Sunday, October 24, 2010

Parsha Chaya Sarah Quiz for Parody Lovers (mature audiences only)


Eretz Yisroel (EY) and Am Yisroel(AY)
A Marriage Made in Heaven
Living a Life Based on Torah and Mitzvoth

BoEY Challah BoEy Challah!

Here is a quiz for for all you Latma Lovers!

Prostitution and Eretz Yisroel (EY)

  • Question:   What is EY's Pimps' "Agreement of Reciprocity?"
  • Answer:      If you agree to stop attacking her [EY], we reciprocate by allowing you to take her heart while we keep the rest of her.
  • Question:   What is EY's Pimp's idea of a "Peaceful Solution"?
  • Answer:      I'll give her [EY] to you if you acknowledge she's married to me.
  • Question:   Why does EY's spokesman, Netanyahu,  allow her (EY)  to freeze?
  • Answer:     Because he is impotent
  • Question:     Why is Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the American Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, supporter of Oslo, Annapolis and a Two State Solution speaking at the Kingsway Jewish Center in Brooklyn, NY on this coming Parshat Chaya Sarah 5771 on the Shabbat that affirms our entitlement to all of EY (It says in the Gemara Kicha Kicha Misdei Efron, just like the field was bought so to a marriage is acquired with buying.
  • Answer:      Obviously because he "GETS" it. ( EY from AY!)  ("get" the pun?)

AYAYAY Shabbos, AYAYAY Shabbos AYAYAY Shabbos Kodesh....... 
:(  :(

As Isaiah said: "Eichah Haita L'Zona Kirya Neemana" "How has the faithful city become a prostitute" :( :(

Please feel free to forward.....Comments are welcome...All negative comments will be rejected and taken off my mailing list. .

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