Sunday, January 04, 2009

Lipa Schmelzer and Shia Mendlowitz upcoming concert and the- Mitzvah of "Vehaya Machenecha Kadosh"


The following letters were written to Zev Brenner, of Talkline Communications, Lipa and Shia regarding tonights radio program featuring Shia Mendlowitz and Lipa Schmelzer.

Last year before Purim if you recall, they had advertised a concert called the "BigEvent" produced by Shia Mendlowitz and starring Lipa Shmeltzer.  Soon after, signs were put up all over Boro Park and Flatbush banning this concert because it violated "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh" the Biblical commandment to have a holy camp.  This ban had the endorsements of 33 very prestigious Rabbanim.  On tonights radio program with Zev Brenner, Shia and Lipa said that they personally went to the Rabbanim who had their names on the ban in order to ask how come.  Apparently at least 5 said that they were misled and were now encouraging Lipa to continue performing and would not come out against another concert and some actually encouraged him to perform .

However, when listeners asked who these Rabbanim were that actually changed their tune (no pun intended), Shia and Lipa refused to disclose this information.  The reason they gave was because they didn't want it to be another source of Machlokes, friction, and Lipa said he didn't want the Rabbanim to be bothered all day long with calls of stupidities of such nature because of him.

Dear Zev, amv"sh

This is not a funny manner but a question that should be addressed to the Rabbanim.

Why were so many Rabbanim willing to put their name, even if misled, on a ban that is shtuyot, narishkeit, instead of really addressing the Biblical Commandment "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh" in a Pshuto shel Mikreh, literal reading of the Torah.  If Lipa would ask this question from the Rabbanim it is not a waste of their time or his time but rather is the burning issue of our day.

This Mitzvah "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh" is a reference to a military camp in a Milchemet Mitzvah, an obligatory war that is a Mitzvah in Eretz Yisroel. 

There has been no acknowledgment on the part of these Rabbanim as per our entitlement to Eretz Yisroel or our obligation to fight a Milchemet Mitzvah when attacked by our enemies.  It is clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are fighting an enemy clearly out to destroy the Nation of Israel.  Why has this Mitzvah instead taken on a perverted meaning in banning a separate seating concert.

Sincerely, Robin Ticker

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 1:51 AM
Subject: Lipa - Mitvah of Vehaya Machenecha Kadosh - distorted


Dear Lipa and Shia, amv"sh

The Rabbanim banned your separate seating concert last time because of "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh", "Thou shall have a H-ly camp".  Isn't that a reference to a Milchemet Mitzva, an obligatory war that is a Mitzvah,  where the soldiers of Israel must act in the proper holy way when they are in the midst of battle?  In fact it would be the right topic to discuss right now when Israel is in a state of war with Hamas in Gaza and the Rabbanim would speak about the obligation to go to war under such conditions and the Halacha, the Rabbinic law that is relevant to the Chayalim, the Israeli soldiers while fighting this war. 

I can't understand how the Mitzvah of "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh" is violated with a separate seating concert?  What prohibition can possibly happen under such conditions? 

And if a boy would meet a girl on their way to walking to the concert and eventually decide to build a Bayit Neeman Beyisroel, a faithful Jewish home, wouldn't that be the greatest Mitzvah?  And if there is a concert on Sukkot or Pesach then isn't there an added Mitzveh of "Vesamachta Bechagecha" to be happy on our holidays.  All this is in addition to the Mitzvah of "Mitzvah Gedolah Lihiyos BeSimcha Tamid" as the Breslov Chasidim sing, "it is a big Mitzvah to be happy all the time". Almost all would agree that a Shia Mendlowitz production starring Lipa Schmelzer  is a source of great Simcha, happiness. 

Why are the Rabbanim so quick to assume that Hamonei Am, the general religious population would have inappropriate thoughts when they go to your concert?  Have they ever attended your concert?  Isn't that a violation of Motzei Shem Ra, spreading a false report and Lashon Hara and isn't that a violation of "Judging your fellow Jew in a favorable light?".

Didn't this ban a year ago,  cause tremendous monetary loss to many people and Tzedakah organizations. not to mention the terrible agmas nefesh, aggravation to so many people.

Isn't this ban based on "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh" an example of adding to the Torah  thereby bringing forth the situation of detracting from the Torah.

Doesn't it say "Lo Yeh-iy-eh Lachem Elokim Acheirim Al Panei", You shall not have any other G-ds. 

Judging by some of your callers and their judgement call of what is considered worthy of a ban, I believe that it's important that they know that it is no Mitzvah of Emunas Chachamim, believing our Rabbis,  to follow blindly a Psak, a Rabbinic ruling, even when there is no basis in the Torah for such a Psak. Of course we are obligated to follow a Psak if the Psak is "Al Pi Hatorah" according to the written Torah.  But if the only Mitzvah the Rabbanim base this ban on is "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh" then aren't the Rabbanim disregarding the literal meaning of this Mitzvah in the Torah and in fact distorting its context?

I believe that the Rabbanim that now wish to give their approval for your concert should do so openly and not be afraid. In fact a discussion of  the Mitzvah of "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh" and how it relates to the war iin Gaza is definitely in order.  These Rabbanim should be willing to stand up for what is Torah and what they believe and know to be Torah, apologize for misleading the public in their participation of the ban and stand up against all the peer pressure of others that might actually be the voice of the Sitre Acheir, the other side or of the Eirev Rav, the mixed multitudes.

This will be posted on


  1. Anonymous5:23 PM



    Dear Lipa, ly"t

    Its time we all woke up and smelled the coffee. After reading the new ban regarding your performance it seems that in Shomayim they are NOT happy enough with the Derech, you have chosen. It does not matter which of the Rabonim signed on the new Kol Korah banning the event, and who not. If you count the amount of signatures you will come up with about SIXTY signatures. I believe that this is only the beginning stages of the Kol Korah. It's a clear and strong message from Hashem and the Rabonim who are the leaders of our times that something smells terribly wrong over here. Never in the past decade has there been a gathering of Rabonim to condemn an individual in such a strong way!!! I am not out to hurt you Lipa, I am simply suggesting that you should examine your performance closely, could we believe it's done 100% Al Taharas HaKodesh?

    In history of Klall Yisroel we almost never had ALL the Gedolim unite and sign on the same topic. If you LIPA are a true Chosid, like you proclaim to be with your outer Levush (dress code,) you are obligated to adhere to the Chasidishe Rabonim and maybe that's why the majority of the Ban is signed by Chasidishe Gedolim and not Litvish. In general the Litvish are any way more modern compared to the Chasidim, and they always allowed for Kalus Rosh in a lax manner compared to the Frum Chadishe Olam.

    If one examines the Ban you will find that it does not only pertain to the event - the concert, it's far and beyond that, it includes many of your great and exciting ideas that many have to compliment you on.

    Lipa you are an extremely talented individual who has inspired thousands upon thousands in Klall Yisroel. If some how you can take a turn and use your influence in a Torah way, you will be able to be Mekarev a huge part of Klall Yisroel to our father in heaven and have a Zchus to speed up the arrival of Moshiach. Take an example from Uri Zohar and see how he turned around and was able to teach hundreds of thousands of Jews Hashems Torah. BTW if you believe you are powerful and have the ability to attract many, show us that you are a true Ben Torah a Tzdik "an Erlicha Yid" as you have been referred to by some leaders, please prove your strengths in Yidishkite to all of us and most of all listen and follow the advise and direction of the Chasidishe Rabonim of todays times...

    Lipa I want to tell you something that can not be denied, I personally spoke to the Rosh Yeshiva Reb Shmuel Kaminetzsky Shlita and the Novermintzsker Rebbeh Shlita this week and they both said that I may quote them and publicize in their name that: in no way shape or form are they backing your activities they are NOT vouching for you and they never ENDORSED you. So when many people are suggesting that the Litvish Rabonim are behind the event, that's not so at all. The Ban was only signed by those who have a Yeshiva for the younger generation, not by Rabonim who have a Bais Medresh Shull or a Kehillah etc. Rabbi Belsky Shlita the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vadath was asked on this matter, he too replied that he has never given his approval on "the event" or your music and entertainment.

    By the way do you realize that Manhattan is not a clean place to say the least. There is ZERO Kedushah in NYC and you ran an ad on a Jewish site saying that you are offering 400 Free tickets to any boy under 18 who learns a Perek of Mishnayis. Why would you even dream to do something so hurtful like this.-- Shlepping our innocent Kinderlich to NYC, are you by chance looking to corrupt those clean Neshomos who are UNDER 18 CHAS V'ESHOLOM???? I don't believe you are that bad yet, it must have just slipped by you without noticing the domino effect of this performance. Perhaps you are having a very difficult time selling tickets, because we all remember that the Kol Koreah banning the "big event" (prohibiting your performance) . Were you just desperate to fill up seats, which we understand that’s done totally LeKovod Hashem Yisboruch so the full proceeds could go to Tzodoka and feed the hungry and poor in Israel.

    I want to end off with a Brocha and wish you and your helpers that Hashem opens up your hearts and helps you to return to him seeing the true light of Kedusha and Taharah. May we all be Zoche to true Yiddishkiet with out being confused with goyishkeit

    A concerned Himesher Yid.

  2. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I know it's a year later but this letter from Concerned Himesher Yid should be taken off the web-site. Lets give Lipa credit!!! He's a mensch; I met him in person, talked a bit and could see what a fine, erlich person he is. The Jewish community needs more role models like him. He has abundant simchas chaim and Baruch Hashem has chosen to throw his energy into entertaining and bringing glatt kosher fun to the frum community. We're lucky to have you Lipa!!

  3. I agree with Anonymous and disagree with a Concerned Himesher Yid. I wish the Rabbanim would come out with a unity statement proclaiming our Biblical and Divine entitlement of Judea and Samaria, (Yehudah and Shomron) and denounce the Roadmap and a Palestinian State which has ideological ties with Nazi Germany.

    This is truly a matter that we should be concerned about. After all it not only directly affects 350,000 Jews living in Yehuda and Shomron but it effects the entire Eretz Yisroel whose homes and lives will be endangered as we have learned from Sderot and it will eventually trickle down to those of us living in Flatbush and Boro Park.
    Condemning a separate seating concert seems trivial in comparison.

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

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