as in the past "Bayamim Hahem Bizman Hazeh"!!!
A Freilichen Chanuka!


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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