Monday, October 08, 2007

Torah observance is the Key to Peace and Prosperity

It has been suggested to us to lobby Christian Leaders such as Dick Hellman to promote our message on Capital Hill.  Unfortunately, people like Dick Hellman put the Jews to shame because he is not afraid to quote the Torah and Biblical passages.  The same goes for Hagee.  However, we who davan and read the Torah weekly find it difficult to talk about our obligations to keep the Mitzvoth of the Torah and that the Land of Israel is required in  order to do so.  The religious "Torah Community" seem to act as if Eretz Yisroel is not essential to truly be an observant Jew.  (I am not addressing the nonobservant community at the moment but to their credit many have put an emphasis on Eretz Yisroel and called it Zionism).   We wish to raise awareness that complete Torah observance can only be with Eretz Yisroel and we have put blinders on our eyes and continue to act otherwise.  That is what is bringing the security threats against us and the entire world.   Antisemitism comes from a failure on our part to raise the greatness of G-d's Name.  (look at the root of the word antisemitism - anti Shem) It comes from the chillul Hashem (void of G-d's Name) that comes from our failure to claim Eretz Yisroel as our inheritance and our obligations to keep the Mitvoth.  (We are Bnei Brith,  the people of the Covenant. The Covenant between G-d and the Jewish people is that we keep the commandments and G-d brings us blessings) The Torah specifically singles out the observance of the Mitzvah of Shemittah as one that will bring security.  If there was truly a yearning and desire to keep the Mitzva (w/o loopholes like buying from the Arabs or selling the Land or Pruzbul, a loophole for releasing debts) we would simply say that the Land belongs to G-d and that we are the only legitimate caretakers since we observe the commandments such as shemitta.   ( I have yet to hear Shas and UTJ who claim to be Torah observant use this Torah Statement.)  When we observe Torah and Mitzvoth in Eretz Yisroel, this will bring blessings to Am Yisroel and to the entire world.  Our message is to claim Eretz Yisroel as ours based on the Torah and not based on the threats facing us.  Failure to observe the Torah brings on negative consequences such as terror threats.  Even if a democratic peace loving people  were to be our neighbors are they required to keep Shemittah?  The time has come to focus on the real root of our problem which is failure to properly observe the Mitzvoth and to reexamine the Halachic way our Torah Leaders have advised us to keep the Mitzvoth mentioned in Sefer Devarim.  Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy) is Moshe's last message to the Nation of Israel before entering the Land of Israel.  Moshe Rabbeinu knew he was not entering the Land.  So he instructed the Nation how to survive without him specifically in the Land of Israel.   The entire book Devarim  (Deuteronomy) are Mitzvoth that pertain to the Land. It's apparent that the way we are presently observing these commandments are not working.   G-d is true to keep His promises.  Obviously our observance is at fault and not G-d's ability to fulfill His end of our agreement that of granting us blessings.   Instead of looking inward we put all the blame on outside forces.  G-d is capable of fighting them all off.  I believe that we alone are unable, no matter how we try, to effectively convince the world and ourselves of the dangers facing us and act effectively to combat these threats.  It has to be truly earned.  G-d can save us from these dangers but we in turn  have to  try to the best of our ability to yearn and act to keep the Torah commandments such as release of loans and partying in the Shemittah year as  our main concern.   Once we agree that keeping Torah properly is the key, and focus on all the Mitzvoth read at Hakhel from Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy) after the Shemittah year, the Christian world including Hellman and Hagee will have an easier time to convince Congress to act.   We will be a Mamlechet Kohanim VeGoy Kadosh.  Instead of a despised people, we will be a people that the entire world will wish to emulate.

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