Thursday, December 06, 2012

Fwd: Voter Fraud? Was the election stolen? An Urgent Appeal from a Patriotic Voter in NW Ohio

I read the following post and had to describe my own voting experience in NYC.
I personally had very bad vibes when I went to vote.  I suspected voter fraud as soon as I was in the voting area.  
I worried about the possibility before election day but it never occurred to me that my fears would actualize in the place I actually voted.  I feared that there would be some places where voter fraud might take place but I didn't suspect it would have anything to do with my vote.
I have been voting in the same place for many years and I'm familiar with the typical demographic of those manning the tables and voting booths, generally middle age to elderly primarily white but not necessarily so, multicultural and multi ethnic reflecting the general population in my area,  This time it seemed very weird that in an almost white neighborhood all the individuals manning the actual voting stalls were African Americans. I am not racist but this did not make sense to me.  The mix of voting personnel manning the voting booths should reflect the general  population as it usually does.  This indicated to me that they imported these people from other areas or took them from a skewed group of people.  I never remember such a phenomenon and that raised a red flag.
 Neither I nor my husband felt there was any privacy. This disturbed me so much that before I actually voted I called up an elected official giving them the name of the actual Public School where i was voting asking them to please check out my particular voting district and make sure that everything was on the up and up. 
It surprised me that Obama won so strongly. It shocked me that in some districts he received 100% of votes.  I know that African Americans as well as Hispanics campaigned for Romney. I couldn't believe that even in districts with many African Americans and Hispanics there was absolutely noone voting for Romney!  Another red flag.    In my daughters private school,  the kids had a mock election.  It did not surprise me to learn that Romney won over 470 votes and Obama got around 30 in her school. Kids grades 3-8 voted.  This probably was very indicative and a reflection of the voting patterns of their parents.  If any other elementary school or high schools in the area,  public or private had mock elections I would be interested to see if they were  in any way consistent with the vote tally in the actual districts. 
Personally I really hate the new system of voting in NYC.  It definitely seemed much less secure than the old way of voting.  Why for heavens sake in this age of technology and computers is there a 2-4 step process whereby you have to take a paper and color it in in a "closed booth" and then go out of the closed booth to another area where you are assigned a number to a scanner and  it is openly scanned and manually manned by individuals who can often see how you voted on your paper.  In my case, I was first cleared to vote.  They then gave me a card with a number and a ballot. I handed the card to one of the people by a scanner and  was assigned to a particular scanner.   I didn't realize that first I had to fill in the ballot before getting assigned to the scanner. So  I filled in the ballot in a "closed booth" and once again went out in the open area to get it scanned.   I accidentally picked a different scanner than the one assigned to my voting card.  I wouldn't have realized that this was an issue except that the person who originally took by voting card  realized that I had used a different scanner than the one assigned to me and commented on it. 
 Why are all these steps necessary I thought to myself.  I wondered if having used  a different scanner for my ballot than the one assigned to me made my vote invalid?   
Why can't it just be one secure step where it is all online computerized electronically and one goes to a closed room with a computer and a touch tone screen and you identify yourself electronically, pick your choices of whom you wish to vote using the touch screen, and then it asks for your confirmation, you say yes and your vote gets registered? I am sure there are many high tech people who can make sure that the security is not breached. 
The old way was not computerized but it was at least the voting process was private. Perhaps what happened after the voting process took place alllowed room for unlawful intervention.
 I imagine that a smart online program would ask you for your signature or thumbprint  or voice recognition to verify and make sure you are who you are and that you are indeed registered to vote.  This can be reinforced with someone checking your photo ID.  This way even someone who is away from home can vote online and the system makes sure that there are no impostors and no way to alter the vote by an unethical employee or supervisor who gains access somewhere in the process. Such a system would eliminate a separate count going on district by district which leaves room for intrusion as well.  Every vote would go instantaneously and securely to one central source and a back up source leaving it almost impossible to penetrate the voting process by unscrupulous forces.  TV audiences vote for their pick of a Star in a Talent show.  Now a days everything is done online so why not vote online?
  I really hope that people in Congress and the Senate take this investigation very seriously.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Buddy Macy <>
Date: Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 11:02 PM
Subject: An Urgent Appeal from a Patriotic Voter in NW Ohio
To: Buddy Macy <>

From Rob in Northwest Ohio:

What follows below is a slightly edited version of a letter that I sent to my own member of the House of Representatives, Bob Latta. I sent a similar communication to my GOP Senator, Rob Portman, and to the Speaker of the House, John Boehner. I would urge all of you to write similar letters to potentially sympathetic members of Congress, or other relevant government officials, and to forward this e-mail and ask your like-minded friends to do the same.  A few letters here and there will do nothing, but if enough of us write, perhaps there will be some result.
Dear Representative Latta,

In the wake of what could well have been the most consequential election in U.S. history - certainly in our lifetimes - I am gravely concerned that we have just witnessed the greatest example of election fraud in our history.
Our Founding Fathers designed an ingenious system.  I consider the four-year presidential term to be just the right amount of time to determine if a given newly-elected president is "up to the job".  In addition to the checks and balances of our courts and the legislative branch, this is also a critical "check" on an inept or even destructive president.
Yet, in this case, the "check" clearly failed.  Despite a singularly dismal record on nearly every major issue, foreign and domestic, this president was re-elected anyway.  Was this simply because the GOP is allegedly 'out of touch' on social issues, as some claim? How could this be when exit polls showed that jobs/economy was the #1 issue, and moreover, reliable polling showed that voters trusted Romney more than Obama on these issues in any event?  Was this merely on the strength of the Hispanic vote over immigration?  Hispanics generally favor the Democratic party; could Obama have really won on the strength of that one constituency? 
I submit to you that something of a much darker nature has happened.
Consider, given Obama's record, the incredible sense of urgency about replacing Obama that I encountered among every Republican or Republican-leaning independent I met or with whom I communicated; surely this was your experience as well.  Yet, Obama "won" with less votes than McCain got in '08, and Romney got just over two million fewer votes than that, with an overall turnout less than even the '04 election
That we saw such turnout results in an election in which the presidential debates - particularly the first one - garnered an unprecedented viewing audience, is simply incredible to me. 
In such an environment, that we couldn't even turn out as many votes for Romney as we did for McCain four years ago is nothing short of surreal...and completely lacking in credibility as an honest proposition, given the above.
Look at what happened right here in NW Ohio.
You saw the huge number of yard signs everywhere for Romney, vastly outnumbering those for Obama.  And then there were the "Protect Religious Freedom" yard signs; since when in living memory, if ever, did anyone consider that necessary?
Surely, you know of the vast disparity in enthusiasm for Romney at his rallies, versus Obama at his.  I've heard countless anecdotal reports of this.  You must have heard about the local union types who, the week before the election, were caught stealing Romney yard signs; that is the sign of a desperate campaign if ever there could be.  Our ground game here in NW Ohio was far beyond what was done in '08; the Tea Party that greatly augmented the GOP efforts in this regard both here and nationally - and which produced decisive results only two years ago - didn't even exist when McCain ran in '08.  Yet Obama "won" in Wood could this be?
The evidence of election rigging goes on even from there.  How about Federal efforts to halt purging of voter rolls in Florida, interference with enforcement of our own voter ID laws right here in Ohio, pressure on Pennsylvania to postpone enforcement of their own newly-enacted voter ID law until next year? 
Is it not suspicious that Obama did not win a single state with voter photo ID laws on the books?  That he won every major swing state otherwise, despite the volatility of the polling in these states leading up to the election?
I could go on with even more examples, but I'm sure you see my point by now, and you may have seen these and more examples yourself from other sources.
I am writing to tell you that, as a voter, as a citizen, as someone with no special inside knowledge, it is clear and obvious to me - and many others I know - that this election was stolen.  
Where presidential elections are concerned, have we now sunk to the level of Venezuela?
I am just a factory worker.  I do not have the resources, the power, or the influence, beyond my vote - Does this matter anymore? - and my small circle of like-minded family and friends, to address this crime.  For that is what it was:  a crime against this nation and her people.
I have to count on people such as yourself, my elected representatives at the national level, to investigate and pursue this matter for a just resolution.  This has got to be investigated, and exposed.  Hearings have got to be held.  Responsible parties must be brought to justice. 
This historic travesty cannot be allowed to stand.
Thank you for your efforts.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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