Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Shalit Trade - Honenu, Daniel Greenfield, Ahlam Tamimi: Bill Levinon


Even the extreme right like Honenu in my opinion is partly to blame.  BTW I and others have been  working hard to do a fundraiser/awareness for Honenu.   They are the best of the best and are representing over 1000 soldiers and civilians who have been prosecuted as a result of their attempts at self defense when the government of Israel has failed to protect and defend.  

When I  read how Honenu' director Shmuel Medad presented Yishai with a list of Jewish security prisoners currently held in Israeli prisons and asked him to request their release, it was a turnoff. It's like organizations like Meir Panim who do wonderful work providing soup kitchens and honor Malcolm Hoenlein who supported the expulsion of Gush Katif.  After all, with so many productive people unemployed and with no means of Parnassa, Meir Panim is there to make sure that there is food on the table.  Meir Panim has expanded and can be proud of its accomplishments.  

Hello???? Shouldn't Meir Panim be yelling and screaming about expulsions?  Do we really want them to expand? Isn't the greatest form of tzedaka  not to allow productive individuals to come to the point where they must depend on public welfare? When I raised this point with Meir Panim they tell me that they are not a political organization.  True, but did they really have to honor Malcolm Hoenlein?

By Honenu cooperating with Eli Yishai in this Shalit deal prior to the Ministers vote they encourage the gov'ts policy of endangering the lives of the residents in Judea and Samaria and then will work feverishly to legally protect those who are prosecuted for defending themselves.  Surely with this deal implemented Honenu will soon have booming business!
The energies are misplaced.  I still would like to help Honenu but I would like to be convinced that Honenu will not do a repeat number of the Yesha Council of Gush Katif.   This is the letter I wrote to Shmuel Medad and Dovid Wilder. 


Dear Zangi Medad and Dovid Wilder, amv"sh

Bad idea.  In my opinion Shmuel/Zangi Medad/Eli Yishai is making a big mistake. Even though we are desperate and want the Jewish Security Prisoners released  and their families are suffering and want them  released and Jonathan Pollard released they can't be part of a pact signed in Jewish Blood (to quote Caroline Glick)  regardless of being approved by the cabinet. 

It shows that we are desperate and like the Shalit family are willing to settle for scraps they are sending our way rather than standing Komimiyut  for the protection of our people.

 Why are you so sure that we can not stop this exchange with enough public pressure.  How hard have you tried?  Susie Dym sent out an urgent email.  So did Nadia Matar.   Dovid, listen to your son! Where was Hebron's protest against this prisoner exchange? Where is Hebron's leadership? Is it Myopia? Why are you giving up so easily and why are you not seeing the broader picture?.  

The prisoners Honenu represent deserve better. Would they be able to live with their conscience knowing that their release was part of this blood deal? Rav Meir obviously disagrees with your approach but thank you for educating me.  Do you think that educating us about Rav Meir shows that you can strongly identify with  those that don't agree with your approach and then lets you off the hook?  Sorry. 

Rather than caving in,  attempt to mobilize the Yishuvim, Rabbanim and Am Yisroel in strong op-positional protest against such a deal, davan, and encourage teshuva. Don't partner with those who negotiate with Hamas to make this blood deal palatable.  

Don't be discouraged.  Sooner or later the Rabbanim and Am Yisroel will be convinced but in the process,  we want to limit Jewish blood spilled.  BeDamayic Chayii can also be accomplished with Mizvoth like Dam Mila and Korban Pesach  and even Shemittah and Tzedaka in support of acquiring EY (damayich can be translated as money). It doesn't have to be with terror attacks.   Our efforts will not go unnoticed in the gates in Heaven. 

Chag Sameach and Moadim LeSimcha. Robin
On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Honenu <honenu.org.il@gmail.com> wrote:

Honenu Demands Release of Jewish Security Prisoners

Ofer Gamliel, father of 7, sentenced to 15 years for his role in placing a bomb that never went off near an Arab school in 2002. Gamliel said it was to instill fear in the Arab population & it was never meant to go off.

Protest called for 8:30 PM Saturday night ( Oct 15 ) in front of the Presidents house in Jerusalem at Rechov HaNasi 3.

Interior Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) is advocating the release of 12 Jewish security prisoners convicted of "terrorism related activities," Arutz Sheva learned.

Before the cabinet vote on Tuesday to approve the release of 1,027 terrorists for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit, Honenu director Shmuel Medad presented Yishai with a list of Jewish security prisoners currently held in Israeli prisons and asked him to request their release.

The list of Jewish security prisoners reportedly included Ami Popper, Shlomo Dvir, and Ofer Gamliel, among others.

Medad told Arutz Sheva, "We are against this disastrous transaction to release hundreds and hundreds of murderous terrorists, but if this is to be approved by the Cabinet, they can make this one small gesture for 12 Jewish families whose loved ones have been imprisoned for years in an Israeli prison."

Arutz Sheva learned Yishai's initiative is supported by ministers Daniel Hershkowitz, Moshe Kahlon and Yuli Edelstein.

Hershkowitz, one of the move's supporters, said "without justifying the actions of the Jewish security prisoners, the deal we were going to vote on now [the Shalit deal - ed.] is one of the reasons their actions were taken in the first place. We have to include the pardon of Jewish security prisoners in the equation. Israel may be able to swallow the bitter pill of this deal if we sweeten it."

David Wilder from Hebron wrote an opinion piece supporting the release of Jewish prisoners.

Jewish prisoners deserve no less than Arab terrorists 
Donate to Honenu. 
Make Israel a better place.

P.S. Honenu representative, Shalom Pollack is available for speaking engagements inNew York - New Jersey area from November 9 - 28. He will also be in the Los Angeles area November 20-22. He is flying to the US on his own expense. If you can help us arrange speaking venues or wish to attend a Honenu event, please contact us.

Arutz7 writes, Before the cabinet vote on Tuesday to approve the release of 1,027 terrorists for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit, Honenu director Shmuel Medad presented Yishai with a list of Jewish security prisoners currently held in Israeli prisons and asked him to request their release.

Medad told Arutz Sheva, "We are against this disastrous transaction to release hundreds and hundreds of murderous terrorists, but if this is to be approved by the Cabinet, they can make this one small gesture for 12 Jewish families whose loved ones have been imprisoned for years in an Israeli prison."

Is it possible that this request weakened the resolve of the ministers especially when they see that the strongest in resolve were willing to negotiate and work with Yishai on this?  Why would Medad davka ask Yishai to request their release before the vote if they weren't in some way wishing to be part of release deal?

Shalit trade; Revolving Door Terrorism 

Daniel Greenfield  Monday, October 17, 2011

The Shalit deal will release some of the worst murderers in Israeli history, including those responsible for the Dolphinarium disco bombing which killed over a dozen teenagers, the Sbarro pizza bombing which wiped out an entire family, the lynchers of two Israeli reservists and the Passover Massacre at the Park Hotel.

This is Israel's worst military defeat in its modern history and it is being celebrated with grins and cheers, not just in Gaza but in Tel Aviv.

What the deal really means is revolving door terrorism is back. Kill Israelis and you stay in prison only long enough for other terrorists to kidnap an Israeli and win their release. Those 25-year sentences mean nothing. A life sentence doesn't mean life, it means however many years it takes the Israeli government to give in to blackmail.

As over a thousand terrorists are freed, it is time to recognize that every Israeli institution has failed to deal with terrorism. Its court system packed with career leftists is a joke. Its prisons have become nothing more than temporary housing with free education and entertainment for terrorist murderers in between their release under international or Hamas pressure.

The military excels at targeted strikes on empty warehouses and at sending unprotected units without artillery cover into enemy villages. While the soldiers are fighting and dying, denied artillery and air support, the generals who sent them there are planning which party they'll join after they retire. Usually the left, which needs military credibility and cover more.

Domestic law enforcement is excellent if you want to crack down on some "right wing extremists" who might be putting up a hut somewhere in violation of some voluntary construction freeze. Elite units can be on the way as soon as possible, backed by intelligence from embedded assets and security agencies who will have dossiers waiting on all the participants.

But if you took a bullet through your windshield, or a fist sized rock, while driving near an Arab village it's best to drive home and tell no one about it. If you do contact law enforcement, a weary police officer will tell you the same thing. And if you still insist on being foolish enough, then an investigation will begin and the local friendly Mohamedans will claim that you fired shots at them first. If you're lucky you won't spend any time in prison, but you will spend months dealing with the legal system, while your attackers will be represented free of charge by NGO's funded by America, Europe and Soros.

If you are unlucky and your attackers go to the trouble of putting on a good show and the Times picks up on it, then you will get a sentence anywhere from five to twenty-five years (depending on whether there is a fake corpse too) and your sentence will be an actual sentence. It will not be waived every time the terrorists kidnap a soldier. And unlike Noam Shalit, no one will pay attention to your parents when they cry and plead. They will be lucky if they aren't dragged out of court while the judge goes off to attend a seminar on human rights put on by those same NGO's.

Israel has three types of politicians

Then there are the politicians. Israel has three types of politicians. The absolutely corrupt, who believe in nothing and will vote for anything. They form the majority of all parties. The left, which believes that Israel is an immoral state. The right which makes patriotic speeches while following the policies of the left on everything but the economy. That is why Israel has a successful economy and a failed war on terrorism.

The country's economic inventiveness disguises its political malaise. The left has never admitted that its policies have failed, and the right has promised to follow its policies but with a more responsible emphasis on national security. There are no original ideas, only a succession of politicians trying to stay in power for more than four years while maintaining the status quo.

Israeli politicians are drawn from three groups. The sons of political figures, the military and minority activists. The leaders of all Israel's major parties come from one of these categories.What they all have in common is a complete lack of original ideas. Foreign Minister Lieberman, for all his faults and buffoonery, is the only prominent figure in the government who comes up with ideas. Which is why it's vital for pundits to compare him to Hitler and for the same foreign governments who fund those NGO's to urge the Israeli government to form into an incestuous Kadima-Likud bloc.

Israel's mainstream political establishment is a complete failure, on the left and the right

Israel's mainstream political establishment is a complete failure, on the left and the right. The mainstream electorate which supports Kadima even more so. Its only sources of vitality come from Russian, Middle-Eastern and Anglo immigrants who still haven't been beaten down into the Israeli way of doing things. Who still haven't adopted the cynical optimism that shrugs and refuses to think five steps forward. That cheers Gilad Shalit's release, the return of Barak, the return of Netanyahu and the same old revolving door political establishment leading to the same old revolving door terrorism, while admitting that none of it really means anything.

Hamas won because it had an objective, a long term strategy meant to achieve its goals. Israel has no objectives, except to keep the violence down to a minimum. Its strategic objectives are to avoid pain as much as possible. The Shalit decision ties into that strategy. After Noam Shalit and his allies terrorized the political establishment, in conjunction with Hamas, Noam and Hamas got their way. The terrorists go free, if Gilad is alive, he will probably go free too. I say "probably" because three years ago when Israel made this swap with Hezbollah, it got bodies in exchange for terrorists.

Israel only goes on the offensive as a defensive strategy. Bomb the terrorists a bit to remind the Israeli public that their government isn't completely incompetent and warn the terrorists to keep the violence down. If the terrorists go too far, then it might be a whole month of attacks, where soldier's lives are traded as a warning. A warning that means nothing.

The noise and furor over the so-called "Price Tag" attacks is pathetic hypocrisy when the attacks consist of civilians in dangerous areas practicing the policy of the Israeli government. And practicing it more honestly and more competently than the generals who trade off dozens of lives for a few hundred terrorists and six months of calm. The same generals who wisely stroke their chins and assure the public that they know what they're doing. And they do. But what they're doing isn't fighting terrorism, it's achieving a temporary calm through temporary violence that makes them and their bosses look good, without actually stopping terrorism.

The Israeli war on terrorism has failed. It failed when Rabin and Peres cut a deal with Arafat. It failed when Israel adopted a defensive strategy of retreating behind walls, real or imaginary. It failed when Israel traded off the worst terrorists in its prisons for a brief rush of positive feelings which is what the Shalit deal really comes down to. That and Netanyahu taking some of the pressure off.

Israel has no plan for going forward. The left can only think of cutting more deals with terrorists while pretending the outcome will be somehow different than it has been for nearly twenty years. The right has no policy except minimizing the pain of the status quo. It will do anything if it's pressured enough, and if it isn't pressured, then it takes out maps and begins planning a workable ghetto state for itself behind virtual fences and anti-missile defenses.

Savlanut is not the solution. At some point you either go on the offensive against the core problem, or you lose. The joke from the Six Day War that Nasser had borrowed the Soviet strategy from WW2 of retreating and then waiting for the snow to bury the Israelis. The joke has now been turned around. It's the Israeli political and military establishment which is retreating and waiting for the snow to bury the terrorists. But the snow isn't coming.

The terrorists have been going steadily on the offensive and they are winning

The terrorists have been going steadily on the offensive and they are winning. Most Israelis will deny that, but it's a fact. The UN hubbub and the Shalit deal are reminders of it. Things will not get any better by ignoring the problem. They will not get better with Hasbara. They will not get better if the terrorists are given free reign to demonstrate that they're not interested in peace. They will not get better at the negotiating table. They will not get better after a few weeks of bombing. They will not get better until the core problem is addressed.

The core problem is that Israel has armed terrorist groups operating within its borders. Those groups have military and political objectives that they are closer than ever to achieving. Those groups including the PA and Hamas. Israel will either drive out those groups, or in combination with sponsoring Muslim states, the UN and even their European allies, they will destroy Israel.

The snow isn't coming. The terrorists, the Turks, the Iranians, the Syrians and Egyptians are.

Ahlam Tamimi: Poster Child for Rule 303

This is why Israel should stop capturing terrorists alive
by Bill Levinson

We signed the petition "Remove Ahlam Tamimi from the list of terrorists to be freed" and we encourage others to do so as well. The petition explains,

    We urgently call on Israel's Ministry of Justice to remove Ahlam Tamimi from the list of prisoners to be released in exchange for the return of Gilad Shalit.

    Tamimi was sentenced to 16 consecutive life terms in jail for her involvement in the terrorist attack on the Sbarro pizza restaurant in Jerusalem in August 2001 that claimed the lives of 16 innocent victims, amongst them many Jewish children.

    Tamimi has never expressed remorse and told reporters in 2006, "I'm not sorry for what I did. I will get out of prison and I refuse to recognize Israel's existence. Discussions will only take place after Israel recognizes that this is Islamic land."

Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing adds,

    [The bomber] was escorted to the restaurant by Ahlam Tamimi, a 20-year-old female university student and part-time journalist, who had disguised herself as a Jewish tourist for the occasion. She later commented that she was not sorry for what she did and does not recognize Israel's existence. "Despite the fact that I'm sentenced to 16 life sentences I know that we will become free from Israeli occupation and then I will also be free from the prison," she said. Tamimi will be released in October 2011 in exchange for the release of captured soldier Gilad Shalit.

Under U.S. civilian law, Tamimi could have been sentenced to death as an accessory to murder. Military law would have sanctioned her execution as a spy, as she had disguised herself as a civilian to avoid identification as a combatant. Her counterpart Terry Nichols, the accomplice of mass murderer Timothy McVeigh, is doing life without parole in the maximum security prison at Florence Colorado.

It is impossible to respect a country that would release an individual like this under any circumstances. Israel has in fact made itself a party to terroristic violence against its own people by releasing not only this individual but the likes of Samir Kuntar. Israel should realize that, if it has lost the respect of those on its side, it has gained only the contempt and derision of its enemies.

The prospective release of 1000 terrorists would not be an issue if the terrorists had not been captured alive in the first place. Nobody is suggesting the extrajudicial execution of prisoners, i.e. individuals whose surrenders have been accepted and who have been clearly disarmed–i.e. have no suicide belts or explosives implanted in their bodies. Our position is that the IDF and similar entities should (in the absence of capital punishment or credible and effective life without parole) not offer them the opportunity to surrender in the first place.

There are many ways to apply Rule 303 without crossing the line to atrocities like the Malmedy Massacre (of American soldiers who, as uniformed combatants, had the right to surrender and whose surrenders the Germans had accepted). First, rules of engagement should be issued that terrorists, unlike common criminals who are probably rational enough to surrender and serve prison sentences, are willing to blow themselves up to kill people on the other side. "Unless you are 100 percent sure the terrorist has no suicide belt or explosives implanted in his body, you are to shoot him to prevent him from getting within 30 or 40 meters of you or people for whose safety you are responsible."

Second, the ROE should state that the IDF does not order a terrorist to drop his weapon and surrender; it is simply to shoot him dead on the spot. This is in fact quite legal in warfare against uniformed opponents who conduct themselves according to the laws of war. If an enemy patrol walks into your killing zone, on which you have trained half a dozen machine guns along with mortars and sharpshooters with unobstructed lines of fire, it is not a war crime to simply kill the enemy soldiers without warning. If you are a decent person you will shout to them, "We have you surrounded; lay down your arms" and then take them into custody but, as far as we know, there is no law of war that requires you to do this. (This would incidentally be our desire with regard to people who simply have the misfortune to be wearing the wrong color uniforms, possibly because they were conscripted with no choice in the matter.) This is not a courtesy that anybody is obliged to extend to terrorists, though.

These measures would not even go as far as those for which Russia, which has always known how to take care of business, has set a precedent.

    Instead, like many other warships that have intercepted pirate skiffs, the Russian marines released the pirates — but not before removing weapons and navigation equipment from the boat several hundred miles from shore. Russian officials gave no explanation for removing the navigation equipment.

In this case, the Russians effectively abandoned at sea men whose surrenders they had accepted (instead of gunning them down before they could surrender, which is the approach we recommend). Nonetheless, the pirates now studiously avoid anything with a Russian flag on it. Furthermore,

    The EU has been targeting motherships. The effect is similar for any pirates at sea dependent on those captured motherships for fuel and food. Going after supply lines is a classic military strategy. However, those at the end of a disrupted supply line at sea are as doomed as the pirates the Russians 'freed' at sea.The only difference is that the Russians caught them and then let them go.
We finally note that Israel's release of these terrorists in exchange for Gilad Shalit has earned it nothing but contempt and disgust from the entire world including those on its own side. Israel was not obliged in any way to negotiate Shalit's release. It was Israel's right and duty to remind Hamas that prisoners of war are not held during peacetime and, as Hamas was holding Shalit, Hamas was at war with Israel. A state of war entitles Israel to use air power, tanks, artillery, and so on without any restraint whatsoever until Hamas surrenders (or preferably dies to the last man), and avoidance of that outcome should have been the only incentive given to Hamas to release its prisoner.--

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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