Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Meeting with Rabbi Richman, Rabbi Algaze at JFK May 20th in planning


What seems to be missing in our struggle to speak out against a Palestinian State is a clear religious message based on the Torah, of our entitlement to the Land of Israel!

May 20th Rabbi Richman of Temple Institute will be in JFK in his route back to israel.  Later that day Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith, mayor of Itamar will be in JFK on the first leg of his trip to the US.  We have reserved the Chapel Room in the afternoon, exact hours to be determined in order to meet with them and with each other.  We feel that it would be an excellent opportunity to make a public religious statement emphasizing the religious aspect of our entitlement, our eternal bond based on the Torah to the Land of Israel for thousands of years.  Who can speak up more strongly of our entitlement and of our holy Temple, than Rabbi Richman, Rav of the Bnei Noach and English spokesperson for Temple Institute?  Anyone that has heard Rabbi Algaze knows how passionate he is for Eretz Yisroel.  We would love to hook up to different cities like Chicago  (Yosef Rabin) and Toronto (TZC group if they are willing).  It would be phenomenal if additional Rabbanim like Rav Simcha Hacohen Kook , Rav Yaakov Yosef, Rav Rapp and Rav Wolbe, Rav Waldman and others would join in with their own message.  (it might be late for a live hookup)  This is the message we would like Netanyahu to convey to Obama when they meet but doubt he will do so.   Every Jewish outpost and settlement is part of the Biblcal Land of Israel. 

Anyone with technical expertise in arranging teleconferencing is needed - Anyone who has connections to Rabbanim in the States and in Israel  that are willing and able to speak out for our inheritance and heritage, or if you wish to sponsor the chapel for an hour or 2, Please contact us!  Anyone that can contact the press and knows the ins and outs of organizing  a press meeting please let us know.   We will address religious organizations that were silent by Gush Katif and continue to be silent when we are now being threatened to expel Jews from Judea nd Samaria.

Shmuel Koenig is making phone calls booking the Chapel, calling  Rabbanim and activists to come, spreading the word.  Yasher Koach! 

Pleae let us know how you can get involved!
"Shmuel Koenig" <shmuelkoenig@verizon.net>, "Robin Ticker" <faigerayzel@gmail.com>,

Please sign our petition which has reached over 1400 signatures and growing at a fast rate.  Please send out to your lists.  Thank you Susie Dym, Mattot Arim, Buddy Macy, Ted Belman, Nadia Matar, Janet Lehr etc. for sending it to their lists. Please forgive me if I excluded anyones name.  Let's build up this petition so that we have hundreds of thousands of vot4es.   http://www.PetitionOnline.com/1eys to all your family and friends.

If you can spread the word while promoting for the May 18th March in Washington DC, that would be great. It can be promoted on May 18th in Washington as well. This would be an excellent opportunity to have something in place in response to the meetings between Netanyahu and Obama. It can also be an opporuntity to respond  publicly to the Pope's visit as well..   It would either applaud Netanyahu for carrying the Torah proudly and if not, do the job for him.


Let  Bibi prove his commitment to the Bible and its relevance to todays times.

Please get in touch

Robin 7185102364

Kol Tuv,


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