Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's not only Columbia University. Read about Brooklyn College Indoctrination for this years incoming Freshman


 Time for us Jews to make ALIYA.

Israel National News reports:

Columbia U Creates Facts, Opens Study Center for 'Palestine'. 

Can you expect much from a University that hosts  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the name of its "academic freedom".  But when the disease hits Brooklyn College it hits home!

 An Alumni of Brooklyn College, Bruce Kesler, blogged that he  disinherited Brooklyn College this year because all incoming freshmen and transfer students are given a copy of a book to read, and no other, to create their "common experience." This same book is one of the readings in their required English course. The author is a radical pro-Palestinian professor there. "

This blog post  hit all the major Print Media in New York.  Please note that Brooklyn college is in the heart of Flatbush very close to Boro Park the bastion for religious, Orthodox Jews. It is the City College of choice for most Orthodox Jews in the area.

Bruce Kesler blogged

"After the New York Daily News  reported the issue, and Professor Emeritus in History at the City University of New York, Ron Radosh, wrote about it in the New York Post the New York Times, I guess, had to ride to the rescue of leftist hogwash."

Please read Bruce Kesler's posts and comments

My comments follow: (Robin)

(I loved the Daily News and New York Post articles who support Bruce Keslers position.) I didn't expect better from the Times.

The headline of The New York Times article makes light of the matter since they report that the  response in the neighborhood itself is more muted than of the online community. So even if the Times can relate to Bruce Kesler's points, they conclude it's no big deal.

As an insider, and a resident of the Flatbush community where Brooklyn College is situated I can attest that the Jewish leadership  of the community don't want to publicize such matters so as not to draw attention and making the matter  worse than it is. 

Muted is a good choice of words since the pain and outcry is numbed but present.  It exists very powerfully deep inside the soul of a community descended from Holocaust survivors just awaiting its time to erupt full force.

Muted silence was the case when the Neo Nazi group recently came to Yeshiva Chaim Berlin in Flatbush.  Dov Hikind and his family and a few others showed but no major opposition to the 8 or so group of neo Nazi's.

 Shtika Kehodia Damia and it is my opinion that Jabotinsky would have disagreed with this deafening silent approach of the Leadership of the community.  Unfortunately the Holocaust, vindicated Jabotinsky's approach albeit too late. 

It is still not too late to raise our voices. 

My comments to Brooklyn College regarding this matter:

Apparently almost everything is open for academic freedom except the Bible. I don't believe that those that pick the curriculum would consider Genesis as required reading which clearly states the position of the Bible which is  that the Land of Israel is the Promised Land for the Jewish People.

Promised to Whom? Promised to the seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob as an eternal inheritance and
not the Palestinians who have no  roots claiming the land whatsoever. This Covenant between G-d and our Forefathers with the Nation of Israel comes with the understanding that the Israelites, must obey the commandments in the Torah which include observing commandments specific with living on the Land.

Palestinians do not have the inclination or desire or obligation to keep these commandments
but Jews do . The Nation of Israel are the ones that are Divinely entitled to the Land and it is through their being and living on the Land and observing the commandments that the entire world is blessed.

This is not my opinion. It is clearly stated in the Torah.

I don't believe that Brooklyn College will include in their curriculum, passages in the Bible that clearly delineates boundaries of the Land of Israel prior to the Israelite's entry into their Promised Land which clearly includes
all of Judea and Samaria . The concept of Israel "occupying territories" in Judea and Samaria is not based on truth according to the Bible. It is rather the Palestinians who have fabricated lies and stolen the heritage of Jews and present their case as fact.

The omission of any requirement of the freshman class at Brooklyn College to read about Jewish entitlement to the Land of Israel based on the Bible yet requires them to read about the victimization of Palestinians and their legitimate rights in "occupied territories" is extremely painful  to the large segment of Orthodox Jews who happen to live in the surrounding communities of Boro Park and Flatbush and attend Brooklyn College. If they know about it, they by enlarge choose to suffer in silence,

Let me add that a
very large percentage of the population that attends Brooklyn College is Jewish. Many are Orthodox Jews, believers in One G-d and the Holy Torah. This choice of book clearly shows a lack of sensitivity to the beliefs and values of the Jewish Population in Brooklyn College and the surrounding community. It is extremely disturbing especially in light of the controversy going on regarding building a mosque at Ground Zero on the site of 9/11. Incidentally, the argument presented in favor of this choice of required reading  is the same one used in favor of building the mosque at ground zero. It is in the name of promoting diversity and multiculturalism

Islam is the least tolerant of all religions. Jewish and Christian prayer is forbidden on Temple Mount under the Waqf. Mass of expulsions of Jews from Arab countries happened immediately following 1967, the 6 day War. Jews were forced to flee with the clothes on their backs from Muslim countries.

It is doubly painful since we know there is also a large secular Jewish community attending Brooklyn College who are not familiar with their own heritage and will be hearing about how Palestinians are victimized and will somehow be convinced, due to lack of a balanced curriculum to turn against their fellow Jew with J'Accuse depending also on the slant of the Professor.

"Diversity and multiculturalism" has turned into the exact opposite of what it should represent. Anyone that represents opposing cultures/beliefs/values that refuse to be melted into this concept of "diversity and multiculturalism" is excluded and/or not allowed freedom of expression on the same level as those that espouse "diversity and multiculturalism". In fact "diversity and multiculturalism" is usually a smokescreen for a group that wishes to stifle opposition of their own beliefs and values. Others will be allowed expression only in a controlled environment where they have to be somehow subordinate in presentation in order to ensure that their views do not have the same convincing intensity or in any way overpower the views represented by those that run the forum, debate and curriculum.

This is the reason why this book is indoctrinating. Its message is mutually exclusive from the Jewish message based on the Torah. Only their misguided position will be recommended required reading in the curriculum.

Two diametrically opposing positions can not coexist. Either Palestinians are occupiers or Jews are occupiers.  If you choose to present one side of the picture opening up a can of worms, in order to be fair,  you must give equal side to the other side of the coin.

Entitlement to ones home or birthright is not open for discussion. There is a deed that clearly states who the rightful owner is. Such is the case with the Land of Israel.

The Torah is not up for dispute or negotiation.

My question to you is will the position of the Bible at the very least be given equal time and be recommended required reading at Brooklyn College in order to present a balanced picture?

I suspect you will answer me G-d forbid!


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.  Posted on

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