Friday, March 30, 2007

Why Silence of Rabbanim. They need our Chizuk

After speaking to many within the Chareidi circle it appears to me that the Gedoilim truly believe that the whole of Eretz Yisroel is our Biblical Inheritance. So then why aren't they speaking up?  It is my understanding that if they felt that the Nation as a Whole wanted them to speak up, they would.  It is imperative that each and every one of us speak to our local Rabbanim or any Rav or person of Jewish Leadership and ask them to encourage anyone they know of Jewish Leadership and ask them to make a public statement as to our Biblical Inheritance. 
 Why then do our Rabbanim need us to encourage them and telling them how to lead? That is a loaded question.
Taking a real leadership role is scary.  When Moshe Rabbeinu told Pharoh to free the Jewish Nation conditions became worse for the Jews.  Then Moshe went back to G-d and complained why things became worse.  If the Rabbinic and Leaders of Am Yisroel do make a public Statement I would expect things to possibly become worse temporarily for Am Yisroel.  If we as a nation are not on the level to accept the leaders actions and we would blame any backlash on their leadership they would be unable to be effective.   It is for good reason I believe the Gedoilim are scared to speak out. However, we have no choice if we believe this is G-d's will and our survival and our purpose of being, is intertwined with Eretz Yisroel and keeping the Commandments in Eretz Yisroel.
Please read a letter written to Hadas the secretary to Rav Eliashiv shlita who is now bli ayin hara 96 years old.
Chag Kasher VeSameach!
Sincerely, Robin

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  1. You're on the right track. Maybe G-d allowed blogging to be invented to give the little people a voice.
    Chag Kasher v'Sameach

  2. bs"d

    That is the lesson for our generation and as you suggest blogging is a tool that Hashem has given our generation. There is no such thing as a little person. Today I listened to a Shabbos Hagodol Drasha by Rebbetzin Isbee in the Agudah of Ave. L in Flatbush. She said that the single item that gives each one of us strength to maintain our dignity and self respect and can never be taken away by anyone is the knowledge that Hashem loves me. It is not ones social standing or job or successes in life that one can depended on because all those things are transient. What never goes away is the knowledge that Hashem loves me no matter how others view or think of me.

    Thanks for your comments!

    Chag Kasher Vesameach

  3. Dear Kahanaloyalist, amv"sh

    The best way to reach these Gedoilim is through people that they will listen to and is in their inner circle and people that they trust. The key to really reach them so that it makes a real difference is to find someone you know who is in their circle or is friends with someone in their circle and respectfully challenge their silence based on Torah arguments. The arguments that I use when speaking to the Rabbanim -are in my blog. Just speak to a friend that might be chareidi and start questioning the Silence of the Rabbanim and ask whoever you are speaking with to ask their Rav about why there is Silence to acts of Gezel and no affirmation to our Biblical right to the Land of Israel by the Rabbanim. Through the grapevine they will sense that their loyal followers are not content with the status quo. This in my opinion will be even more effective approach than a few calls by individuals not necessarily in their inner circles voicing dissatisfaction.

  4. bs"d

    To Muse, amv"sh

    To clarify my statement above and Rebbetzin Isbee's point is that each and every person is a gadol in the eyes of Hashem. Each and every one of us is very important to Hashem This knowledge give me the strength to take on issues that are not considered by many as my domain. If I am doing this because I have Tzelem Elokim, and G-d considers me important by having placed in me that Tzelem Elokim, that empowers me to speak up when I feel that what I am saying is important. And while it's nice to get approval from society, if I feel that what I am doing is approved by Hashem, that is enough for me to persist. That feeling that Hashem loves me and I love Hashem is a binding relationship that gives strength in times of struggle and lack of validation by others.
