Sunday, March 23, 2008

Blood Libel March 2008 in Novosibirsk, Russia.


Thank you for sending.  And there are those that still believe that Silence will stop antisemitism.


Russian blood libel: Jews use children's blood for matzot

Hundreds of anti-Semitic pamphlets distributed in Novosibirsk,
Russia, warning residents of supposed Jewish practice of kidnapping
children to use their blood for Passover matza

Yael Branovsky Published: 03.19.08, 20:34 / Israel Jewish Scene

Hundred of anti-Semitic announcements warning Russian parents to
beware of the supposed Jewish practice of using children's blood to
prepare Passover matza were put up around the city of Novosibirsk,
Russia in southwest Siberia on Wednesday.

"Beware Russian parents. Keep watch over your children before the
coming of April 2008, the Jewish holiday of Passover. These
disgusting people still engage in ritual practice to their gods. They
kidnap small children and remove some of their blood and use it to
prepare their holy food (matza). They throw the bodies (of the
children) out in garbage dumps," the announcements read.

"Esther", a resident of Novosibirsk, told Ynet: "I saw the
announcement, however I won't be afraid of going to synagogue during
Passover. In my house, we will have matzot.

"Anti-Semitism exists in the city and it never disappears. You can
walk around in the streets and see derogatory sayings scrawled on the
walls of houses; 'Jews go home' and such. The announcement simply
disgusted me.

"These anti-Semites merely want to divert the attention of the city's
residents away from the problems that exist in the area and blame the
Jews for everything. I personally am not afraid because my children
are in Israel."

Approximately 13,000 Jews live in the Novosibirsk area, with most
living in the city itself.

Since the beginning of this year, Russia has experienced dozens of
anti-Semitic acts – including violent attacks on Jews, derogatory
graffiti and the vandalism of Jewish cemeteries.

Anti-Semitism on rise

Recently, the US government published its yearly report that stated
that anti-Semitism, which promotes hatred towards Jews under the
guise of criticism against the State of Israel, has increased in the
last 10 years.

The report claimed that the Belarus government openly disseminates
anti-Semitic material. It also said that government-controlled media
outlets in Saudi Arabia and Egypt broadcast anti-Semitic programs.

Additional acts of anti-Semitism were recorded in Poland, Russia,
Ukraine, France, Germany, the UK, Argentina, Australia, Canada and
South Africa.

"Contemporary anti-Semitism appears openly and in disguised forms in
place where there are Jewish communities just like in places where
there are few Jewish people. Violent anti-Semitic crimes are carried
out – beginning with from terrorism carried out against Jews to
desecrating and destroying Jewish property such as synagogues and
cemeteries," the report stated.

Amos Hermon, the Jewish Agency official in charge of the fight
against anti-Semitism, told Ynet following the incident in
Novosibirsk that "this is an appalling and extraordinary incident. I
really hope that we're not going back to the period at the beginning
of the previous century in which Jews were blamed and put on trial
for killing children.

"We hope and we are sure that the Russian government will find those
who distributed (the announcement) and work to stamp out the

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