Friday, October 29, 2010

News Fit to Print: Fwd:Excellent Shabbat reading TZC-Newsletter-Oct-29-2010-PDF-Format Parshat Chayei Sarah


Dear List:  amv"sh

This and all my posts can be read and searched on a blog documenting Activism for Judea and Samaria since the 2005 expulsion from Gush Katif.  if you are reading my blog and wish to read the TZC newsletter the attachment  does not appear on my blog, You can email and ask them for it or better yet ask to subscribe.  Alternatively you can Google all the articles individually.  Caroline Glick is a regular though not in this issue.

Briefly the table of contents include:

If you are getting this via email including the attachment, print several copies  of the attached newsletter of the Toronto Zionist Council  News Reports and Commentary about Israel and the Jewish World and  bring to shul for the benefit of those who don't get this perspective from their Jewish media sources .

To my CC: list of Print Media above. please use such sources as this newsletter and reprint, with permission of course, in your newspaper or discuss them on your talk radio program.  Others examples of excellent news include Meg Whitman's interview or the article by Steve Collins for positive Jewish journalism.

While the rest of the world gets their information from sources busy delegitimizing Israel and deligitimizing our entitlement to the Land of Israel, presenting the Palestinians as the victims of our occupation e.g. Leslie Stahl of 60 minutes with purposeful and distasteful distortion of Ir David in East Jerusalem, ignoring historical and archeological facts  in an interview with Doron Spielman and NPR firing Juan Williams for being "uneasy around Muslims" and CNN, Reuters and the Times use of material that is known as Paliwood (film that is staged and edited in order to produce and present a desired perception which presents terrorists and terrorism in a positive light), and UN resolutions that equates Zionism as racism and choose the greatest violators of human rights to head such commissions, even Facebook has a policy against allowing violence or hate-speech on their site... except if it is against Israel. (and a Jew runs it ) we depend on our Jewish media to present the true reality.

 Let us use Torah as a model for reporting, unadulterated history.  It will stand the test of time with historical evidence and archeological proof  supporting  each other with  consistency, accuracy and objectivity. 

Please read what Steve Collins has to say.  This is a fascinating link and I mean really fascinating article!  I have yet to read an article that so blew my mind.  I suggest you print it out and read it all on a restful Shabbos afternoon!  It discusses the Kingdom of Solomon and how his fleets partnered with other Nations, expert in navigation and commerce,  encircled the world reaching the New World, centuries before Christopher Columbus and Ancient Hebrew Inscription of the Ten Commandments dating to Solomon Era in New Mexico and the Americas.

We see time and time again that the other side will try in every possible way to delete the Bible from the picture.

The Torah can be relied upon to be truthful and honest.  The Torah doesn't whitewash the reality and states the facts as it happens truthfully.  When the righteous sin it is recorded with a truthful honesty and accuracy of what happened. The Torah doesn't  hide the facts to protect Jews,  in order to make them look good.  When Jews act against G-d's will it is recorded with honesty.  There is no distortion of the facts and what is written in the Torah can be supported by archeology and historical evidence. 

History on the other hand is written by man and can not be trusted since facts are routinely omitted or presented in a distorted version in order to present a desirable perception. Those who fear G-d and study the Torah will most likely follow the Torah model for reporting events using honesty and objectivity tempered with understanding.  This is generally known as Tzedaka, Mishpat and Emes.  Charity and Justice and Truth.

When falsehood and the distortion of facts happen, the Jewish Media must rise to the occasion and present a true and honest reporting of the facts.  We should not be afraid to depict oppressive Sharia Law, or hateful Palestinian Media  as the ugly truth that it is.   We actually do a disservice to humanity by  sugarcoating it in any way. Terror and terrorists become the victim rather than the aggressor. 

The Torah is always true, honest and always reliable.  Therefore, let us  learn from the Torah to be the desired model  for all reporting. 

Please Forward the attached newsletter.   Excellent articles as usual  Yasher Koach to Toronto Zionist Council and the editor of this newsletter!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 12:05 AM
Subject: TZC-Newsletter-Oct-29-2010-PDF-Format



Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

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