Thursday, October 02, 2008

5769.01.02 Israel the Land of My Possession - Shemittah the Solution to fiscal crisis, Moshiach soon!,Tefillin not allowed in Modiin, More on discussions with Rabbi and Reb. Kamenetsky and Rabbi Avi Shafran


October 2, 2008
3 Tishrei 5769

1. Time to Bring Back the Ancient Shemittah Laws
2. Tefillin barred from Jewish School in Modiin????
3. Update on dialogues with Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shmuel Kamenetsky, and Rabbi Avi Shafran


1. Time to Bring Back the Ancient Shemittah Laws
Modern Financial markets, despite their claim to sophistication, should
take a cue from ancient biblical law and bring back the Shemittah laws.
Envoy Global Research

2. Tefillin barred from Jewish School in Modiin???? sent by Yosef Rabin.

Jews across the world are shocked and horrified that a public high school in the Jewish city of Modiin would forbid Jewish children from both wearing Tefillin on school grounds!,7340,L-3603614,00.html

3. Update on dialogues with Rabbi and Rebbetzin Shmuel Kamenetsky, and Rabbi Avi Shafran

Shmuel Koenig spoke to Rabbi Kamenetsky. Rabbi Kamenetsky suggested that we contact Malcolm Hoenlein. Apparently Rabbi Kamenetsky supported the protest rally organized by the Conference of Presidents and Agudah were encouraging people to go to the rally against Ahmadinejad. Shmuel Koenig mentioned to Rabbi Kamenetsky that Malcolm Hoenlien was for negotiating with the PA and the establishment of a Palestinian State. Rabbi Kamenetsky did not believe that this was so. Apparently Rabbi Kamenetsky does not know all the facts about the intimate involvement Malcolm Hoenlein had with the Annapolis negotiations. He is most probably unaware that Malcolm Hoenlein believed that Oslo was a done deal and that the gov't of Israel was bound by Oslo and can not renege on their agreements.

I suppose that reneging on our Covenant with Hashem regarding our birthright is not a major problem for Malcolm Hoenlein.

But isn't the Torah position that the Land belongs to Hashem and not the personal property of Olmert and company?

Malcolm Hoenlein is getting positive press in Hamodia and I understand is a regular columnist in Yated. His latest concern is for the poor Jews and institutions in Israel that are suffering because of the latest economic crisis in America. Anything to raise his image and sidetrack us from his failing Foreign Policy and the political overtones in the protest rally against Terror..

Now how can he really be against terror when he is promoting a Nazi like ideology State in the heart of Israel? Rebbetzin Kamenetsky herself told me that everyone knows that the PA and Arafat and company have their roots with Housseini and his partnership with Hitler in the 1930s. They were the ones that insisted that no Jews go to Palestine from Eastern Europe. How can we stupidly act as if they are a partner in peace?

Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky said that after Yom Tov they will address this issue. We tried to explain that now, in Elul and in Aseret Yemei Teshuva we must admit that we made a mistake with Gush Katif and resolve not to repeat similar mistakes with Yesha. We explained that Condeleeza Rice with the blessings of Olmert is giving away Yesha at an alarming speed. It's Pikuach Nefesh and we can not wait.

I and other activists recently spoke to his Rebbetzin. We tried to convince her in whatever capacity we could, arguing, crying, pleading etc that it is imperative for her husband, a major member of Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah and as spiritual advisor to the Chofetz Chaim Heritage foundation to speak out for our entitlement to Eretz Yisroel and against the 2 State Solution. She told us that we should try to raise awareness as best as we can. We tried to explain to her that we do not carry the weight that Rav Kamenetsky does. We can not influence hundreds of thousands of Jews as Rav Kamenetsky. She said we must have Bitachon and Emuna and Daven. But we are not allowed to tell the Gedoilim what to do or what to say. She also mentioned that Rav Kamenetsky will not make a statement by himself without the other Gedoilim speaking up as well.

We tried to explain that of course we need to say Tehillim and Davan and have Emunah but we need to do our Hishtadlus. Didn't Nachshon have to jump into the Yamsuf? Doesn't a person that needs a shidduch also needs to meet potential partners? Davening is not sufficient. We must do our Hishtadlus.

We called up and emailed Rabbi Shafran, public spokesperson of Agudah.

Shmuel Koenig suggested to Rabbi Shafran that Agudath Yisroel initiate a march of Rabbanim in Washington DC similar to the Peter Bergson group in the 1940s expressing our entitlement to Eretz Yisroel and against the 2 State Solution and the PA who are find their ideological ally with the Nazi's and Hitler Yemach Shemo

Rabbi Shafran felt that we were single focused on our passion for Eretz Yisroel Hashlaima.. He said that Agudah's conception of Israel is not the same as contemporary Zionism and the Modern Day State of Israel. He suggested we try to convince other organizations like the Young Israel and RCA and OU to organize such a rally. He thought we were wasting our time with Aguda. .

We answer him as follows:

In all due respect, we are not focused on one "cause" or even on one Mitzvah in the Torah.

What is lacking is a desire to keep the Mitzvoth, commandments of the Torah. We both agree that we can not pick and choose. And when we focus on Eretz Yisroel we must focus on all the Mitzvoth of the Torah.

Perhaps it is Agudath Yisroel that has made Tzniut,modesty. and Lashan Hara, evil speech their main focus leaving all else out. Tzniut should not be taken out of context less we transgress on baal Tosif, adding to the Torah and masquerade it as a Mitzvah D'Orayta, a Mitzvah of Divine origin rather than Rabbinic prohibition . The Mitzvah of Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh, and your comp should be H-ly, does not refer to banning a separate seating concert. It refers to a Milchemet Mitzvah, a war for which we as Jews are obligated to fight, and the military camp must keep their camp H-ly. Isn't a Milchemet Mitzva according to Rambam a war that we are obligated to engage in when attacked by our enemies. Wouldn't attacks on Sderot be precisely that kind of war?

Why instead of focusing on life and death issues have the Gedoilim, the great leaders of our generation, united with their signatures on fliers, distributed all over, banning a separate seating concert with separate entrances. And what commandment is someone transgressing if they perhaps actually manage to meet someone to marry?

I have attended such concerts and have not been aware of any violations and quite the opposite. I was observing the positive commandment of VeSamachta BeChagecha the commandment to be happy on the Holiday. From the audiences responses I believe that I was not the only one who was observing the commandment of Vesamachta BeChagecha but it was the majority and not the minority.

I personally do not recall seeing any incidences of immodest behavior.

if we add to the Torah we come to subtract the Torah. In this case the Gedoilim, Rabbinic Leaders, have banned the internet and they and their constituencies lack understanding and knowledge regarding the struggle of the people of Judea and Samaria on a day to day basis,until they actually go on the internet or have material printed out for them from the internet.

Ours is a life threatening focus. It's not merely a passion.

As for your suggestion that we differ regarding our concept of Israel, I beg to differ on your analysis. My favorite aunt is a Satmar Chasid.(An anti Zionist Chasidic group), I am the biggest fan club of my brother and his wife and family and they are among the Vienner Chevra (Followers of the Vienner Rav). I went to Bais Yaakov in elementary school and I objected to singing the Hatikva because there was no mention of Hashem. I believe that the State of Israel was established with a flaw. This flaw was a rejection of Torah I am aware of the gross failings of the Zionist State in its early years against Torah observant, religious Jews.

On the other hand, the Chareidim, the ultra religious, believe that Torah can be kept in its entirety without Eretz Yisroel,the Land of Israel. Keeping Eretz Yisroel in our time is not relevant to observance of the Torah.

What is stopping the ultra religious, the Chareidim from moving to Eretz Yisroel,our H-ly Land en masse. They don't even need to make Aliya or get zechuyot, rights of the Oleh, the new immigrant from the Jewish Agency. One can easily buy a plane ticket and simply fly to Eretz Yisroel.

The flaw from 1948 is now turning into a crack and the entire State is falling apart. The gov't is a bunch of evildoers yet Shas, a religious party is still keeping it going.

By keeping silent regarding the establishment of a Palestinian State we are a cause, a grama in Talmudic terminology, to empower Amalek and allow a Nazi like State to take over. Effectively, the ultra religious are partnering with the antiZionists, the post Zionists, the gov't of Israel who are promoting a Palestinian State.

It is our position that Eretz Yisroel is intimately intertwined with Am Yisroel, the Nation of Israel and Eretz Yisroel, the Land of Israel. In 1948 Israel could have been a Torah State if the religious Jews would have asserted their desire to keep the Torah in Eretz Yisroel. But they were too weak and instead chose to use Zionsim to blame as an excuse for their own lack of desire for Eretz Yisroel. They refused to take the leadership role. In the early 1900's while Jews had the opportunity, did the Rabbanim encourage the Jews to settle Eretz Yisroel on a large scale?

In our generation we certainly do have the ability to move to Eretz Yisroel and live a Torah lifestyle.

Torah must take the lead. But Halacha such as banning separate seating concerts have nothing to do with Torah. Torah Shebaal Peh, Oral Law must have its basis in Torah Shebichtav, the written law, in order for the Nations of the World to recognize Hashem and they will then proclaim "Am Chacham VeNavon", a wise and smart Nation.

Rabbinic leaders are human. They err. We are first and foremost obligated to keep the Torah, the Mitzvoth Aseh, positive commandments and Mitzvoth Lo Saaseh and negative commandments. We can not turn a blind eye when our leaders fail to speak up. Ait Laasot LaHashem, Hefeiru Toratecha /Tehillim 119, 126. .It is time to do for Hashem for our Torah has been pushed aside, annulled. The Zionist or rather anti-Zionist government is committing crime after crime against our brothers and sisters.

Did you know that a person over 90 years old can not be a member of the Sanhedrin. Yet everyone is turning to Rav Eliashiv to speak up? Perhaps he has spoken up against all concessions and it's not being reported? Rabbi Karmel of Lev L'Achim quoted Rav Shteinman addressing his followers that "Gush Katif iz nisht inzere Sugia", that what happened with the people of Gush Katif is not of our concern. . Actions or shall we say inaction of the Agudah camp reflect this particular philosophy. I believe that Rav Shteinman is also over 90 years old.

Rabbi Shafran, Did you know that G-d is a Zionist? In the Rosh Hashana liturgy, the yearning for Zion and G-d remembering the Covenant with our forefathers is a recurring theme. Doesn't that make us all Tzionim, Zionists? Zion comes from the word Tzion which is the marking place for Har Habayit, the holiest place in the world. The Goyim, the Nations of the world, have turned this Holy place into a Chillul Hashem, a desecration, a mosque that claims that Yishmael was brought as a sacrifice rather than Yitchok. They desecrated Yitzchok's tomb in the Cave of the Patriarchs recently reported in chareidi newspapers as well..

We all have been praying for Zion long before 1948. How can you say that Agudah is non-Zionistic. Perhaps it is accurate to say that Agudah is against secular Zionism.But every member of Agudath Yisroel prays for Zion each and every day in the Shemoneh Esrah, the 18 blessings, Uvneh Yerushalyim, build Jerusalem and we say Vesechezena eineinu Beshuvcah Lezion.and our eyes should see our Return to Zion..

Is that just lipservice?. .

It is because we recognize the Leadership qualities of Agudath Yisroel and because it is now the time to do Teshuva, repentance and admit that Gush Katif was a disaster and we resolve not to be Silent and allow it to happen again in Yehudah and the Shomron. We recognize the abilities of Agudath Yisroel to raise the spiritual levels of our people. This is an investment of our time and not a squander of our time.

Let me give you an analogy. My 9 year old son wanted a dog very much. I told him NO WAY!. As the year progressed, my son did not apply himself to learning as much as we would have hoped. Came the PTA in spring and the Rebbe tells us that he is not doing well in class, that his behavior left much to be desired. His Rebbe suggested that typically when a student falls behind in his studies, the behavior as well is affected.. I knew that we had to motivate him. I came home and told Moishe, ok, if you learn 52 minutes every night until the end of the school year, we will agree to getting a dog. Moishe kept his end of the bargain. His grades improved and so did his behavior dramatically.

Now we had to get the dog. Moishe knew it was his responsibility of walking the dog and picking up the poop etc. We went to the shelter and got us a dog. Now that Moishe had the dog, guess who was taking care of it most of the time? The dog was a picky eater and not eating well, the doggies stool was loose etc. etc. After paying lots of money for the dog cage, the veterinarian, doggie training, doggie beds, trying all kinds of doggie food, doggie toys. doggie proof gates etc. Totty was shelling out lots of money and Mommy was getting into shape physically from all the exercise she was getting walking the dog before school to the bus stop and during school, after school to the bus stop, giving the dog adequate exercize until Moishe came home etc.

What is the analogy? Moishe was begging and pleading for the dog. Mommy did not want the dog at all. Moishe did not really take the best care of the dog but Mommy really does. The dog loves Mommy and follows her all over the place and Mommy loves the dog. She looks at me with her adoring eyes and has turned into a guard dog barking at strangers. She makes sure I get the walking exercise that I need for my pre osteoporosis bones and the aerobics is just what the doctor ordered. The children on the block love the dog and it's an icebreaker for the neighbors, Jewish and non Jewish. I am resigned to keeping the dog and it's only been 3 weeks and I have begun to see the Bracha, the blessing that this dog has brought into our home.

Finally to finish the analogy. I love Agudath Yisroel. I know of their inner strength. I admire the lifestyle of the people and I admire their Emunas Chachamim, their faith in the wise counsel of their leaders. I admire their Ahavas Yisroel, love of their fellow Jew.. I admire the Kedusha, holiness that is found in their homes. I am convinced that when the members of Agudath Yisroel will finally recognize that Eretz Yisroel is their Divine gift as well, there will be no limit to their joy and Avodas Hashem, service to G-d!. They will be the best caretakers of Eretz Yisroel and they will be the best role models for Am Yisroel and to all the Nations of the World. That is why we are persisting and persisting relentlessly.

These little drops of water will somehow penetrate....

Wishing you and yours a Gmar vachasima tova, a sealed positive outcome in Divine judgment.

Sincerely, Robin

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