Monday, January 30, 2012

A Second Gush Katif? article by Dovid Hoffman of Yated, Bibi Willing to Cede Judea and Samaria? Arutz7 Action alelrts


Thank you to all the Media that have been reporting re: the looming cloud over the settlements slated for destruction  similar to Gush Katif and Amona chas Veshalom.  You can truly say that you are working to prevent their future pain.  May Hashem reward you with Bracha and Hatzlacha and Parnossa because you care about the livelihood and properties of our fellow Jews in Judea and samaria, you are standing up for the Torah and ultimately will bring strength to fight Radical Islam in america as well.

recent articles that I have personally seen describing what happened in Gush Katif and the current battles to prevent destruction of additional homes and communities in Judea and Samaria  have appeared in Jewish Voice, 5 Towns Jewish Times, Yated (see  article link below),  and Jewish Press. and of Course Arutz 7 the preferred paper in Israel for Judea and Samaria.

A Second Gush Katif by Dovid Hoffman of

  • encourage friends in Israel to VOTE Likud Primary (only if you are a Likud Member) for FEIGLIN, not Netanyahu - Tue.
    • Mattot Arim Good list for Likud MK's based on past voting records. see below after Arlene Kushners article

  • Lobby the MK's ,  we can do this in the Diaspora as well regarding Outpost Legalization bill,   taking place on Wednesday.  The above links from Yated and A7 will encourage you to act.  See below for instructions from Arlene Kushner 
Arlene Kushner writes:
You've heard about this legislation from me previously:  Proposed by MK Zevulun Orlev (Habayit Hayehudi), it would forbid the dismantling of communities of more than 20 families in Judea and Samaria without properly filed documentation that the land was Arab-owned.  This would negate the vague, unsubstantiated claims of land being "Arab" that are currently filed in court by Peace Now.
What is more, this legislation stipulates that if the documentation of Arab ownership is filed after a specified period of time (four years, as I understand it), the community still wouldn't be taken down and instead the Arab land owner would be provided with monetary compensation.
Prime Minister Netanyahu -- at the behest of Minister Benny Begin, who is attempting to negotiate a "deal" with the residents of Migron and wants them to feel squeezed -- has secured a negative vote on this legislation in the Ministerial Committee for Legislation. Nothing prevents the promoters of a piece of legislation from bringing it to the Knesset without the approval of the  committee -- it is simply that without this endorsement it is less likely to pass in the Knesset.
An appeal has been filed -- requesting a re-vote in the committee -- by Minister of Diaspora Affairs Yuli Edelstein (Likud) and Minister of Science Daniel Hershkowitz (Habayit Hayehudi) -- but there has been no response to this.  There is reason to believe the original vote would overturned if there were a second vote. 
Now MK Oren has decided to bring this proposed law before the Knesset -- possibly by Wednesday. 
And  here's where you have to pay attention to understand the situation and its serious implications:
Coalition discipline will not be invoked, so that members of the Knesset will be free to follow their conscience on this important matter rather than having to vote a party line. 
HOWEVER, since the Ministerial Committee voted against the legislation, ministers are expected to also vote against it in the Knesset.  They can, if they choose, vote for the legislation, but then, according to the rules, Netanyahu can fire them.  He is not obligated to fire them, he is simply at liberty to do so.
Needless to say, Netanyahu is applying pressure, and making noises about firing those who do not toe the line.
This has an unpleasant echo of Gush Katif, when then PM Sharon applied every sort of strong-arm technique possible to keep his ministers in line so they'd vote as he wished.  We cannot let this happen again.  Sharon betrayed his mandate when he behaved this way, and Netanyahu is now playing matters in a similar fashion.  I've cut him slack with regard to many issues.  But I cut him none here. 
In my last posting, I asked you to write to the Likud ministers in support of Migron.  Now I ask you to write again, to these ministers and those of Shas and Yisrael Beitenu as well:
Say that you understand that legislation that would save Migron and other communities in Judea and Samaria is about to come before the Knesset.  It would release Israel from the strangle-hold of Peace Now and prevent Jewish communities from being destroyed.
Remind them that the mandate given to the coalition by the voters was nationalist and that they would be betraying this mandate if they voted against this legislation. 
Tell them that, even more importantly, if they vote against it they would be taking a position that is not in the best interests of the State of Israel. 
Let them know that you see it as imperative that they vote their conscience on this matter.  It is not acceptable for them to place job security ahead of what is best for Israel.  In any event there is no guarantee that the prime minister will fire any ministers, and less likely if many ministers stand together to do what is right. 
Voters and those who support the parties are very tired of political game playing.  The ministers must know that they are being watched and that support in the future will depend on their readiness to do the right thing now.
 Do NOT send a group message; the message to each minister should be separate.  But there is no reason to be intimidated by the fact that there are several names on the list that follows.

There is a way to make it easy for yourself:  Compose a message that says "Dear Minister," followed by text of that message.  Copy that message and salutation.  Then, in turn, click on each minister's e-mail address, paste in the greeting and message, and hit send. 



Minister of Improvement of Government Services Michael Eitan


Minister of Environmental Protection Gilad Erdan


Minister of Welfare Moshe Kahlon


Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz


Minister of Culture Limor Livnat (a previous typo in this address has been corrected) 


Minister Yosi Peled


Minister of Education Gideon Saar


Minister of the Development of the Negev Silvan Shalom


Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz


Minister of Strategic Affairs Moshe Yaalon



Minister of Internal Affairs Eli Yishai


Minister Meshulam Nahari


Minister of Religious Affairs Yakov Margi


Minister of Housing Ariel Atias



Minister of Tourism Stas Misezhnikov 

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman
Minister of Immigrant Absorption Sofa Landver
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon
If Gush Katif infuriated you or pained you, if you want to be part of a democratic process that protects Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, if the idea of their having to turn over their land to Arabs distresses you,  please! take the time to do this. 
Numbers count a great deal.  Send this to others who are likely to also respond.
Thank you.  More will follow tomorrow.
In closing, a note of clarification, very broadly, for those who are outside of Israel and perhaps confused by our system:  Parties receive mandates (seats) in the Knesset according to the percentage of votes they secured in the previous election. If one party does not have sufficient seats (i.e., more than 60) to constitute a majority of the Knesset, then a coalition is formed; this always happens.  Once the coalition is in place, there are ministerial positions allocated to the various parties in the coalition.  With very rare exceptions, the ministers are chosen from the ranks of those within the parties who have been elected to the Knesset.  Those who are ministers sit in the Cabinet and constitute the government, but they are still members of the Knesset.
© Arlene KushnerThis material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.

See my website at  Contact Arlene
This material is transmitted by Arlene only to persons who have requested it or agreed to receive it. If you are on the list and wish to be removed, contact Arlene and include your name in the text of the message.

From MattotArim: Important info if you can vote for Likud primary: 

Hope you got our previous email on Likud voting tomorrow,  here it is for you to re-read:


Updates: Apart from the important Feiglin-Netanyahu contest, we now -- with everybody's help -- have assembled the names of many more "good guys" -- candidates who are FOR Yehuda and Shomron and against Palestinian state!  These "good guy" candidates are listed in these 4 links:


New "good guys: 


Good guys dating back to Gush Katif   struggle 


Special "good guys" list for Haifa   


Last minute list of "good guys" whom we just heard about


To vote beneficially, simply click on and go through the above 4 lists, and look for candidates in YOUR city or branch. Lists are alphabetical - Ashdod comes first (aleph), Tel-Aviv (taf) comes last.  Copy down all the good guys in YOUR city/community, from all 4 lists. There is some duplication between the lists -- sorry about that. 


Put that "good guys" list in your pocket or purse, since it is no-one's business but your own, and when you get into the voting booth, quietly take out your "good guys" list, and mark whatever "good guys" you find, on EACH of the 2 voting slips that you get. One of those slips will be for the all-important  "central committee members" and one is for "moetzet ha-snif". There will be many names on each of the 2 voting slips -- you mark only the "good guys" among them! 


PS. These "good guy" elections are not being held everywhere (for example -- NO "good guy" elections in Rehovot and in most places in Yehuda & Shomron), but in many other places, such as Jerusalem, Netanya, Petah Tikva, Raanana and Tel-Aviv:  there WILL be such elections.


If you live in Yehuda and Shomron, simply mark the candidates you know personally. We have not listed any particular "good guy" residents of Yehuda and Shomron because we figure ALL of them are "good guys"!


List of voting locations  in each city/community (a little messy -- but that is what we could get):


Can you please pass this email on to other Likud voters who may not know what to do? 




Our blog: Now on Facebook:


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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