Sunday, July 26, 2009

Re: Solidarity Mission to Judea-Samaria

Dear Organizers of This Mission, amv"sh


I would love to go.  It's hard for me to get away.  I would like to offer some input.

Can you put Hebron first on the itinerary to gain chizuk (spiritual strength)?  I hope and pray that this mission will inspire Rabbi Lerner, Mort Klein, Dov Hikind and the other leaders in the Jewish Community to have the courage to say things that are not now politically correct and establish a new politically correct message.

 I would like Rabbi Lerner, Mort Klein, Dov Hikind etc.  to speak out for our entitlement of the Land of Israel based on our Biblical Heritage.
  I would like them to validate the struggle of the hilltop youth. The press have them portrayed as being radical, extremists, violent, lawless, anti State, and on the fringe etc.rather than portraying them accurately as lovers of the Land of Israel who feel that Jews have the right to settle all parts of the Land and that these outposts are actually protecting the major population centers of Israel as we learned from lessons of the destruction of Gush Gatif.  Media vilification on the hilltop youth will be more difficult when mainstream Leaders validate their struggle.

Unfortunately the State by removing checkpoints, arresting settlers  w/o due process, and by not authorizing new kindergartens and housing in Judea and Samaria given the high birthrate, show that the State is being difficient in protecting and serving their loyal entitled constituents  who serve in the army (many in elite units),  are productive and tax paying citizens and happen to reside in Judea and Samaria.  

This tour is going to great places and meeting great people.  Let me suggest that Nadia Matar, Susie Dym, Israel Danziger and Arieh King be  included on the itinerary and this will give it a fuller picture.  Helen Freedman can help. 

Dov Hikind on the Dov Hikind Show emphasizes lack of reciprocity.  Up to this point Dov Hikind and Rabbi Lerner as political figures, have tried to be politically correct by not emphasizing the Biblical message.  This is not because they deny the Torah chas vechalila  but they like Netanyahu are relying on the fact that there will be no reciprocity and the Palestinians will never agree to a demilitarized State. (which Sovereign State has no army?).

However, the Arabs and our own Congressman have picked up on this and rightfully say that these Jews don't mean what they say.  These Jews really do not want a Palestinian State and the 2 State Solution. The Jews are deceiving us....

After all the Torah says.....

At this point we have no alternative but to admit our error in misleading the public and clarify the accurate Jewish response :    This is G-d's Land. This Land was Promised to us by G-d and Sovereignty is not to be shared, and with G-d's help only we can bring sanctity to the Holy Land by observing the Commandments..Jews must have full Sovereignty for the benefit of mankind, peace and blessings to the world and all those that accept Jewish Sovereignty are welcome to stay. Otherwise they should move or face the consequences.

Why should only the Arabs speak about Allah? Let's bring G-d on our side and make a Kiddush Hashem by showing Am Yisroel's yearning and desire to keep the Commandments in Sefer Devarim in Eretz Yisroel by living and settling the Land

.Let us not be deceptive and even suggest that under certain conditions one is willing to sell one's birthright (for a pot of lentils aka reciprocity). 

Thank you for listening.

Sincerely, Robin Ticker

Posted on and facebook

Subject: Needed Committed Jews - Solidarity Mission to Judea-Samaria -- forward
Date: Friday, July 24, 2009, 5:15 PM

Rabbi Pesach Lerner
Executive Vice President
National Council of Young Israel
111 John Street, Suite 450
New York, New York 10038
Tel: 212-929-1525 ext. 100
Fax: 212-727-9526



To:       Lay and Professional Leadership, Jewish organizations who care for Israel


From:  Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Executive Vice President, National Council of Young Israel


Date:   July 17, 2009


Re:      Mission to Yehuda and Shomron



Dear Friends,


Many of you have been receiving emails about our upcoming Emergency Leadership Mission to Israel.  If you have not, please accept this email as our personal invitation.


The mission is to give chizuk and support to the communities of Yehuda and Shomron, and for each of us to see for ourselves so we can become better and more knowledgeable activists on behalf of greater Israel.


Mission Dates:

Leaving NY Sunday August 30 at 2:30 pm.  

Arrive in Israel, Monday morning about 8 am.

The bus will meet us at the airport and the mission will begin.  The mission ends Thursday afternoon/evening, September 3.

Please see attached very tentative mission itinerary.  For questions and or suggestions about the itinerary, please contact Scott Feltman, Executive VP of One Israel Fund at: 516-239-9202 ext 12 or email:


Flight Information:

The main group (as we will have a Press conference at the airport) will be taking the EL AL flight from JFK airport Sunday, August 30, at 2:30 pm.  For those that may not be able to get a seat on that flight (reservations must be made asap), EL AL has a Sunday, August 30, 2:30 pm flight from Newark airport.  Both arrive at Ben Gurion about 8 am.on Monday.


You can make your own travel arrangements or contact Do-All-Travel, attention Judy at the Israel desk, 718-972-6000 option 0 ask for Judy or


Land Arrangements:

The bus will meet us at the airport and the mission will begin.  The mission ends Thursday afternoon/evening, September 3.

A bus will be provided to the airport for those who will return to the airport when the mission ends.  For hose who will remain in Israel, we will make arrangements to get you to your next stop.


The land cost will be about $850  (final numbers can only be calculated once we know how many people will be on the mission, so we can properly divide the cost of bus, tour guides, etc.).  The mission will include bullet proof bus, hotel (double occupancy; single occupancy is available) all meals, guides, fees, extras, etc.


We invite you and your leadership to join us.  Please share this email with others you believe should join us.


For information or questions about the mission, theme, participants, etc. please contact:

Dov Hikind:

Pesach Lerner:

Howard Teich:


For assistance with flights please contact:

Wolf Sender:


To date, participants include:

Dov Hikind, NY Assemblyman

Mort Klein, President,  ZOA

Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Executive VP, NCYI

Steve Orlow,  Scott Feltman, One Israel Fund

Howard Teich, Community activist

Rabbi Steve Weil, Executive VP, OU


To register, please send a $500 deposit (toward the land costs) to Scott Feltman, Executive VP, One Israel Fund, 1175 West Broadway Suite 10, Hewlett, NY  11557.  Please make checks payable to: One Israel Fund.


Space is limited, time is of the essence.

We welcome your participation, questions and comments.



From: Scott M. Feltman []
Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 1:07 PM-----STILL TO BE ADAPTED AND CHANGED
To: Pesach Lerner
Subject:  Tentative Mission Itinerary

Here is a sample mission which should cover many, if not all of our bases.  These are long days but there is so much to convey in such a short amount of time.  I tried to make sure that each person and place is multi-faceted, you don't have the luxury of just a pathos or security visit, each thing has to cover MORE than one of the following areas:  history, security, rights, terror/army death, normal person, religious, secular, political, etc.  I have a tour guide holding the dates but we will need to confirm the itinerary and dates immediately.  Even now, some things will be difficult.  For example, I put the Herodion at the end of the day in the hopes that we will get clearance to visit.  It's a hot time for tourists but they tend to do this in the early morning.  This itinerary is subject to change at any time base   on security clearances and availability of speakers and community representatives.    
 Day 1 – Northern Shomron
·         Arrive in Ben Gurion
·         Check-in at Aishel HaShomron Hotel in Ariel
·         Shacharit & Breakfast (Guest Speaker - TBD)
·         Private tour of the University Center of Judea and Samaria in Ariel – home to over 20,000 students –  
 ·         Visit to Barkan Industrial Park.  Learn about the tremendous industry of the Shomron – one of the largest in Israel and learn about its "Green Movement".  Lunch at the Barkan
·            Visit Paduel and view the Shomron as well as Ben Gurion Airport from its panoramic lookout 
·         Meet the residents of Nofim
·         Beit Aryeh – Here you will learn why certain communities are within the security fence and others are on the outside.
·         Partake in the building of a home in the Shomron in Chovot Yair.  Enjoy dinner at the Coffee House
·         Return to Hotel
Day 2 – Shomron
·         Depart Ariel for Itamar and meet the families of this strategic yishuv.   Meet the members of its Kita Konnenut – the Civilian Rapid Response Team.  Get acquainted with the "Big Brother" Program and meet with Mayor Moshe Goldsmith.
·         Tour the modern community of Eli.  Meet with Rav Eli Sadan, Rosh Mechina of Bnei David Pre-Military Academy
·         Visit Shiloh – first home of the mishkan.  Meet with resident Professor Yisrael Medad .   
       Meet Ronit Shukar, winner of the Moskowitz Prize's 2009 Lion of Zion Award for her role in the pioneering Zionist enterprise of the settlement of the Shilo area; for her commitment to the renewing the Zionist dream of Jewish agricultural labor in the Binyamin Region; and for her efforts to instill these values in today's youth by setting an example for Zionist achievement
·         Visit with the IDF base stationed outside Ramallah, the most hostile city in the West Bank.  This battalion is charged with the difficult task of trying to prevent terrorist infiltrations, enter Ramallah to arrest suspected terrorists under the cover of night and capture smugglers. This visit will allow you to witness firsthand the complex situation and hear from the commanders in charge, as well as the soldiers in the field, about their lives and missions.  Lunch on base with the soldiers.
·         Meet vintner Yaacov Gross of the award winning Psagot Winery – recreated in the same cave used for making wine in the time of the 2nd Temple.  Observe the security fence from Psagot protecting over one-hundred thousand Jews from the terrorist hotbed of Ramallah. 
·         Drive to Kfar Adumim and see the entire yishuv of Ma'ale Adumim and its proximity to Jerusalem.  Ma'ale Adumim is home to over 35,000 residents.
·         Check into hotel in Jerusalem 
·         Dinner and Guest Speaker - TBD


Day 3 – Jerusalem

·         Shacharit at Beit Orot

·         Har HaZeitim Lookout Point of the City of Jerusalem

·         Bus and walking tour through the old and new cities of Jerusalem, paying close attention to the lines of demarcation since 1967

·         Meet with key gov't officials and Chief Rabbis

·         Meet a "sister" from the Sion Monastery and learn about the Christian views towards the Old City governance

·         Briefing with Eilat Mazar - leading archaeological expert for the Temple Mount and Ir David excavations.  Learn about the Arab quest to eradicate all evidence of Jewish historical claims to the city of Jerusalem.  Watch a video presentation of the history of Ir David.

Day 4 – Yehuda

·         Meet Eve Harow – International Spokesperson on behalf of the 300,000 residents of YESHA.   

 ·         Drive to strategic community of Neve Daniel – highest point and in the Gush Etzion Region

·         Meet the residents of a unique group of settlers who have settled in the Judean Hills

·         Drive through the anglo community of Efrat  

 ·         Visit Alon Sh'vut and meet with its Chief Rabbi Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, RAM at Yeshivat Har Etzion and founder of Jobkatif 

        Visit the Ancient Oak Tree – a symbol of the pioneer spirit of the region.

·         Lunch and wine tasting at the Gush Etzion Winery

·         Experience an Audio/Visual Presentation of the Gush Etzion Region in Kfar Etzion

·         Visit the ruins of mikveh from 2,200 years ago

·         Scale the Herodion and learn about the ancient history of the entire Gush Etzion Region

·         Drive South to the ancient city of Susiya.  See the excavations of this once proud city.  Learn about the historical significance of the area as well as its close proximity to the cities of Beersheva and Arad.

·         Meet the hesder students at Yeshivat Otniel – learn about its tragedy and triumph.

·         Arrive at Me'arat Hamachpela in Hebron for Mincha.  Brief walking tour  of  the Jewish Community of Hebron.  Enjoy dinner in Yeshiva Shaavei Hevron where you will hear unprecedented news in the city of Hebron.

·         Depart for the Airport

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