Thursday, November 03, 2011

RCRF Dinner - Fantastic Honorees - This Sunday November 6th at 6:30pm Brooklyn, NY


Dear List, amv"sh

As an Israel activist for Judea and Samaria I have a working rrelationship with Aliza Karp, Beth Gilinsky and Lori Lowenthal Marcus.  I have also recently just met Rabbi Zaltsman and his beautiful family.  So please allow me to sing praises for the honorees I know best. .  

Aliza is a dynamite lady in that she is focused and when she sets her mind to do something she does it and does it really well bli ayin hara. I see her work for Chabad Chevron and the brochure that she publishes yearly. When I read it my heart loves that organization for what it does and I cry tears and I don't even know why.  I have read some of her articles and she writes really well.  I am looking forward to buying Banished at the Dinner. I am aware of what happened in Gush Katif, as many of you are, but I would like to benefit from research Aliza has done, both through personal interviews and consultations with professionals. Banished is based on the actual history of the expulsion and gets the reader to experience it through her fictional characters. The story of the expulsion of Gush Katif is heartbreaking from many angles and this book highlights the tragedy and at the same time lets the reader experience the superlative lifestyle that Gush Katif enjoyed. Something not to be forgotten.  This book has received rave reviews. Here is some additional information about Aliza that was submitted to me.

BIO: Aliza Eisenberg Karp

Pen Name: Aliza BasMenachem

BANISHED is Aliza BasMenachem's first novel. She has published and posted articles about the Land of Israel and assorted Jewish topics including the Shomer Shabbat contingent at the Boy Scout Jamboree.  Most of her writing has been under the name Aliza Karp. During the Disengagement era she wrote a monthly opinion column which was regularly published by, Beis Moshiach Magazine and other media outlets. 

Since its inception almost ten years ago, Aliza has been a vital staff member of Chabad of Hevron, assisting with administration and publicity. Her passion for Hevron, and for Chabad, is expressed in her writings on the Chabad of Hevron website – - and in the yearly newsletters. 

When not at her computer, or traipsing around places in the Holy Land where others fear to roam, Aliza can be found baking Challah and spending time with her grandchildren. 

Next let me briefly speak about Beth and Lori.  They are filling a void in Jewish Leadership  in these dangerous times addressing evil when others refuse to face reality head on. May G-d bless them with health, happiness and success for the good and with their wise guidance and counsel may Am Yisroel be worthy of fulfilling our daily prayer said in Aleinu,
 לתקן עולם במלכות שד-י  Letaken Olam BeMalchut Shakai, to perfect the Universe with the Sovereignty of the Almighty. 

PS.   Much of NCJA's work is targeting anti-Semitism on Campus.  So if you know any Jewish University Student involved in Jewish causes and organizations especially on campus, suggest they attend this dinner (student discounts available and they can probably pay at the door).  We need young blood to become involved and acquaint themselves with these amazing people. 

Submitted by NCJA:

Celebrate with Beth & Lori (National Conference on Jewish Affairs) this Sunday, Nov 6th

To all NCJA members,

Our very own Beth Gilinsky & Lori Lowenthal Marcus are being honored for their vital work on behalf of the Jewish People with the prestigiousRachel Imeinu Leadership Award.  Please see the invitation attached.  Let's all of us come out 
this Sundayand participate in this wonderful event. - Richard Allen



The Seventeenth Annual NY Citywide Commemoration of the


  11 MarCheshvan 5772

Sunday Evening, November 6, 2011, 6:30 P.M.


Manhattan Beach Jewish Center –60 West End Ave Brooklyn, NY 

Keynote Speaker:


"Mama Rachel Cry for Us Again:

 How One Woman's Sacrifice Shaped World Destiny"

- Show quoted text -


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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