Sunday, February 06, 2011

: Will Judea and Samaria be a Replay of Gush Katif? from Paul Eidelberg


Excellent question Dr. Eidelberg!  I too have asked  exactly the same question and I suspect every thinking individual who follows the news regarding Judea and Samaria has at least thought of this same question. 

 Will any of the Jewish Media be courageous enough to ask these very obvious questions in a conspicuous place in their medium?  Let college campuses and Yeshivot have public debates as per what the residents of Judea and Samaria are supposed to do given their choices.  I am sure all the  residents of Judea and Samaria have been addressing these questions in a private forum but they for some reason are unwilling to make a public discussion of their concerns and fears of what can chas veshalom happen with the establishment of a Palestinian State and how they can respond in an effective fight which will not end up like those from Gushj Katif. .  Whatever they decide, they need the support to help justify their actions both in the PR realm and in Tachlis.

If the media brings these questions to the forefront en masse especially outside the Diaspora and engage those in Judea and Samaria with an academic discussion and public debate,  that should eliminate  any fear of freedom of expression and take away the stigma the media has so cruelly portrayed on a group of the most beautiful examples of  Ahavas Yisroel, Ahavas Eretz Yisroel and Ahavas Torat Yisroel that our Nation has to offer. These families are on the front lines and if they fall so do we all chas veshalom.

The gov't and the media have cruelly portrayed the settlers in Judea and Samaria as unlawful, extremists, religious fanatics etc  They have stolen from themustification of self defense. Settlers are forced to fight lawfare a tool of the enemies to bring lawsuits against the residents of Judea and Samaria and at times int he Negev and the Galil using  false witnesses lies and distortion and fueled by lawyers who are  paid by enemies of  Israel and enemy NGO's who prosecute victims of terror attacks as if they were the aggressor.  Truly the methods of the justice system of Sodom.

The world now is witnessing Muslim Brotherhood who should be the object of such cruel portrayal.  Yasher Koach to Prof. Eidelberg for boldly speaking up for what we all were asking quietly to ourselves.

From: Paul Eidelberg <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 03:07:41 +0200
Subject: Will Judea and Samaria be a Replay of Gush Katif?

Will Judea and Samaria be a Replay of Gush Katif?


Prof. Paul Eidelberg


What are Jews in Judea and Samaria doing to prevent a replay of Gush Katif? If they didn't know earlier, they learned on June 14, 2009 that their stout-hearted Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, without Knesset or public debate, autocratically endorsed the creation of a PLO Islamic state in Judea and Samaria.  Let me speak directly to the men among the 300,000 Jews now residing in Israel's heartland.


"You know very well—as does Bibi—that you are not going to co-exist in peace with more than a million Arab Muslims in a PLO state. Hence you know Bibi's commitment to a PLO state logically entails expulsion from your homes, destruction of your schools and synagogues, your farms and factories. You must therefore be aware that your wives and children are going to suffer the same traumas suffered by the women and children of Gush Katif.


"I ask with all respect, what are you doing NOW to prevent this monstrous crime? Are you going to wait for the police and soldiers to forcefully remove you from your flourishing?  Do you think protest demonstrations ala Women-in- Green—God bless them—will save you? Are you going to be intimidated by the fear or bogeyman of civil war?  Kindelach, don't you know there has been an "undeclared" civil war going on in this country since 1948, when its founders set out to make Jews a 'normal,' hence to cease being Jewish? Don't you know that the political system facilitates this objective by fragmenting and disempowering the people, compelling them to vote for one of as many as 30 fixed party slates—which produces not simply your inept multi-party government but a democratically elected dictator? Don't you have dozens of political scientists to explain this political trickery?


"Don't you know your ruling class can count? They knew long ago that the birthrate of religious Jews, unless counter measures are taken, will eventually relegate Israel's "normalized" ruling elites to the dust heap of history?  That's why they imported hundreds of thousands of gentiles, especially from Russia, to diminish the voting power of religious Jews.  Indeed, that's why they want to expel you from Judea and Samaria, where the prophets walked, because that will undermine your children's or your grandchildren's belief in the prophets and sages of Israel and the Beginning of the Redemption (atchalta d'geula).


"So what are you doing NOW to prevent the end of the Third Commonwealth? Don't you know a Muslim state on Jewish soil means no Jews will come here? Don't you know that thanks to the idolatry of democracy and its one-adult-one-vote principle, Arabs will soon outnumber Jews and take over the Knesset righty despise by 80 to 90 percent of the public?


"Again, what are you going to do?  You have in your midst former IDF officers. Why don't you work with them? Why don't you form a network of cells throughout Judea and Samaria, with links beyond to prevent a replay of the unspeakable crime perpetrated against the Jews of Gush Katif (and I have not forgotten the Jews expelled from northern Samaria).


"You need to form a Strategy Team NOW, consisting of military experts, lawyers, computer experts, constitutional experts, PR men, economists, political experts, and solid rabbis—and this team must be on the ready before Israel's so-called democratic government deprives you of your one and only homeland and desecrates the Name of God, as your prime minister did at Bar-Ilan University when he endorsed a PLO state—yes, without a whisper of rebuke.


"Are you going to wait and do nothing just as your feckless government waited and did nothing while Hezbollah deployed more than 10,000 missiles before the outbreak of the Second War in Lebanon, a war Israel lost and thus enabled Iran's proxy to gain control of that country? Are you going to wait for another election to "change" the government? Haven't you learned by now that it makes no basic difference which party or coalition is at the helm: you are going to be screwed.


On the other hand, you know the government is spineless. It allowed Hamas to establish an Islamist state in Gaza—another Iranian proxy.  Since you must have nothing but contempt for this timid government, why don't you begin to think in regime terms, and not merely in policy terms? You have had almost 20 months of warning since your glib prime minister virtually pronounced your doom at the religious Bar-Ilan University: a fitting place to desecrate God's Name.  Rabbis, speak up!  Nay more, start training to be in the front line of the 'Resistance.'"  



Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

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