Sunday, January 29, 2012

Partial Apology to Jason Maoz Senior Editor of Jewish Press - No Evidence he is Obama Supporter but the Jewish Press has put Obama in positive light with Ron Kampeas front page consistently


Sam has left a comment on my Shemittahrediscovered blog post where I (most probably) mistakenly said that Jason Maoz was an Obama supporter.  See "Save the Date: Dinner for Gush Katif Museum -- Feb...":  this is Sam's comment:

Jason Maoz is a supporter of Obama? Please supply the evidence. I've been a regular reader of his Media Monitor columns and Jewish Press editorials (you may not know thia, but he writes the editorials) and I don't recall any such statements. But that kind of wild exaggeration is typical of your blog. You'd better hope he doesn't sue you for libel -- but then again he probably doesn't even know you exist.  

This is what I had written on my blog which was also sent to my list:

I was appalled to read about this very same event in Yissa Bracha, Mitzpe Yericho reported in this weeks Jewish Press Page 40 in the Week in Review under Israel/Mideast New edited by Jason Maoz.  it is painful enough to see how such disgraceful expulsions are written up in leftist newspapers like The New York Times or Haaretz. But to see it written in such a distorted leftist slant in the Jewish Press was very upsetting. Compare this news report with Arutz7 report of the same demolition.

(as reported in Jewish Press, Jan 27, 2012 page 40)

Six West Bank [what happened to Judea and Samaria? Robin] settlers and three police officers were hurt during the demolition of an illegal [who says they are illegal? not the Torah and not even Israeli law.  Robin] outpost near Jericho.

Settlers threw rocks at police when they gathered at the outpost, near Mitzpeh Jericho, to raze six dwellings.  Police responded with tear gas.  Hundreds of security personnel reportedly gathered at the outpost, as well as 200 outpost supporters. [very selective reporting, missing background info]

The police and three settlers were injured when the roof of one of the buildings collapsed as a protester was being removed. [missing details of exactly how this occured....]

At least three settlers were arrested on suspicion of assaulting police officers. [no mention of the violent way the settlers were treated....]
Please join me in calling for the resignation of Jason Maoz, editor of the Jewish Press, supporter of Obama and no friend to Judea and Samaria.   Rabbi Klass would not have approved of this piece. He would not of approved of Ron Kampeas featured often on the front page of the Jewish Press either. 

Dear List, amv"sh

I don't know who Sam is but when I read his angry comment I thought to myself.  Why did I write that Jason Maoz was an Obama supporter?  I need evidence  obviously.  So I quickly checked out this weeks Jewish Press and as Sam wrote I didn't see any evidence that Maoz is supportive of Obama in this issue.  Furthermore, if what Sam writes is true and that Maoz writes the editorials of the Jewish Press then he clearly is not an Obama fan.  So I thought to myself, what did I read in that Jewish Press that prompted me to write that he was an Obama supporter?  It wasn't his Media Monitor piece. 

 I realized it was the Jewish Press front cover Ron Kampeas piece entitled Focus on Florida's Jewish Community as GOP Presidential Primary Approaches.  which is news of such minor importance in my opinion and serves no real purpose other than to do damage control for Obama's poor showing and publicity in the Jewish community. Please read Ruthie Blum 'It's Jewish moneystupid and Arlene Kushner Fronpage Magazine in response to Jan. 19, U.S. President Barack Obama released a video called "America and Israel: An Unbreakable Bond." 

  Even though the picture on the front page in the Jewish Press was of the Republican candidates Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich and not President Obama, the thrust of this article was featuring the Democrats, namely Obama's latest outreach to the Jewish Community. 

As you all know I been been sending many  disturbing youtubes and articles about demolitions and destruction in Judea and Samaria.  The images were heartbreaking and showed  violent, cruel  treatment of Jewish settlers by Arabs contracted to throw out the Jewish familes, children and their parents between 3 and 4 am .  These stories are worthy of front page coverage in my opinion and eagerly I waited to see the Jewish papers to see if anyone took the bait. Imagine my disappointment when I realized that my emails were disregarded by the Jewish Press.  What they did report was that little news brief above on Page 40. To their credit, they did have a nice piece on Migron by Moshe Feiglin but many who read it would not really understand what Migron is facing unless they read and watch Arutz7 videos and articles firsthand unedited. 

Let me set the matter straight.  I happen to really enjoy the Jewish Press. Most of the paper is entertaining, featuring strong Yesha people like Dovid Wilder of Hebron, Sarah Lehmann, Rebbetzin Jungreis, Prof. Paul Eidelberg and good editorials that perhaps are written by Jason Maoz as Sam suggested.  But when I read the Jewish Press front page, I become aggravated,  Perhaps wrongly I blamed the Senior Editor, Jason Maoz for putting Ron Kampeas and leftist JTA on the cover of the Jewish Press time and time again. Maybe that decision is not his and belongs to the publisher Jerry Greenwald or maybe someone else.   But that news item on page 40 edited by Jason Maoz made me think or assume that since positive press forJudea and Samaria is not priority for him perhaps damage control for Obama was also his choice.

 It seems to me that the Jewish Press works very hard on a balancing act on a trapeze which is hard to do without falling on your face. Clearly their desire to give the readership "balanced reporting" which they interpret as something to please everyone will please no one. Surely their front page article Focus on Florida's Jewish Community as GOP Presidential Primary Approaches.makes no one happy except perhaps the Conference of Presidents and the likes of Alan Solow a "key Obama fundraiser (my emphasis) and the immediate past president of the Conference of Presidents of the Major American Jewish Organizations" getting out Israel's pro-Obama message now in the front feature cover news of the Jewish Press..

Anyway why would Jason Maoz sue me for Libel for calling him an Obama supporter as Sam suggest? it was an honest mistake. I really meant to say that the Jewish Press seems to have a Pro Obama slant on their front page. 

 Because in the Orthodox Jewish World  and especially among the Jewish Press readership, being an Obama Supporter is reason enough to want an editor to resign.  Only an Obama supporter would want to place Obama damage control on page 1. Jason Maoz perhaps is not totally responsible for whom is featured on Page 1 but he should take some responsibility as Senior Editor. 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 


  1. The front page story you speak of did not paint obama in a positive lighyt. Merely because it quoted a couple of Obama supporters does not mean it's an Obama damge-control piece, as you suggest. You and I may not like this, but the fat of the matter is that ost American Jews still support Obama, and any article on the current campaign vis-a-vis Jews is going to reflect that -- unless you want your news sugar-coated. Grow up. If the Jewish Press covered the news the way you want them to, no one would take them seriously.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Sam Please check out the Algemeiner. They have reported that Obama is losing support.

    And even if there is a majority of Jews who vote for Obama do you have to publicize? Would you publicize that the majority of people, believe that smoking is not detrimental to your health would you report it or rather would you report the minority who say that it is detrimental so that the majority are warned. There are no loss of articles proving that Obama is bad news. Acharei Rabim Lehatot velo Leraot. True one goes after the majority but only if it's not bad. When you report that the majority of Jews support Obama whether true or false it empowers him. Is that what you really want to do???? Those in the Jewish Press who want this on page 1 are or are being influenced and/or blinded by Obama supporters.

    Page 1 should have news that will empower Israel and not her enemies.

    Algemeiner on Fox News
    Fastest growing Jewish newspaper in America is featured on Foxnews as director Dovid Efune discusses President Barack Obama's loss of Jewish support

  4. Anonymous11:16 AM

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