Monday, August 07, 2006

Why NOT to sign the OU petition

Subject: OU Petition for Israel
>Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 18:54:42 -0400
>Please visit:
The OU's petition is lacking one very fundamental point that must be addressed and not ignored.  Bush is supporting Israel's right to attack Hizbollah and that is good.  Bush is also promoting a 2 democratic state solution living side by side in peace.  This is a direct contradiction to the Torah.  The OU has failed to stand up for the fundamental truths of the Torah which at times is not democratic.  Hashem created the world. Hashem gave the Land of Canaan first to the Nations of Canaan.  Then Hashem took it away from them and gave it to us Am Yisroel.  He promised the Land starting with Avraham Avinu and then to Yitchok Avinu and then to Yaakov Avinu and to his seed for Achuzat Olam.  No peaceful democratic State, Palestinian or other has been promised the Land of Israel within the delineated borders specified in Parshas Masei except Am Yisroel.  It is exclusively promised to the Nation of Israel.  Judea and Samaria is an integral part of Eretz Yisroel whose boundaries are clearly within the delineated boundaries specified in Parshas Masei.  Am Yisroel in turn are obligated in keeping and guarding the Mitzvoth taught by Moshe Rabein in Sefer Devarim in the midst of the Land (Bekerev Haaretz - see Perek 4 in Sefer Devarim). 
The OU believes in the Torah.  They have an obligation to state the Torah whether or not it is politically correct or not.
I will not sign this petition since ultimately it does not go to the root of the problem. The security and humanitarian crisis we find ourselves are simply the natural consequences of ignoring what is fundamental to the Torah.  This petition, will not help unless it will attack the root.  It might temporarily suspend the spread of the disease but eventually the disease will return and G-d forbid  even with more strength.  Only the Torah will attack the root of the disease and stop it in its track.
Let the OU start a petition that has its roots in Torah rather than in democracy.
Robin Ticker


  1. bs"d

    Dear Coin, amv"sh

    Torah Shebichtav and Torah Shebaal Peh are to be dependant on each other. Please read post of Feb 7, 2006 in Shemittah Rediscovered entitled Od Yishama which speaks of the marraige between Torah Shebichtav and Torah Shebaal Peh. To follow blindly the Psak of a Gadol when it has no basis in Torah Shebichtav is Avoda Zara. One is over the 2nd Dibra "Lo Yehiyeh Lecha Elokim Acheirim.."

    The Mitva of Shabbos - Shabbat Haaretz is KEneged all the Mitzvoth. It brings forth Yirath SHamayim and VeAhavta Leraicha KAmocha. Your comment seems to suggest that by being critical of the OU I have transgressed these commandments. Let me defend myself by saying that the Silence of the OU and other mainstream chareidi and/or orthodox organizations about our Biblical Covenant is blatant Chillul Hashem that will Chas Vechalilah bring upon us great tragedy. I dare not be silent.

  2. bs"d

    Let me strenthen the comment in my previous post. "To follow blindly the Psak of a Gadol when it has no basis in Torah Shebichtav is Avoda Zara." Let me strenthen that statement to read "To follow blindly the Psak of a Gadol when it has no basis in Torah Shebichtav and in fact distorts Torah Shebichtav and disregards Torah Shebichtav and convinces people that it is more binding then Torah Shebichtav, is Avoda Zara."
