Monday, January 11, 2010

Speaking forthright to Lev L'Achim and the Gedoilim - Is this Lashon Hara? An Answer to David Ha'ivri


Dear David Ha'ivri, amv"sh

In response to your comment in

First Yasher Koach on all that the Shomron Council does especially the Liason office in conjunction with Gershon Mesika!  Beezrat Hashem may our hopes for fundraising for Yehudah and the Shomron come to fruition also in Flatbush and Boro Park communities that are filled  with Holy Jews with pure and precious Neshamos as Reb Shlomo Carlebach would say,  and may it be Hashem's will, Beezrat Hashem, that these precious Neshamos of Flatbush and Boro Park will recognize that  Torah connects them with Ir Haovot, Hebron and Hashem's Covenant with the Avot  and applies equally to them as it does to the residents of Yehudah and  Shomron.

Please brace your ears for what I am going to say because what I am about to say is very very painful.  But not nearly as painful as things can ultimately get.  

David, I am sorry to say that  at the moment, by uniting for Lev L'Achim, it appears as if our community in Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY  has (hopefully unintentionally) , basically aligned with the likes of Eisav. I am sure that is no ones intention.

Eisav Biza et vHabechora, Eisav scorned his birthright and sold it for a pot of lentils. 

The communities of Flatbush and Boro Park are being guided by Gedoilim that sit by passively as the State of Israel under various political parties  negotiates away our Precious HomeLand and show willingness to give away parts of Eretz Yisroel as did Eisav for a pot of lentils (an empty promise of security).

I agonized over Shabbat about whether what I wrote was considered Lashon Hara against a large segment of the Jewish population and nuch erger, even worse against Gedoilim and Talmidei Chachamim,  The punishment for such "Lashon Hara"  is quite severe according to what I have been reading in Shemirat Halashon.  I'm tossing and turning, agonizing over my own words, praying for guidance and I have come to this conclusion.  If a young child would warn grownups much wiser and knowledgeable than he about an impending danger, they might rebuke him and put him down, but if they heed his message and are thereby saved by it, they will ultimately thank him and understand that it was for their own benefit. 

When the Rav at Lev L'Achim asked me how come I don't have Emunas Chachomim I asked the Rav at Lev Lew'Achim how the Miraglim who were such Gedoilim made such terrible mistake about Eretz Yisroel.  He replied because they were human and were afraid.  The same then I answered him applies here. 

The bottom line is that each and every Jew has a promised Nachala in Eretz Yisroel,  This promise extends for each and every generation. Every Noahide will tell you that G-d is faithful to  keep His promises.  It is written so in the Torah and in the Prophets.  One needs not hear from a living prophet or from Moshiach to know that we have entitlement to the Land of Israel in our generation. 

The Dvine Promise is that Eretz Yisroel is our Nachala for all generations. 

Ani Maamin Beemunah Sheleim SheZot Hatorah, Lo Tehei Muchlefet velo tehei Torah Acheret Meeit Haborei Yisbarach Shemo....This is our Torah and it will not be changed. This is one of our principles of faiths.

 For that matter, a Jew that lives in the Diaspora also has a Nachala in the Land of Israel even if he doesn't know exactly where it is. Eretz Yisroel is his permanent Nachala.  Flatbush and Boro Park are his temporary Nachala. Those that live in Eretz Yisroel may not be living in their permanent Nachala either.  When Moshiach comes and we once again keep Yoveil, we will know where exactly are our Permanent Nachlaot.  We do know however that Eretz Yisroel is our collective Nachala.  We say it each and every day in Pesukei D'Zimra from Divrei Hayamim "Davar Tziva LeElef Dor asher Karas es Avraham....."

Eretz Yisroel is like Shabbat  and both are meant only  for Jews.  "Velo Nesato Hashem Elokeinu LeGoyei Haarazot"  (Shabbat Shemoneh Esreh Shacharit) Therefore to deny this fundamental truth of Torah is like denying the entire Torah.  It pains me deeply to say that Lev L'Achim and the Gedoilim have been leading the Nation astray. They misrepresent Torah when they teach that Eretz Yisroel is not necessary for keeping Torah.  Their proof is that we survived in Galus w/o Eretz Yisroel.  However, for our generation, when we do have Sovereignty, they have essentially annulled the Covenant that applies to each one of us  And because of Areivus, I humbly disagree with your assessment that Yehuda and the Shomron will be fine without Jews from Flatlbush and Boro Park.  We can't be fine because we are one body and these precious Neshamos are needed for a healthy body. 

Am Yisroel is Hashem's Nachala and we are by Divine will connected with our Nachala which is in Eretz Yisroel which is divinely linked with the concept of Shabbat and Shabbat Haaretz.  Any attempt to disconnect this divine connection ultimately results in linking up with Eisav who gave away his Birthright and therefore aids intentionally or unintentionally with the  establishment of  Palestinian Sovereignty (To be established within 2 years chas vechalila according to Mitchell Chas Veshalom).  Such an Authority if implemented translates into the destruction of the entire Jewish Presence in the Land Chas Vechalila

The Likud, Shas, UTJ all speak of giving away our Sovereignty, which basically means giving away our Nachala.  This is not Torah Judaism and it is not Kiruv Rechokim.  Lev L'Achim is teaching either by silence, by their maps or vocally, that Eretz Yisroel Hashleima, including our heartland and Holy cities like Hebron, Beit Lechem and Shchem are not necessary in order to observe Torah in our generation,  This translates into a gross distortion of Torah.  The  beginning Rashi in Breishit answers the Umot Haolom that accuse us of occupying the Land.  The Land belongs to G-d and He chooses to whom to give the Land.  Eretz Yisroel plays a major role in the Torah from beginning till the end of Devarim when Hashem shows Moshe Rabbeinu the entire Land and says Perek 34 Pasuk 4  And Hashem said to him.  "This is the Land which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, 'I will give it to your offspring. I have let you see it with your own eyes, but you shall not cross over to there.'. (and Hashem did not leave out Yehudah and Shomron when he gives Moshe Rabbeinu the visual tour)

In our generation, after 2000 years we are a Sovereign Nation granted this status by the Nations of the World, the League of Nations. There was the Balfour Declaration. We did not prematurely climb any wall as the Satmer Rebbe claimed.  We were attacked and we fought off our attackers. We as a Nation have witnessed Nissim and Niflaot. great miracles, that can not be merely happenstance.  How can we not claim our inheritance publicly?  Surely our Silence  tells the world that we ourselves are not convinced of our Divine Promise of Entitlement to the Land. This allows for identity theft.

Avraham Avinu was called Ivri because he was on one side with the truth and the rest of the world was on the other.  Each one of us must be an Ivri and be willing to go against the tide in order to proclaim the Emes.

Chazak Veematz.  Hashem Oz LeAmo Yiten Hashem Yevarech as Amo Bashalom. 

David, Please continue to Be Strong and Courageous, Hashem will give Strength to His Nation , Hashem will Bless his Nation with Peace.

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