Friday, January 08, 2010

Question for Lev L'Achim Flatbush Breakfast endorsed by 86 participating local Flatbush Shuls and Bungalow Colonies - Is Yehudah and Shomron merely Arab populated areas?


Lev L'Achim has been perhaps the most successful organization when it come to fundraising in Flatbush. Brooklyn, NY . Each one of these shuls have one or more chairmen in charge of fundraising for Lev L'Achim. Advertising is comprehensive.  Personally, I saw promotion, 3 page glossy insert,  for this breakfast in The Vues (free advertising circular in Flatbush/Boro Park area)  plus we got an addressed glossy flier in the mail.  I am sure that was just a small example of the comprehensive promotion for this breakfast.

In addition to the local shuls in Flatbush, many of the Local Yeshivoth, including my children's Yeshivoth have exciting  Lev L'Achim Tzedakah drives whereby the children are awarded prizes, class pizza parties etc for those that collect substantial sums of monies,  Kids are motivated after a representative of Lev L"Achim comes to their school and talks to their classes. Children organize carnivals whereby the proceeds go to Lev L'Achim.  In my son's Yeshiva, the class will be receiving a free pizza party but only boys that have raised more than $10 will be able to participate in the pizza party.

On Purim, the high school boys get free limousines from Lev L'Achim and do their collecting in groups.  Lev L'Achim according to the promotion is the Movement of Gedolei Yisroel and in the past, pictures of around 30 Gedoilim are featured back cover on the promotion material. 

Several years ago, a map of Eretz Yisroel was included in the glossy 22 page circular for Lev L'Achim..  On this map, Yehudah and Shomron was delineated with a different shade of green than the rest of Israel  and all the offices of Lev L'Achim were outside this shaded area.  In addition, this shaded area was labeled "Arab Populated Areas".  I went to their offices and voiced a complaint.  I asked them that aside from being the Biblical Heartland, Yehudah and Shomron have significant Jewish population centers from Hebron  upward to Yerushalyim and throughout the Shomron.   I inquired about their position regarding Gush Katif.  I was told that one of the Gedoilim was asked the same question and he replied in 3 words  "Nisht Inzere Sugia". 

I was also told by a friend in Israel that her daughter and her friends were descouraged by outreach professionals of  Lev L'Achim not to do Sheirut Leumi because it might have an adverse affect on their frumkeit. 

I know for a fact that Sheirut Leumi girls have been extremely helpful to the Yishuvim om Yehudah and the Shomron, helping in kindergartens, Yeshivot, social services etc. Is this where I want my Tzedaka monies to go?

So once again when I got a call from the Lev L'Achim office this pasts week inviting my husband to this breakfast on Sunday I expressed admiration on their fundraising efforts but brought up some serious questions I have regarding the silence of the Gedoilim regarding Yesha.

They put me on speaker in the office.  From my discussion of one of the organizers, I got the impression that Lev L'Achim follow Gedoilim who are of the opinion that ERetz Yisroel is not necessary in order to keep the Torah. When Eliyahu comes and announces Moshiach then we can plan on returning to EY. How can I say I know better than the Satmer Rebbe or Rabbi Avigdor Miller.  I was told  we've lived in Galus for 2000 years and anyway the Medina  hates Torah.  I asked them then how come Shas, UTJ and Likud are partners with the Medina in establishing a Palestinian State. 

I was told  that we don't have Neviim in our time so we have no authorization to have sovereignty on Eretz Yisroel in our dayHe as.  I asked  him whether if someone would come to his house and tell him that he is occupying it and should leave whether he would say it's Gezera Min Shamayim and leave w/o protest.  He told me that he would show them the deed, the bank statements, the mortgage to prove that he has right ful inheritance.  I asked him "Do you believe that you have a Nachala in EY".  Isn't it true that if one is part of Bnei Yisroel and belongs to one of the Shevatim that Hashem has promised us a Nachala?  He couldn't deny that.  I asned so why aren't the Gedoilim telling the world that it is our entitlement, based on Hashem's  Covenant with the Avot, as an everlasting inheritance.  Why do we need a Navi to tell us that we have a Nachala  when it is pashut from the Torah?  Just look at the Chumash with a map that shows how the Land of Israel was divided among the Shevatim each receiving a Nachala besides Shevet Levi.

He asked why I live in Flatbush and not EY.  I replied, the Rambam had a residence in Egypt.  How come if the Torah says not to return to Mitzrayim?  THe answer is that it's not a permanant residence.  Eretz Yisroel is our permanent residence.  Egypt was  a temporary residence. for the Rambam and therefore it was permitted. 

In Poland, Checkoslovakia etc, the Jews were thrown out of their homes with a deed and with mortgage statements.  Perhaps it was Hashem's way of saying that Eretz Yisroel is your true homeland and somehow Jews  didn't get it.  The religious Jew did not go en masse to ERetz Yisroel after the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations gave us the green light.  Did we do our utmost Hishtadlus to claim our inheritance? Even without going on Aliya, at the very least we can publicly put a claim to our inheritance.

When we fail to do our Hishtadlus for our real and permanent homeland, Eretz Yisroel,  when the Nations of the world call us occupiers and all we can say, If we lose Eretz Yisroel, our nachala  it's a Gezera min Shamayim let us reflect if  would we react ini a similar manner if they say we have no rights to our homes in Flatbush chas Vechalila and simply say it's a Gezeira min Shamayim?   Would we ?

1 comment:

  1. Robin,

    Yashar Koach. This is an important post. You are totally right to question and criticize those who are unwilling to take part in the great Mitzva of Yeshuv HaAretz - settling our homeland. Truth is that I don't expect much from them. They fear the success of establishing Eretz Yisrael as the center of Torah as a real treat to their justification of living in the comforts of America. So ironically they ignore the opportunity to support the Jewish pioneers of Yehuda and Shomron. They lose by this choice, the Jews of the heartland of our homeland have done fine without their help and will continue to grow and set down roots in the land of our fathers. I hope that more can be done to to establish alternative fund-raising infrastructure in your area because I am sure that many regular Jews would be glad to have and avenue to make a connection and support the development of the Jewish communities in Yehuda and Shomron.

    Thank you,

    David Ha'ivri
    The Shomron Liaison Office
