Sunday, May 03, 2009

Our Message to the World. Entitlement vs. Pikuach Nefesh

The Lubavitch Rebbe writes

and you will have peace.

When the Jewish people will trust in G-d, that the Land of Israel belongs unequivocally to them, and are willing to declare this openly to the nations of the world, then "No one will contest the matter, and you will not need to go to war." In fact, even weapons will prove unnecessary…" The Rebbe, (Likutei Sichos, vol. 34, p. 8)

In the beginning, G-d created the Heavens and the Earth

What is the reason the Torah begins with Creation? Because if the nations of the world say to Israel: "You are robbers because you have conquered with force the lands of the nations of Canaan" Israel can answer: "He created it and gave it to whomever was proper in His eyes. Of His own will He gave it to them and of His own will He took it from them and gave it to us."

-- Rashi on Genesis 1:1

 Unless we address the root of the problem we can not cure the disease.  It just resurfaces. 

Addressing Pikuach Nefesh/security concerns and  the rockets facing us  is merely addressing the symptoms. 

Forget about PR and public opinion.  It's irrelevant.  Case in point. Mass public protest called for Jonathan Pollards' release and in the final analysis it didn't really make a difference.. The comment hotline was closed due to large volume of calls regarding this matter.  Many Congressman and Senators lobbied for Jonathan Pollard's release and it was all disregarded.  So the campaign was successful in that it generated an outcry for our position but nevertheless it ultimately failed  in its least in Bush's administration.
One can truthfully argue that after all, Obama is publicly addressing our security concerns.  Very responsibly in his opinion. Extremely responsibly. His solution is to  give money to moderate Fatah our partner in peace, and train their soldiers so that they can fight Hamas.  He is for appointing the UN  as our guardians to address our security concerns.   Now why do you want to waste your time arguing with Obama's proposed solutions. He gets counsel from the worlds  leading experts on the matter.  Mitchell, Hillary Cinton. Even Jewish ones like Rahm Emanuel. Bush was advised by Malcolm Hoenlein the leading expert on antisemitism. Do you honestly think that you know better than them?

 If entitlement is our claim then we stop Obama in his tracks before he can give us solutions on how to solve our Pikuach Nefesh/security concerns..  They know this and that is why they will demonize us for being religious extremists, fanatics, crazy Messianic extremists etc.  We must ignore this negative PR and put our faith in Hashem to help us.  We get negative PR anyway especially when we bend over backwards to get good PR.  Case in point - Jenin Massacre.

Unless we openly declare our entitlement, then Obama's administration united with the State Department will claim that the Arabs have the right to protect themselves as well. Go argue with them and waste your time trying to show that we are justified in fighting a moral war and they are not. The funding to support their position, way outnumbers our own.

That is why emphasizing entitlement  is the only answer.  We need not talk about the dangers we face from our enemies such as rockets in order to prevent further attacks.  However,  we must act on them.  We are justified in our actions in self defense when we emphasize our entitlement.  If one has entitlement then one is justified  and obligated to act in self defense for ones own survival.

But then they will cut off our funding for important matters such as fighting Iran and the nuclear threat you argue?

Well, my answer is that there was one Shemittah year that I didn't work all year and trust me, I didn't starve.  I gained 30 pounds.  G-d provided as he promised.  This is a practical, hands on  lesson in Emunah Peshuta which gives us the moral strength to withstand all economic sanctions placed upon us.  We depend on G-d and not on America for our security in spite of their threats and even implement to cut off funding..

 According to the Torah,  Ushavtem Betach Baaretz is the reward for keeping Shemittah and not the reward for placating Obama.

If the Chareidim claim that we have been keeping Shemittah properly, then I would argue then where is the security? Where was the feeling of Shabbat Haaretz when prices of produce sky rocketed?  Is buying from Arabs and Yevul Nochri  the solution the Torah had in mind?  What about Shmitas Kesafim? Isn't Pruzbul a loophole instituted by Hillel Hazakein because of lack of faith after Churban Bayis?  If we observed Shemittah so wonderfully then why has our security deteriorated so dramatically.  Was Hashem not fulfilling His promise to us in the Torah for keeping Shemittah properly?

Let us reconsider.  Maybe the chareidi solutions have not been the best way to observe Shemittah and neither is the Heter Mechira Solution?

Let us try addressing the root of the problem which is our failure to want the entitlement in order to keep the Mitzvoth and only this way we will be worthy of the Land. 

We are all desperate to win this battle.  But winning the war is our goal.  But we can not do it alone.  We need G-d's help and we must earn it with putting forth our best efforts to address the Biblical commandments that pertain to the Land like tithes, leaving portions of the field for the poor, the Sabbatical year etc,  It's not easy obviously but let's at least try.....Isn't this better and easier than facing Kassam Rockets daily?

Rather than blame the world for the dangers facing us, let's proclaim that the Land of Israel belongs unequivocally to us and then  look inward and address whether we are keeping the commandments properly which according to the Torah promise security.

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