Wednesday, July 21, 2010

U.S. Tax Dollars to UN Entering Black Hole says Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Republican


Now here is something American Jewish Organizations with Washington Offices can focus on! 

After all, what's the point of conducting seminars on educating Jews on the importance of reporting our taxes according to the Law of the Land - Dina D'Malchusa Dina  knowing that our hard earned money in taxes is eventually going towards supporting terror and destruction via the Black HOle of the UN. Rather unsettling???????

So you answer, 2 wrongs don't make a right.

Unfortunately, our enemies use the submissive posture of self accusation, self admission of wrongdoing and blame as an excuse  to paint Jews  antisemitic-ally and flawed. They have added accusation upon accusations for wrongdoings whose motives were  in no way criminal or sinister.  Upon investigation it will be revealed that indeed these perceived misdoings did in fact serve some moral, positive end purpose.

Time to join this Congresswomen and  go on the offensive against allocation of  taxpayers dollars to real evil and destructive forces.   Why waste energy for example, on holding seminars across the country being so apologetic for Rubashkin whose questionable policies ultimately tried to save jobs of  the legal employees of Agriprocessor.  Our willingness to admit quilt of any kind to a justice system that ultimately uses it against our brother to prosecute him makes us suspicious and wary of American Justice.  Why publicize the regret of the Spinke Rebbe whose allocations of money to Rebbeim had legal issues  but ultimately served the Good of Mankind (Torah education) and plead guilty for Jonathan Pollard who tried to protect Israel from weapons of mass destruction when America reneged on it's promise to share intelligence that was important for Israel's security. 

Let us attack the forces that triggered misdoings on the part of our brothers in an act of desperation ,  rather than constantly apologize for these misdoings! IN addition, let us attack American Foreign Policy involving funding terror across the globe establishing a terror State in the heart of Israel. 

Israel Resource Review  Behind the News in Israel

Ros-Lehtinen Comments on Scathing Report on UN, Says U.S. Tax Dollars to UN Entering 'Black Hole'

Wed Jul 20 2010

House Foreign Affairs Committee

U.S. House of Representatives

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Republican

CONTACT: Brad Goehner, (202) 226-8467, July 20, 2010

Alex Cruz, (202) 225-8200


(WASHINGTON) - U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, commented today on a scathing report by the former UN undersecretary general of the Office of Internal Oversight Services, which concluded "There is no transparency [at the UN], there is a lack of accountability. I do not see any signs of reform in the Organization." Statement by Ros-Lehtinen:

"The stew of corruption, mismanagement, and negligence long-plaguing the UN has reached a boiling point.

"After reading this report, it is even clearer that U.S. taxpayer dollars being shipped off to the UN will continue to be sucked into a black hole unless true reforms are enacted.

"A lack of transparency and accountability is far from the UN's only vice, however. Its endemic anti-Israel bias and inability to stand up to the enemies of freedom and human rights are examples of how the UN has been hijacked by rogue regimes and has abandoned its founding principles.

"With U.S. unemployment at nearly 10-percent and our deficits soaring, the ocean of American taxpayer dollars flowing to such an unaccountable and broken organization is more than a waste - it is an outrage.

"We owe it to the American people to withhold funding to the UN until it gets its act together."

Note: Ros-Lehtinen is the author of the United Nations Transparency, Accountability, and Reform Act (H.R. 557), which conditions U.S. funding to the UN on the implementation of concrete, structural, sweeping reforms throughout the UN system. This legislation enjoys the support of over 100 cosponsors.

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