Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Temple Awareness Day, Rosh Chodesh Nisan. The Arabs translate this statement as "Jewish groups calls to the storming of the Aqsa Mosque and worship in biblical and Talmudic maximum,


Storm is a very powerful word.  It usually means that a group of people violently break into  a setting that is protected.  There clearly is no violent storming being planned by Temple Awareness Day activists.
he Jewish Website reads as follows:
"We call on Jews and Gentiles around the world to mark March 16th, Rosh Chodesh Nisan, by assembling in prayer and discussion"

Since when is assembling in prayer considered "storming?"

(My personal explanation for this distortion of facts is that apparently,  they are the ones that are planning "storming" against the peaceful groups of prayer and they have to be proactive in defending their actions.  This is just conjecture but based on past history. )

The Palestinians are fabricating a bunch of lies for PR purposes.  Please read about  Temple Mount Awareness day called for Rosh Chodesh Nissan  5770, March 16, 2010.

We call on Jews to arrive at the Temple Mount Mugrabi Gate, on the morning of March 16th, after immersion in a kosher mikveh, in accordance with Torah law, in order to ascend the Temple Mount. Please arrive at the gate no later than 7:15 am and please come wearing non-leather shoes in accordance with Torah law. In addition a guide will be available at 6:15am in the Rova square to escort men to the Shuvu Banim Mikveh in the old city. Please be on time. Gentiles are likewise invited and encouraged to join us! (Questions concerning the aliya, please email:,

We call on Jews and Gentiles around the world to make March 16th, Rosh Chodesh Nisan, a day of solidarity with the Temple Mount and the prophetic vision of "a house of prayer for all nations."

Please go on the Jewish website. Then compare what the website says to the way the Arabs have totally distorted the message and are spreading outright lies and fabrications such as

Jewish groups calls to the storming of the Aqsa Mosque and worship in biblical and Talmudic maximum, and within the Office announced the opening of free services to anyone who wants to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque, or to pray biblical and Talmudic it, direct way, or on behalf, or carried out electronically, in addition to the publication of some photographic Boarding operations during the last two weeks, as these ads coincided with a campaign to raise funds to build the Third Temple at the expense of Al Aqsa Mosque.

Here are links to some other Arab sites:

Why is Jewish worship  called storming and Arab worship not storming? Why are Jews not allowed to send 10 people to pray?  Of course according to Jewish Law there are sections that are only permitted to select Jews who qualify according to the written and oral Torah under certain certain circumstances but that should not be up to the Wakf to determine as per who satisfies the requirements and who does not.  

The Jewish Website reads as follows:
We call on Jews and Gentiles around the world to mark March 16th, Rosh Chodesh Nisan, by assembling in prayer and discussion, spreading the word and raising awareness about the injustices being committed on the Temple Mount. We suggest holding prayer vigils outside Israeli Consulates and the Embassies.

Phone, Fax and email the Prime Minister of Israel's office:

Public opinion and action does matter! The effect of your message to the Prime Minister's office will be felt. On March 16th we will flood the Prime Minister's office with our messages.

Telephone number: 011-972-02-6705555

Fax number: 011-972-02-5664838

email address:

Please keep your message to the Prime Minister brief and respectful.
Below is a recommended email message:
Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the Temple Mount. As you know, the Temple Mount is the holiest site in the world for the Jewish people, yet the Muslim authorities, aided by Israel Police, systematically deny the right of religious expression on the Mount to all non-Moslems. On numerous occasions the High Court of Justice has upheld the Jewish people's right to pray at the site, yet the police continue to prevent this. Furthermore, Jewish visitors are harassed and degraded. This discrimination is a grave trampling of civil rights. Israeli law is not recognized by the Wakf authorities; illegal digging has destroyed priceless historical remnants of Jerusalem's Jewish history.

Please, end this travesty and allow Jewish freedom of expression at the Temple Mount. I urge you include the Temple Mount in your "Heritage Plan" of sites significant to the Jewish people.


Why have we chosen Rosh Chodesh Nisan, the first day of the month of Nisan as International Temple Mount Awareness Day?

This day is the anniversary of the dedication of the Tabernacle.
This day is the first day of the Divine service.

This day is the day on which fire descended from Heaven onto the altar, and the first day in which the Shechina, the Divine Presence, rested in the Tabernacle.

Nisan is the month of Redemption, the month in which our forefathers were redeemed from Egyptian bondage. But the month is called so not only because of the upcoming Festival of Passover and our ancestors' passage from slavery to freedom. Tradition teaches that in the future, as well, the great and final redemption will take place in Nisan. Let us do our part to make it happen!

he following organizations are participating in the first annual
International Temple Mount Awareness Day:


The Temple Institute

Organization for the Renewal of the Temple (ORT)

Women in Green,

Matot Arim,

Manhigut Yehudit,

The Nascent Sanhedrin,

The Temple Mount Heritage Foundation,

The Organization for Human Rights on Temple Mount,

Radio Free Nachlaot,

El Har Hashem – The Temple Mount Advocacy Council,

Israel National Radio


World Committee for the Land of Israel,

Jewish Activists Network,

Bnai Elim

Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI)


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