Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tehillim and be an activist for Refuah Sheleima for Yisroel ben Sara - Israel Kaplan Toronto


Dear Fellow Activists, amv"sh

Last week the following was sent out:

Subject: Tehillim for Yisrael ben Sara
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 23:26:51 +0200

Please join us in saying tehillim this coming Sunday night March 7th - 21st of Adar between 8-10pm (Israel time) for our father, Israel Kaplan - Yisrael ben Sara - by going to the following link and choosing your tehillim.


David, Tiffany, Dayna, Danny and Tamara


Many of us have been wondering how come those barrages of emails about Sderot and the dangers of a Hamas/Pa State stopped coming to our inbox.  Israel Kaplan stopped sending them because he became sick.

His cries must have stormed the heavens. The lone voice crying in desperation for others to hear. It wasn't enough.  Now we must daven for him. I have been told that he has been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer (may this diagnosis be null and void).  Rav Amnon Yitchok in his lectures said that in the zechut of individuals taking upon themselves Kabbalot, commitments to learn Torah, or perform certain Mitzvoth, or Machsom Lefi or put on Tzizit, or whatever a person can take upon themselves to do for the Refuah Sheleima of another, and if we do it en masse and storm the heavens, then miracles have occurred in the merit of Zikui Harabbim which is the merit of many. 

Sometimes Hashem chooses special Tzadikim to suffer for the rest of us.  But this would be unnecessary if Klal Yisroel would finally wake up to the dangers facing us and Hashem would not have to resort to picking an individual to suffer for the misdeeds of the klal, the rest of us.  Perhaps a proper Tikkun is to take over Israel Kaplan's battle full force, in order that Hashem send him a miraculous and speedy recovery a Refuah Sheleima  Bimhera Mamesh, and wake up Am Yisroel from their slumber regarding the dangers facing Am Yisroel.

In addition to saying Tehillim, perhaps we can become activists like Israel Kaplan. One idea that comes to mind is to help to organize Temple Mount Awareness next Tuesday, on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, March 16th on the Secular calendar.  We pray each and every day for the rebuilding of the Temple.  The Temple Sacrifice begins each morning with the Sun rising in Hebron.  The crier on Temple Mount checks at the peak of dawn whether the sun has arisen in Chevron. Only when there is an affirmative signal can the daily sacrifices  in the Temple in Jerusalem begin. 

Judea and Samaria is an integral part of the service and without Hebron, the service in Jerusalem is meaningless, null and void.

Izzy Kaplan was continuously Osek Betzarchei Tzibur. Every Shabbos we say "Kol Mi Sheosek Betzarchei Tzibur Beemunah", whoever is involved in serving the community with faith, Hashem rewards them, and takes away all sickness and heals their bodies and forgives them for their sins, and sends blessings and success to the work of their hands together with Israel their brothers, and let us say Amen!.

Maybe, however, the sins of the generation were weighing heavily upon him pushing him down. Now that Israel Kaplan is sick, he is unable to continue his holy work.  So we must do it for him and pray to G-d that our efforts be a merit for him so that he should have a Refuah Shelaima.

Sincerely, Robin Ticker

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