Friday, December 17, 2010

Excellent newsletter in this Media War of Delegitimization: TZC-Newsletter-Dec-17-2010- please print and distribute,


Dear Friends and Media, amv"sh

Please download the attachment.

There is an ongoing  Media War regarding the delegitimization of our entitlement to Eretz Yisroel.  Each one of us are soldiers that must fight in order to win this war.

The Toronto Zionist Council puts together a fantastic newsletter with articles that generally don't make it to the mainstream press here in NY.  Those of us that care passionately about Eretz Yisroel will get such news from Caroline Glick or from Arutz7. However the typical Flatbush or Boro Park Yid is confused about  Jewish entitlement of the Land of Israel.  President Obama says Jerusalem should be divided and labels Jewish presence in PA claimed areas as "illegitimate".    Jews respond with silence.  Hillary Clinton treats Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak as esteemed politicians after they put the blame on the failed "peace process" on Netanyahu..  .

Therefore, please review this newsletter and put the best Hasbara into your Shuls and News. 

Why Hasbara from the Israeli Gov't in ineffective?
Hasbara by the Israel Gov't  taking the lead from Netanyahu, only emphasizes that we do not have a peace partner.  It fails to speak of our G-d given entitlement and legitimate claim to the Land.  Such "Hasbara" in principle supports a 2 State Solution and in so doing actually aids to advance the "Peace Process"  which clearly is a  "Terror Process".   This kind of Hasbara is ineffective and  fails  to fight the PR Campaign of delegitimization since It does not refute the lie that Jews are "occupiers". It does not assert our claim to Eretz Yisroel.

Let us take the offensive which is based on truth. Foreigners that  fail to recognize Jewish Sovereignty and those that desire the destruction of Israel and the Land of Israel are the real "occupiers"

Only the Torah can refute this lie of "Occupation". Listen and quote Helen Freedman, a shining star, spokeswoman of AFSI  as she speaks for ACT for America in Florida(see last article in newsletter) .
Presently, former Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, and many Ministers among Evangelicals will powerfully and openly unabashedly quote the Bible and support Jewish Sovereignty in all of Israel including Judea and Samaria. They believe that this is the key for blessings of mankind based on what is written in the Torah.

The Media creates the politics as Caroline Glick points out in her article "Bringing Down Bibi"  (Kadima she reports was created by the Leftist Media) Can't we then create a reality based on the truth of the Torah using the tools we have be it a Newspaper, radio program or simply equipped with  internet, our PC and printer.    The ball is in our court. 

Dear List, please make copies and distribute in shul.  email or the editor Yossi Winter, to  get your weekly newsletter emailed every Thursday night ,

I hope you will also read the following article by Daniel Greenfield who blogs as Sultan Knish entitled Who Will Teach Tolerance to the Muslims?
by Daniel Greenfield

The Theft of Ground Zero
By Pamela Geller

We Have a Muslim Problem

Undercover's Revolutionary Guard reveals
mosques in the U.S. used for terrorism

Dear Robin,

This week's edition of "Stakelbeck on Terror" gives us a glimpse into the world of Iran's Revolutionary Guard. In an interview with a CIA operative who worked undercover within the Guard, we learn how Islamists are using mosques in the U.S. to advance terrorism and jihad.

  Video of the interview is available here. A transcript of the segment about mosques in the U.S. is available below, and can be seen at the 24:57 timing mark on the video.

Members of the media often ask us at ACT! for America why there is growing concern about mosques in the United States. The reason is simple: Americans are waking up to the realization that jihadist ideology and planning is being promoted in many American mosques.


Khalili: Mosques are supposed to be a place for prayer. A place for submission to God. But they are used as a recruitment center, for backdoor meetings, transfer of arms and cash and putting together terrorist activities and I was involved in some of their meetings.

E.S: You made a key point, that Iran used mosques and Islamic cultural centers in the West to further its agenda...could you get a little bit more specific about that? How does Iran uses mosques here in the U.S. and in Europe to plot terrorism?

Khalili: I can tell you from experience: I was part of the operation, I was involved in the Islamic community, and I can tell you clearly that out of mosques, there was a big effort with the Afghan communities by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards members--and with Pakistanis, Turks and others. And they would recruit from them, they would transfer cash and arms. And mosques provided a safe haven, and actually, in my view, were one of the centers of the operation. So if an intelligence agency such as the CIA infiltrates a mosque and understands that there is a specific Guards member who runs it, then actually they could be very successful in drawing a chart of all the terrorist activities in that specific region. That's how central the mosque operation was.

E.S.: And that's in Europe--you were involved in some of these operations in Europe. How about the U.S.?

Khalili: It's absolutely the same. They recruit, they train, they sell the ideology of martyrdom, and many, many are guided and connected to terrorist groups. And you've seen this: many U.S. born citizens, Muslims, unfortunately, have been sold this idea and are sent to Al Qaeda camps or others. But the Iranians are very active in this country through the mosques and Islamic cultural centers to make those connections and run those operations.

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Date: Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 10:26 PM
Subject: TZC-Newsletter-Dec-17-2010-PDF-Format



Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

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