Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fwd: This is Zionism by Sidney Schwartz - letter to the Washington Jewishweek Editor -Grossly Distorted portrayal of Right Wing Jews


Dear Editors, amv"sh

I was very disturbed to hear that you actually printed Sidney Schwartz's report of the Israel Day Concert in the Washington Edition of the Jewish Week.  This is especially disturbing because you were informed when this post first came out online,  by many people  that Sidney Schwartz's report of the Israel Day Concert was one big distortion and lie.

In response to our quick reaction to this lie of a letter, you did not print it in the New York edition of the Jewish Week but did you figure you can get away with it in the Washington Edition.  My question to you is  do you knowingly and stubbornly print something that is clearly libelous and a lie?  I hope not!
Does the Jewish Week wish to besmirch the reputation of Jews that love the Land of Israel if they disagree with American Foreign Policy and the expulsion of 350,000 beautiful Jews in Judea and Samaria.  These Jews are the salt of the earth and  love the Land of Israel with their heart and soul ?  If not, then why do you choose articles that grossly distort the truth to portray these caring Jews as haters of Arabs.   

In his letter, Sidney Shwartz seems to imply that anyone that speak out against the expulsion of Jews from Judea and Samaria are extremists and clearly hates Arabs.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 12:34 PM
Subject: This is Zionism by Sidney Schwartz - letter to the Editor


Dear Editors of the Jewish Week:

I am a proud activist for Eretz Yisroel for many years.  I lived in Kiryat Arba for approximately 7 years and now living in Brooklyn.  I am totally involved with activism on behalf of the Jews in Judea and Samaria. I was shocked to read Rabbi Schwartz's opinion piece which said that the people at the concert were singing "Am Yisroel Chai,  All the Arabs must die".

I was at the concert and I didn't hear this song being sung.  I heard speaker after speaker and entertainer after entertainer and I did not hear this message from them. It is amazing to me to believe this report when after being so involved for over 30 years with the people that live in Kiryat Arba and Judea and Samaria I have NEVER EVER heard them sing this song!  The fact that Rabbi Schwartz was so quick to condemn the people at the concert and make it appear as if they were consumed with baseless hatred for the Arabs is very disturbing.   This is slander and a lie. 

I am in their circles and I can testify that their motivation is a love of the Land, the love of the Jewish people, a love for the commandments of the Torah and yes a love of humanity.  They have a clear understanding for the mission that G-d has ordained for the Chosen People in the Land,  which will ultimately benefit all of humanity.   We too want  Tikkun Olam.  We believe that the Arabs living in our land must accept Jewish Sovereignty because that is G-d's will.  The nations of the world will be blessed when we observe the commandments in the Land.  

Rabbi Schwartz,  Do the Palestinians have the mandate, inclination or desire of observing commandments of the Torah in the Land?  If not, why should we give them Our Land? Can they bring forth the Kedusha, the holiness that will permeate humanity?

When we Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America does it mean that we wish all non American's to die? Doesn't it say in the 2nd Bill of Rights, that Americans have the right to defend themselves and a right to bear arms?  Does it mean we wish to kill every non American?

Rabbi Schwartz has turned his back on the Jewish faith when he promotes a Palestinian State.  He has turned his back on the Torah and will have to answer to His Creator about why he was Motzei Shem Ra, lied, about the true intentions of the Jewish People, those like myself who attended the concert,  who love the Land and  wish to support those that live on the Land as per their entitlement in Judea and Samaria. 

The Jewish Week, did a great disservice by printing this Lashon Hara and spreading baseless hatred and lies about a deserving Jewish population.


  1. This was my response to Sid Schwartz's false op ed. I understand that the Washington JW printed this response in their print edition:

    Self-proclaimed “human rights Zionist Rabbi” Sidney Schwartz apparently forgot that the most basic human right which Jews struggled for, for centuries, is to live in their own land. It was entirely appropriate for me to criticize Congressman Ackerman for arrogantly telling the sovereign country of Israel that Jews living in their own homes is a “destructive dynamic.” The impediment to peace is unrelenting Palestinian terrorism. Uprooting Jewish communities is a humanitarian disaster, and will not bring peace.

    Rabbi Schwartz’s distorted portrayal of the Salute to Israel Concert also neglected to mention that the Concert’s focus and featured speaker was Gilad Shalit's heartbroken father, who movingly described how his son has been held incommunicado and tortured by Hamas terrorists for 1,071 days. He pleaded with us to help his son. I then spoke briefly about how Obama (with Ackerman’s support) pledged $900 million to Gaza -- the territory of the same group that holds Gilad hostage. I urged everyone to write letters insisting that if Obama and Ackerman want to send such huge amounts of our tax dollars to Gaza, it must be conditioned on Hamas first freeing Gilad and dismantling and destroying every rocket in Gaza.

    Rabbi Schwartz also failed to mention the Palestinians holding hateful signs at the Israel Day Parade: “Close GITMO, Re-Open Auschwitz.” Instead, he claims that a few Jewish kids in the Concert audience sang an anti-Arab version of “Am Yisrael Chai.” None of the dozens of people in attendance whom I’ve checked with heard such a song. If it was sung at all, which is doubtful, it was an isolated incident which did not reflect the thousands of caring people at the Concert.

    If Rabbi Schwartz really wants to promote human rights, he should join the Salute to Israel Concert efforts to save Gilad Shalit and all Israelis threatened by rocket attacks and expulsion.

    Elizabeth Berney, Esq.

  2. Thank you Elizabeth Berney esq. for your welcome comments. Let me however mention that I and others have strong reservations about $900 million going to a Terror Nazi State. Gilad Shalit's father and others are deluding themselves into believing that this $900 million might save his son if it is tied to conditions. We are dealing with suicide martyrs and Shahid. This kind of negotiation not only doesn't work with them it does the opposite. It empowers Hamas or Fatah.

    How then would Mr. Shalit face the next soldiers father chas vechalila. Better let us be courageous like Mordechai of the Purim story that refused to bow down to Haman. Many perhaps were angry at Mordechai for "endangering" all the Jews because this act of "chutzpa" on his part incensed Haman to want to kill all the Jews not only Mordechai. But G-d switched (Nehafoch hu) Haman's evil plans and Mordechai was paraded in Bigdei Malchut, Kings clothing and at the end of the story he was assigned to be Mishne LaMelech, second to the King in place of Haman. What a Kiddush Hashem. (Thank you Rav Amnon Yitzchok of Shofar Org. for this Torah thought). Let me suggest to Gilad Shalit's father to take a hard line with Hamas and rather than negotiate with them or ask others to, encourage Israel and America to do another Entebbe and treat Hamas in the manner that they deserve and pray for Hashem's salvation. Don't rely on their mercy or think a bribe would help. It will only harm your son since we are dealing with Amalek. It is a Biblical commandment and for the benefit of humanity to eventually wipe out Amalek. Know who you are dealing with and act accordingly. Sincerely, Robin Ticker

  3. Dear Robin,

    Thank you for your post. I see from your letter that I should clarify my comments.

    As people who have read my website know, and as people who heard me speak at the parade or elsewhere know, I am strongly AGAINST Obama and Ackerman's plan to send $900 million of our U.S. tax dollars to Gaza.

    I have also previously opposed Ackerman's promotion of sending hundreds of millions of our tax dollars each year to the Palestinian Authority (which states that it sends 40% of the funds it receives from international donors to Hamas). In 2008 alone, the U.S. sent $600 million to the PA., thanks largely to Ackerman.

    Obama and Ackerman are determined to send the $900 million to Gaza without conditions. My proposal was that sending this money must at least be conditioned on 2 very reasonable conditions: (1) Shalit is freed and (2) Every rocket in Gaza is dismantled and destroyed.

    People in my district asked Ackerman if he would agree to these reasonable conditions on the $900 million he wants to send to Gaza, and Ackerman refused to answer.

    By the way, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (from Nevada) introduced a resolution to make the $900 million conditional on Shalit being freed and the halting of all rocket attacks.

    Ms. Berkley is on the right track here. However, my proposal goes further than Ms. Berkley's because "halted" rocket attacks can always be restarted; the rockets also need to be eliminated altogether.

    My proposal is a win/win:

    The likely outcome is that Hamas will refuse to comply with the conditions, and then no money will go to Gaza. The lack of funds will reduce terrorism. (An economist's study demonstrates that there is a direct correlation between funds going to the Palestinians and increased deaths and violence. There is more information on my website about this.)

    If by some incredible miracle, Hamas accepted and complied with both conditions, Shalit would be freed and be reunited with his heartbroken father, and the elimination of all rockets would also reduce terrorism.

    Thank you again for your post, Robin.

    Elizabeth Berney, Esq.

  4. bs"d

    I understand your points. It's a political solution. Netanyahu's call for a demilitarized State has the same rational arguments. It's a win win because they will never agree to a demilitarized State.

    The reason it's not a win/win for us but a win/win for them is because they are looking for legitimization and you are doing just that by acting as if they could be rational.

    Better we expose them to be a Nazi Terror State which they are and have a vote in the Congress against any funding whatsoever!

    Thanks for your comments. Robin
