Wednesday, July 29, 2009

9 Day of Av Tisha B'Av...Videos Gush Katif, Kiruv,


MUST SEE LIVE FOOTAGE MOVIE OF EXPULSION FROM GUSH KATIF on Tisha B'Av 2005! This is the most authentic Tisha B'Av programming by far! (with no costly advertising) and can be viewed in the privacy of your home or in a gathering setting.

HOME GAME is a movie about a Basketball Team from Netzer Chazani a community in Gush Katif with live footage starting from 3 weeks before the Expulsion through the Expulsion on Tisha B'Av 2005. A MUST SEE! It's free for the 9 days as a public service. (There is solicitation for a voluntary contribution. Proceeds go to the former Gush Katif community now struggling)

How was it possible that the government succeeded in removing the communities from Gush Katif so smoothly? Here are some answers. Heartbreaking even to an activist that has seen it all. See all 4 parts and the last clip of Shlomo Wollins of WEJEW.COM personal afterthoughts in producing this documentary.

On a more lively note, maybe one more suitable for kids, here is a video of a Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Neve Dekalim prior to the expulsion. The spirit and the intense love of the Torah is palpable. Their pain is also, to one who understands the context.

Yishai Fleisher's Tisha B'Av Video Special: Hashiveinu Hashem Venashuva...

More on Tisha B'Av: Go to Israel National News

Please forward to friends, family, shuls and shul lists, camps and bungalow colonies.

Yasher Koach!

May these days turn from Eival To Yom Tov! from sadness to a day of rejoicing, may it come speedily in our days. Amein!

Thank you Avi Abelow Director of Home Game and Shlomo Wollins of WEJEW and Akiva of Mystical Paths for sending links.