Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Please forward and/or publish! Timely Purim/Pesach Message from Rabbi Wolpo Shlita Founder Gush Katif Museum The Speech That Was Never Delivered Waiting For the Right Time.


 Purim Message from Rabbi Wolpo Shlita

Founder Gush Katif Museum 

The Speech That Was Never Delivered  at the Dinner, Waiting For the Right Time

Razag Ballroom – Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar 5772 – February 22, 2012


espected Rabbis, honored dignitaries, distinguished guest speakers and guests of honor, devoted friends of the Land of Israel, ladies and gentlemen:

It is my honor to thank you all for participating in this special event, by which you are expressing your resolve to identify with our heartfelt cry to Israel's leaders to stop, once and for all, their dead-end policies of uprooting Jewish settlements in the Holy Land, and of forfeiting our ancestral homeland to our enemies, whose sole desire is to destroy our people, men, women, and children, G-d forbid – just like Haman, viceroy of Persia, whose downfall we will soon celebrate on Purim.

Some people naively believe that problems with the Arabs started only after Israel captured the so-called "territories" in the Six Day War of 1967. Therefore, they claim, if only Israel would retreat to the 1967 borders, peace will break out in the Middle East.

I have news for them! My grandfather, Rabbi Zelig Slonim, a well-known Chossid, was born in the city of Hebron in 1897. His father was the Rabbi of the בית הכנסת של אברהם אבינו, the famous synagogue known by the name of Abraham our patriarch, in Hebron. One day, when my grandfather was just one year old, an Arab living in Hebron brutally kicked his father in the chest so hard that he fell down dead! My grandfather lost his father at that tender age, and he and his siblings grew up without a father. That was almost seventy years before Israel's conquest of the territories!

Thirty years later, in 1929, the Arabs living in Hebron – for no reason at all – suddenly started slaughtering the Jewish residents there in most barbaric fashion. In that pogrom, they brutally murdered almost seventy men, women, and children, including many of my grandfather's wider family. Those murdered Jews weren't new settlers; most had lived in Hebron for generations. This happened twenty years before the state of Israel and almost forty years before the Israeli conquest in 1967. It was just murder of Jews for the sake of murder!

In 1953, my father-in-law, whom I was never privileged to know, Rabbi Heshy Genauer, was sitting in his home in Jerusalem studying Torah. A few months before, he had left Seattle, Washington, where his family lived, to immigrate to the Holy Land. With him at home were my wife, aged then just five years old, and her younger siblings. His wife and two other children happened to be out. Visiting him was his 19-year-old niece from Seattle. Suddenly, an Arab terrorist burst into his home and shot my father-in-law and his niece to death. My saintly mother-in-law was widowed at the age of 29, and had to raise her five young children without a father. Again, this was just murder for the sake of murder. You're Jewish, so you deserve to die!

These murders are what happened in just a single family. Multiply that by many thousands of families whose members have lost life and limb at the hands of Arab barbarians who view Jews exactly as the Nazis did. We know now that it was their religious leader, the infamous Mufti of Jerusalem, who urged Hitler to proceed with his "Final Solution" of the so-called "Jewish problem," and who came up with the gruesome idea of using gas chambers for that devilish scheme. Now, in recent weeks, his successor, the present Mufti of Jerusalem, has once again called on all Arabs to kill as many Jews as possible!


Some may think that Abbas is somehow better than the others. I've got news for them, too! Abbas is said to have earned a doctorate – by writing a thesis trying to prove that the Holocaust never happened! It was Abbas who organized the shocking slaughter of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1973, and the heartless murder of 22 Jewish children in Maalot, northern Israel, in 1974, besides many other terrorist acts that have cost many Jews their lives.

In spite of all these known facts, it's with this accomplished terrorist, the heartless ringleader of a gang of bloodthirsty murderers, that Israel's government conducts negotiations, promising its support for establishing a terror state in the very heart of the land of Israel! And to keep those thugs happy and to make sure that the criminal negotiations continue, Israel's government orders IDF soldiers to burst into settlements in Judah and Samaria every night after midnight to cruelly evict families and even babies from their cribs, throwing them out into the winter frost, and destroying their homes that they have built at great effort, out of pure love for the Holy Land!

Therefore, in the name of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the leader of our generation, who directed me to devote myself to this sacred cause, I call upon the Israeli government with the following message: You have no right to negotiate at all about giving away even one inch of our land! You have no right to destroy Jewish settlements! These acts only intensify the terror, and make peace and security ever more distant! The land of Israel was G-d's gift to our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and it doesn't belong to any government or Knesset, but is the possession of the entire Jewish people for all time!

I would like to thank everyone who has helped to make this evening such a great success. I won't single out any names, in case I miss someone. But G-d is aware of every one of you and will reward you all as you deserve, with blessings for family, good health and abundant livelihood.

I would like to call on all our good friends, both those gathered here and those unable to come tonight: Please open your hearts and your checkbooks to help our vitally needed organization which works day and night to preserve the integrity of the land of Israel.

As is well-known, the left-wing organizations working against this cause (such as Shalom Achshav) are amply funded by the European Union and left-wing organizations in North America.

We, on the other hand, have only you, our dear guests. Perhaps you don't have millions in the bank, but you are millionaires in terms of your heartfelt generosity. Please enable us to continue, and to act on your behalf for this sacred cause. And together we will be able to proclaim, with perfect faith, the famous verse from Isaiah: עוצו עצה ותופר, דברו דבר ולא יקום, כי עמנו קל – "Plan a conspiracy but it will be foiled, speak your word but it will not stand, for G-d is with us!"


13 Adar 5772     7 March 2012


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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

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