Thursday, January 06, 2011

News Flash! Gov't of Israel in Solidarity with Palestinian People to End Jewish Occupation in Tekoa, Hebron and Samaria.



In a pitiful display of solidarity with FATAH  the Gov't of Israel has demonstrated their determination to target individual obstacles to the "Peace Process". 

 On the night of December 15, 2010, police forces snuck into the community of Tekoa and destroyed the home of Mayan and Yigal Carlebach clearly occupying a hilltop.

The suffering and human rights violations of the Palestinian people have gone on too far.  This is clearly a poor attempt of Israel's to satisfy the Obama Administration support of the Palestiine Liberation Authority's plan to build facts on the ground that will make it more difficult for Israel to maintain control over Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.

It is justice but just scratching the surface.  The gov't of Israel is doing a bare minimum to respond to the ongoing victimization and brutal human rights violations of the Palestinian people whose lives are made miserable day after day watching homes like the Carlebachs being built.  How dare they defy the Jewish FREEZE that is imposed on the the entire West Bank and even in Jerusalem under the unofficial policy of the Israeli Government.  Surely building such homes is the ultimate act of provocation by extremist settlers and provoke unbearable levels of frustration. that brings Palestinian rock throwers, arsonists and suicide martyrs into action.  

Our children are taught the glorification of martyrdom and the beauty of Jihad in the name of Allah under Israel's watchful eye in places such as "annexed" East Jerusalem.  Ending Jewish Occupation in Palestine is the final solution to the Jewish Problem in Palestine. This is a pittance of what Israel must do in order to bring about a true and lasting peace in the region.

This is only 1 measly home in Tekoa.  So what if it was hand built by the father!  After all, count how many other Jewish homes occupy Tekoa!

The Gov't of Israel has targeted another racist extremist settler and her family by the name of Elisheva Federman from the Hebron area.  This mother of 10 had the audacity to call an Arab that murders a Jew an animal!  What a racist statement and an insult to the entire Palestinian population.  After all, what animal murders Jews in the name of Shahidism.  Name me even one.  She's a liar! How can we be even compared to an animal.  If she would have called us Jihad freedom fighters, than that would have been much a more accurate description.  But a puny animal?  For this she deserves a much stiffer punishment then the  court ordered jail sentence leaving her 10 children and husband to fend for themselves  and/or pay a 4,000 shekel fine.  The Federman's have a history of trouble making and the police bulldozed their home last year in the middle of night, 1:00am to be accurate, w/o warning of course.  The kids had no place to go and had to witness the destruction of their home leaving then homeless.  After all, considering the trauma the Palestinians have suffered under Israel occupation, it is the proper way to deal with radical settlers who wish to do nothing better than occupy Palestinian land brick by brick.  But this too is a mere pittance. 

There are thousands of Jewish homes in Hebron and surrounding areas who are occupying Palestinian Land.  Why should the Gov't of Israel treat them any better than the Carlebach's or Federman's.  And while the police is at it, they had better get to work in some of the larger cities such as Tel Aviv and Haifa which were built over Arab villages.

Another insignificant act of Solidarity with the Palestinian Liberation Autonomy was taken by the Government of Israel against the radical extremist Yeshiva Od Yosef Chai iin Samaria who employs radical, blood thirsty "Rabbinic" scholars who call for the blood of  nonJewish children.  Just withholding government subsidies for these blood thirsty hoodlums won't do anything.  Taking away a third of their operating budget is like a minor slap. They deserve complete alienation and isolation and should be removed from civil society.  Otherwise, allowing them to spout such malicious  propaganda with their  hate filled  racist ideology calling for the blood of  non Jewish children surely deserves a bloody response in return. Not a mere withholding of funds.

With these minuscule steps, does Israel really think they have contributed significantly towards the Peace Process and made any real progress whatsoever toward a true and lasting Peace that will once and for all end the Jewish Occupation of the Palestinian Homeland?   When will Palestine be Liberated once and for all and all traces of all Jewish presence removed and annihilated?????  Surely this proves that we have a noble cause in supporting resistance to the ongoing occupation of the Jewish people on Palestinian homeland. Not only is this a worthy endeavor but obligatory as commented by an Arab MK of the Israeli Knesseti)

(From a "reliable" news source from the occupied West Bank).

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