Sunday, September 07, 2008



In response to the silence of the Religious Jewish leadership (Chareidi, Orthodox and Modern Orthodox)  on the planned expulsion of 300,000 Jews from Yehuda and the Shomron, the division of Yerushalyaim and the abandonment of the Har Habayit, Yeshiva students across North America are saying,
"No More!" 

Please join caring, religious Jewish students in Chareidi, Orthodox and Modern Orthodox yeshiva/high schools, girls schools and elementary schools who are Bezrat Hashem joining with a general Student Protest in States including New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois and California, and in Canada.  This is a campaign to mobilize fellow students in preparation for mass walkouts to protest the silence of the Jewish leadership. 

There will be a telephone conference call on Sunday September 7th at 6 PM New York time (EDST). It is very important that all interested students participate in this telephone meeting.

Conference Dial-in Number: (218) 339-4300       
Participant Access Code: 119403#

If you would like to voice your opinion at this meeting, please send an email to or and include your name, school and city. You will be emailed a number.  When questions are ready to be taken, your number will be called. This is being done for those who wish to remain anonymous.

(If you receive this notice after this scheduled meeting please send email anyway for further updates and information.)

As the representative of the protest group to the establishment, Yosef Rabin - Representative of the Student strike leaders, will present the following demand on behalf of the student leaders: 

The Jewish establishment must set into motion a serious plan to protest the expulsion by Tuesday, September 16th 12:00pm. The protest plan of the Jewish Establishment will have to be submitted for review to or no later than Friday September, 12th at 11:00am.  

This campaign is very serious and the youth involved have been working hard to make it a reality. After the expulsion from Gush Katif three years ago many youth in America were shocked by what happened, and they have vowed not to remain silent in the face of another expulsion. 

Date, Time & Place for the Strikes:  

Date - Thursday, September 18th

Time - Starting 9:00am - TBD

Place - Yeshivas/High Schools, Girls Schools and Day Schools across North America (list of schools growing daily)

The ball is now in your court,

Yosef Rabin - Representative of the Student strike leaders or

Parents and grandparents are urged to encourage the youth and also join them.

Please Note:

  • The principle -- giving up  Yehudah and the Shomron & Giving up Yerushalayim is the same principle so if you concede the 1st, you will eventually be forced to concede the 2nd
  • Giving away parts of Yehudah and the Shomron endangers Yerushalayim, so it is impossible to save Yerushalyim if Yehuda and the Shomron are ignored: -- if you have a Palestinian State chas vechalila, Yerushalyim is 5 minutes away from it so ostensibly hanging onto Yerushalyim is really meaningless, Palestinian state means (among other things) that Yerushalayim will not be livable for Jews.
  •  The existence of the only Jewish state in the world is at stake -- giving up Yehudah and the Shomron and setting up a Palestinian State means NO ISRAEL.  The reason is because Lebanon (which was last summer's danger) imperils "only" Israel's sparsely populated north. Gaza (which is the current danger) imperils "only'  Israel's sparsely populated south. PAL. STATE IN Judea and Samaria IMPERILS ISRAEL'S VERY HEAVILY POPULATED CENTER REGION because it is just a bike ride away from there. many many people, all the business centers, sole International airport etc. so the country physically would not be viable.
  • The Avoda in the Bais Hamikdash can not begin without seeing the daylight in Hebron. (Brachot, Perek 3)

These are points of the Lubavitch Rebbe, zt"l which are common sense.
  1. The current situation in Israel is such that the duty to protest falls squarely on the shoulders of the Rabbis. This obligation falls upon all Rabbis who arbitrate practical matters of Jewish law, and especially those Rabbis who have at one time expressed an opinion on this issue, no matter where they are — whether in Israel or in the Diaspora.
  2. The ruling must be explicit and definitive, being the result of exhaustive consultation with present military authorities who have actual firsthand knowledge about these issues, and who express their opinions through purely security-oriented considerations, and not political ones.
    In order to save the Rabbis the trouble of researching the issues which are required for a ruling, the Rebbe informs us that he has already investigated the matter, and the conclusions are:
    1. Those involved in military affairs say that surrendering any portion of the West Bank and Gaza, places untold numbers of Jews in danger, G-d forbid.
    2. The past is well known (e.g., Golda Meir not listening to the Israeli Military Intelligence prior to Yom Kippur War).
  3. A ruling must be issued quickly, and a Rabbi must not wait until he is asked about the matter. Rather, he must see to it that the law is publicized everywhere — to the extent that "there will not be a single individual who has not heard of this ruling." This is because regarding these matters, "he who asks (rather than acts) is a spiller of blood, and the one who waits to be asked is contemptible" for not having publicized his opinion.[35]
  4. Similarly, one should publicize the decision of the "Great Assembly" of 1937 [36] which states that "it is forbidden to cede to a non-Jew, even a tiny strip of the Land of Israel." This should be publicized until the entire Jewish people are aware of this ruling.
  5. Every Jew, regardless of where he lives, is connected with every other Jews in the rest of the world. Therefore, according to Jewish law, he must protest any action taken by another Jew which is not in accordance with Jewish Law. Protest is required even if the forbidden action took place a great distance from him — because he is still obligated by the command, "Thou shalt not stand idly by thy brother's blood."
  6. At times the situation is such that there is nothing left to do but to protest. This is a precise indication that our task in this situation is to protest.
  7. The claim that protest will not affect the situation does not absolve any of the Rabbis, no matter where they are, from their obligation to publicize a clear ruling because:
    1. Who knows where we would be if no one were to speak up.
    2. Regarding the mitzvah to admonish one's fellow man, the Talmud says, "even one hundred times," meaning, if one unsuccessfully gave rebuke ninety-nine times, one is bound by Jewish law to engage in rebuke a hundredth time, for it could well be that the hundredth time will be decisive.
    3. The Rabbi must do his job and protest without fear, and without considering the reaction which may follow his ruling (such as being ignored); especially because this is an ongoing matter, which concerns saving Jewish lives.
    4. The obligation not to stand idly by while your brother's blood is being spilled, applies in every situation, even when one is uncertain that his protest will have any effect. Even if the chance that protest will assist is only one thousandth of a chance, or a fraction of that, one is obligated to protest, because this is the law in the Code of Jewish Law.
  8. Even if the majority remain silent, and those protesting are in the minority, nevertheless, the minority is taken into consideration.
  9. The Rabbis who remain silent cause the greatest damage. This is analagous to the Talmudic law concerning seventy Rabbinic judges who rule for or against a certain side, with one judge "abstaining." In such a case, Jewish Law requires the entire trial to be rendered null and void.
  10. The Rebbe's opinion is that were there to be a sustained protest, carried out with the greatest intensity — as the present situation clearly demands — it would eventually succeed, in the near future.

Veheishiv Lev Avos, Lev Avos Al Banim, Velev Banim Al Avosum. 

You the Students can bring a New Spirit to Am Yisroel!  Sing songs of Eretz Yisroel.  Talk of Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz, Ask your teachers and administration to join you.  United, Am Yisroel can prevail against our enemies.  Speak like Calev Ben Yefuneh and Yehoshua bin Nun.  May God give us the strength to spread the true message of Eretz Yisrael: "Aloh Na'aleh Ki Yachol Nuchal La."

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