Sunday, June 15, 2008

5768.09.15 Action Alert: Hypocracy?? OU Mesora conference on Kedushas Haaretz

BS"D     OU Please Practice what You Preach. 
RE: OU MESORA CONFERENCE on KEDUSHAS HA'ARETZ "Issues Pertaining to the Holiness of the Land of Israel" 
Why can't the OU speak up with clarity against a 2 State Solution. Why speak of Kedushat Haaretz and Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz and boundaries and extended boundaries of Eretz Yisroel and other lofty topics without publicly and politically stating the given and obvious that this Land is the Promised Land to our ancestors and to every generation, and in our generation as well. 
In order to keep these Mitzvoth of the Torah we need the Land and its G-d given boundaries.  
Any talk of a 2 State Solution is a betrayal of our Torah and will only result in disaster as the Gush Katif expulsion has clearly proven.
For the OU Leadership, studying the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz and knowledge of the boundaries and extended boundaries is not relevant to today's politics.  It's simply an academic exercise in learning.  There is no strong yearning to OBSERVE these commandments.  Settling Eretz Yisroel is not on their agenda but settling religious communities throughout America is. If the yearning for Eretz Yisroel was there the OU LEADERSHIP WOULD PROCLAIM our entitlement to all of Eretz Yisroel and would validate the struggle of the settlers in Yehudah and the Shomron who are able to observe these Mitzvoth TODAY if they can stay on the Land.
These lectures are empty words. The OU continues to be part of JCPA in spite of the fact that the JCPA endorsed a 2 State Solution. Settlers including young women and security guards  have been imprisoned and harassed for wanting to settle and protect the settlement within Eretz Yisroel  with no distinction of the green line.  The OU USA is silent. Roadblocks in Judea and Samaria to protect settlers from terrorists are being removed and the OU USA is Silent. (Please google Rivka Meirchik and the Halamish Brothers).Over  9,000 people were brutally displaced from Gush Katif and the OU honors Olmert. AMONA, Silence!
 We are sure that some of the speakers of today's seminar are wonderful and sincere but the OU Washington office of Foreign Policy will undermine all this Torah Learning. 
Unfortunately, these well meaning, learned, respected scholars and lecturers have empowered those that act in a way that clearly misrepresents Authentic Torah Judaism in Washington.  Don't these lecturers realize that now they are the pawns of those that do not have our best interest in mind.  This seminar will delude the general membership who will believe that the OU leadership acts to enhance Kedushat Haaretz rather than in opposition to it.  This will neutralize any protest against American Foreign Policy in support of a 2 State Solution and our caring Jews do not realize that we Am Yisroel are being betrayed by the OU in Washington DC. 
Let these same speakers speak under a more worthy umbrella organization or insist that the OU Washington Office represent them and reflect the Torah position or else they disengage from the OU. 
Isn't the purpose of learning Torah in order to OBSERVE Torah?
Let us take our cue from Non Jews who speak up for G-d's Covenant with Israel. Governor Mike Huckabee came out clearly against the 2 State Solution and for Jewish Entitlement.  Why can't the OU Washington Ofice?
Jon Voight On Israel
Voight talks about his support in Israel and its people, about the mistake of Israel's giving up on Gaza and about the current situation in which Israel is facing daily terror attacks from Gaza and about the apathy of the western communications media toward Israel's suffering and their flopping to the propaganda trap of the terrorists.

Toward A New US/Israel Policy

Herbert Zweibon

A "Resolution regarding Israel from Pro-Israel Christian Leaders" signed by over a thousand Christian leaders and urging a new U.S. policy toward Israel is being submitted to Senator John McCain with a request for a meeting with the candidate. AFSI has been working on this project with Rev. James Hutchens, Chaplain and Brigadier General of the U.S. Army (Ret.) and chairman of the Jerusalem Connection, Richard Hellman of CIPAC (Christians' Israel Public Action Campaign), Rev. James Vineyand, whose Oklahoma City church has 3,500 members and Rev. David Welch, who heads up a group of pastors in the Texas region.

To give an idea of the wide geographic range of supportive churches, among those who have signed on are the pastors of the Bible Baptist Church in Fairbanks Arkansas with 525 members, the Northwest Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio, with 700 members and the Clays Mill Road Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky with 2,000 members.

The resolution reads:

WHEREAS, Christian Zionism supports the modern State of Israel as a partial fulfillment of God's covenant promise to provide a national homeland for the Jewish people in anticipation of their ultimate redemption when Messiah comes; and

WHEREAS, These God-decreed covenants have an everlasting validity and relevance for the modern State of Israel; and

WHEREAS, The legal validity of the modern State of Israel has been established by international law in the Balfour Declaration of November 1917, and the British Mandate formalized at the League of Nations in July 1922, the United Nations partition resolution of 1947, the official recognition of the State of Israel by the United States in May of 1948 and Israel's admission to the United Nations in 1949; and

WHEREAS, Since its birth as a nation Israel has been under relentless attack by Arabs and Palestinians whose goal is not peace with Israel but its total annihilation; and

WHEREAS, The various peace proposals advanced by the United States, including the administration's "Land for Peace" to be implemented by a "Two-State Solution," have been historically and factually verifiable failures; and

WHEREAS, These failures have been a result of a dysfunctional denial of the stated goals of Palestinian Jihadists and other Iran sponsored terrorist groups such as Hezbollah to destroy Israel, including the continuing efforts to appease Israel's enemies by requiring Israel to give up land for peace; and

WHEREAS, There can be no realistic expectation of regional peace until Palestinian Jihadists are defeated, disarmed and their terrorist infrastructure dismantled; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the administration's "Road Map to Peace" with its "Land for Peace" and "Two-State Solution" be deemed unworkable and allowed to lapse; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a serious and engaged consideration be given to a new US/Israel policy that would be comprehensive and practical in dealing with the realities on the ground as well as honoring of God's covenant promises to Israel. (e.g. Please see "The Israeli Initiative").

Submitted by Petitioners, coordinated by Jerusalem Connection.

Like a bird that repetitively bangs against a glass window, administrations for the last forty years have stubbornly pursued the same failed and bound-to-fail policy of "retreat-for-peace." For a core constituency to confront a Presidential candidate with a challenge to the folly that is "received wisdom" is a vitally important first step.

Dear List:  Here are email addresses of some of the employees of OU.  Please ask them to speak to their administration. I am sure there are some very wonderful individuals that work for the OU who feel strongly about this.,,,,,,,


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