Friday, July 01, 2011

Memorializing rather than preventing a Holocaust. An open letter to Mainstream Jewish News and Rabbanim


First let me begin with Chatasi, Avisi Pashati.  I too have sinned. 

In the News somewhere:   Obama and Clinton are now accepting the the Muslim Brotherhood as moderate  in Egypt  

Rav Lior being arrested for  endorsing the one book that addresses how to fight the enemy  that threatens us according to Halacha.

Obama on the TV live, praise New York's decision to legalize gay marriage, 

What is the majority of front page news and headlines and news items  and major news for Frum Jewish News?  The loss of Rav Michel Lefkowitz ztl age 97, Rav Chaim Stein zt'l age 99 and the successful heart surgery b"'h  of Rav Eliashiv, Posek HaDor who is close to 100 if not above and his Catholic surgeon,  Dr. Daniel Clair who operated on Rav Eliashiv.  Last week the focus was on another Senior Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yitzchok Dov Koppelman ztz"l.

Mainstream Jewish News will focus on memorializing the dead, albeit Tzadikkim,  and Kedoshim of Holocausts of years gone by, and at times when especially gruesome, the Kedoshim of today,  but not  address or prevent a Holocaust in the making.  

This week I called up some very well known GEDOILIM and said that a Rav who is connected to Rabbanei Yesha is in Brooklyn can you please meet wth him and the reply is I never heard of him.  I am too busy.  When a representative of the Shomron comes to Brooklyn and we call up our Gedoilim or Askanim, there is no time to meet with them, or there is a passing of the buck. Call back in 2 weeks.  We are busy with a Dinner or whatever.  Settlers of Yehuda and Shomron are forced to rely on righteous Gentiles for their support because the Jews are closing their doors.  When a Rav comes from Eretz Yisroel who wishes to address the Chillul Hashem on Har Habayit and our rights to Eretz Yisroel confronting Obamas accusation that we are the Occupiers, it is not a politically correct topic even though there is a Mitzva of Es Makdashi Tirau. . When there is news and evidence that  Jews in Judea and Samaria  are in danger  because of the policies of the IDF , it is not news worthy.  When we are being warned that Mosques are taking over East Jerusalem and surrounding areas unchecked, we don't want to receive the messenger.  Nobody is really interested in such news. 

What has been the consequences of our inaction?  Islamic terror has transplanted itself from Eretz Yisroel to America.  They are in the process of infiltrating the highest echelons of the United States of America. Europe has been taken over.  

Justice in AMerica?  Need we look further than Jonathan Pollard and Rubashkin? When unfair,  irrational judgements and sentences are at the mercy of a judge who is empowered don't you realize that eventually it will trickle down to a stupid court case not related to "politics" who will hit the "guilty" with whatever sentences they decide upon?  A case in point recently  in Boro Park  a chassidishe younger man was found guilty of  stealing the  expensive camera from an elderly Jews and perhaps assaulting him after being provoked was hit with 5 million dollar bail by the judge..

Finally a  Safer is written that addresses immediate concerns of Picuach Nefesh.  Israel is surrounded by enemies clearly  out for OUR destruction.  There are many grey areas that warrant halachic discussion.  Rabbanim endorse the Sefer for addressing these life threatening matters.  Those involved are shamefully disgraced and delegitimized. The Yeshiva is cut funding and a Rav who endorsed this halachic discussion is arrested and all this is not reported in the frum News.  Is there any wonder why Israel and Jews are delegitimized by the world.when they act in self defense? 

There are brave and courageous individuals and organizations, (Honeni, defending settlers who are arrested on trumped up charges for attacking Palestinians sometimes after being forced to defend themselves, Shurat Hadin fighting legal battles stopping the flotillas, Women in Green planting in Netzer and AFSI directed by Helen Freedman who go on Chizuk Missions to Eretz Yisroel to Judea and Samaria and those expelled from Gush Katif,  fighting this tsunami of terror on our own. Hamonei Am is too  busy eulogizing their dead they don't give them proper coverage or any coverage in the mainstream Jewish News or time to meet with them. 

Surely this diversion of attention of matters concerning Pikuach Nefesh will only serve to  help  the Prosecution in Shamayim on all the Gedoilim zt"l  who have recently passed away awaiting judgement in Shamayim.

 Again, Chatasi, Avisi, Pashati and I know very well that I too am guilty.  Shabbat Shalom Umevorach!

Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

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