Friday, September 17, 2010

Jewish Press front story. From being PASSIVE to ProACTIVE. Thinking out of the Box!


Dear Friends, amv"sh

For the record.  My last email was slightly off in that it placed the Jewish Press, Mort Klein and National Council of Young Israel in a totally negative light. 

So now before Yom Kippur Yom Hadin I would like to set the record straight. .  Mort Klein and the ZOA, the National Coucil of Young Israel and the Jewish Press are all AGAINST extending the Freeze.  They have been the most vocal of the mainstream Jewish Organizations and media in support of Judea and Samaria.  

Why then are they resigned to extending the freeze?  Apparently, they are at a loss, given  the present Israeli gov't  represented by Netanyahu  and the present USA gov't represented by President  Obama and the State Dept. to figure out how they can  effectively  influence Captiol Hill? 

The answer is to think out of the BOX!

The answer is clearly a 2 STate Solution.  But not simply the Roadmap but a TORAH Roadmap.

2 States:
  1. The State of Israel and
  2. a sister State, a Judean Autonomy in Judea and Samaria based on Hebraic Law, Torah law and Mitzvoth (and not  British and Turkish law. 

A Jewish Homeland in the Biblical Heartland  in the Land of Israel.   

This way no Jewish community will be expelled from their homeland.   No family will be torn apart from their community.  No Synagogue and Culture Center will be demolished and no graves will be moved.  No destruction of businesses and homes. No need to raise money for former productive, self supporting, members of society after their life's work was cruelly taken from them.

Surely the majority of the members of Congress and the Senate are believers in One G-d, the G-d of Israel and read the Tora. The Torah is the building block of all other religions.  

 While members of Capitol Hill  have a problem with opposing Netanyahu and his gov't and do not wish to oppose the elected representative of the State of Israel, they don't ideologically have a problem supporting the rights of Jews to live in their ancestral homeland as per Divine Will.   If they can support a Palestinian Autonomy than why not a Judean Autonomy. 

All non Jews of course are welcome to live in the Land of Israel provided that they accept Jewish Sovereignty and the 7 Noahide laws.  (Similar to I Pledge Allegiance).  However, any aggression against Jewish communities will be dealt with accordingly  as any Sovereign Nation would in order to protect their people and their boundaries.  These non Jewish residents have full rights under Jewish Law under the category of Ger Toshav.  They must be  provided for and our goal is to  live in peace and prosperity alongside Jewish neighbors. Jewish residents are obligated to 613 commandments rather than 7 Noahide laws. .  If any non Jew is not satisfied with this arrangement  they can choose any of the 22 Muslim ARab States surrounding Israel.

 The Jewish People and citizens of a Judean Autonomy should have,  as is the case with citizens of  USA, the right to bear arms and the right of self defense.  The main job of  gov't is to provide and protect their residents and their civil rights.   When the State of Israel stops doing so for the Jews in Judea and Samaria  the only logical solution is the one presented in this OUT OF THE BOX suggestion. 

Gmar Chatima Tova and may this be a Gut Gebentched Yar.  May this be a year of Peace and Prosperity for all the Nations of the World who are blessed through Israel when the Nation of Israel lives in the Holy Land observing the Torah and Mitzvoth,

Sincerely, Robin Ticker

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