Sunday, August 06, 2006

Let's not Cry for Israel. Let's Sing for Israel

In the Stone Chumash, the commentary states that Moshe desired keeping the Mitzvoth of the Land of Israel and therefore begged Hashem to enter the Land.  He knew that the only way he could keep these Mitzvoth, like Shemittah, Teruma and Maaser etc was in the Land itself.  Moshe didn't care if he wasn't the leader.  Moshe simply wanted an opportunity to keep the Mitzvoth of Eretz Yisroel. Sefer Devarim focus is on Mitzvoth on how to live in Eretz Yisroel.  Moshe knew that he was not to enter the Land so he spent the last days of his life (from Rosh Chodesh Shvat till 7 Adar) to instruct the people on how to live in the Land of Israel rather than in a spiritual desert. 
I would focus on Devarim, Perek 4 Pasuk 5 "See I have taught you decrees and ordinances as Hashem, my G-d has commanded me to do so in the midst of the Land to which you come, to possess it."
Why are we not challenging the Gedoilim of our generation who are misguiding the hundreds of thousands of followers into believing that speaking out against the Conversion Plan or against the Roadmap is a political  position.  There is nothing political about these policies.  It is anti Torah.  The Torah specifically instructs Am Yisroel to conquer the Land and keep the Mitzvoth in the midst of the Land, to possess it.   This idea is very clearly repeated in Pasuk 14 Perek 4.  "Hashem commanded me at that time to teach you decrees and ordinances, that you shall perform them in the Land to which you cross to possess it. " This is clearly Torah Shebaal Peh.  Moshe is teaching the people.  If we challenge the Rabbanim we are asked where is your Emunas Chachamim?  Yet it is quite clear that Moshe Rabbeinu, the ultimate teacher and source of Torah Shebaal Peh clearly speaks about the Mitzvoth in the midst of the Land
How can our Gedoilim detach themselves from the claim to the Land.  The boundaries of Eretz Yisroel before Chait Hamiraglim were much more broad.  The boundaries in Matos Masei include Lebanon and Gaza.  Yet these two areas were never conquered by Yehoshua.  We have the opportunity in our generation to fix these sins.  We can proclaim that we desire Eretz Yisroel and we yearn to keep the Mitzvoth such as Shemittah and all the other Mitzvoth read at Hakhel.  We have the opportunity to proclaim Lebanon and Gaza as part of the Biblical inheritance as delineated in Parshas Masei. 
I would choose not to Cry for Israel but proudly claim Eretz Yisroel as our Biblical Inheritance and subject to all kinds of obligations that no other Nation has.  When we recognize our special role, and when we safeguard and perform them(decrees and ordinances), because it is "your wisdom and discernment in the eyes of the people", the nations of the world will say "Surely a wise and discerning people is this great nation."
The pasuk says "Ushmartem Vasisem".  You should keep and guard them.  These words are used specifically also for Shabbos.  How can we keep and do the Mitzvoth without the Land  We can merely learn about the Mitzvoth.  That is direct proof that the Land must be under our sovereign hands.  Lakewood or Boro Park is not good enough to keep and perform these Mitzvoth Bekerev Haaretz. One can only learn about them in Lakewood and Boro Park.  One can actually perform them in a  place like Itamar in the Shomron. 
It also uses the same terminology when the Torah talks about Gan Eden that Adam must guard it and protect it.  The same words "Leshamra Ulavda".  Let me suggest that the Mitzva that will clearly show the world Chochmaschem Ubinaschem is the Mitzva of Shemitta which includes the essence of Shabbos.  It is Shabbat Haaretz.  The time has come to really focus on Shemitta and how it can be performed without Takana of Hillel, Pruzbul which was a response to a weakness in Emuna after the Churban.  Let us brainstorm about keeping Shemitta w/o Heter Mechira which was established due to a fear of starvation.  These two takanot undermine our show of Emunah by performing Shemitas Kesafim and Shemitas Karkaot.  Keeping Shemittah w/o these Takanot is quite revolutionary and very scary.  We still have over a year to brainstorm.  Lets call in the economists, the political scientists, the Torah Scholars and discuss how such a government can function when the entire farming community is on Sabbatical and the non farming community are told to loan to the poor with an open hand and not demand retribution.  It sounds very much like a socialist, kibbutz lifestyle without working the land.
We will come up with a government that is nothing like the existing models.  Actually it will be a combination of the two.  For 6 years it will model the Capitalist economic system that we love and respect in America and on the seventh year it will model the Kibbutz lifestyle that actually allowed the State of Israel to grow and flourish immediately following the Holocaust.  This kibbutz, socialist model for a people that individually had next to nothing and collectively pooled their resources, was integral and necessary and successful in the initial development of the State of Israel.
This is the Shira Chadasha for our generation to replace all sadness and crying.

1 comment:

  1. bs"d

    Dear Wim,

    I believe the the Written Bible is written by G-d and together with the Oral Law was given to Moses at Chorev at Mount Sinai. You are not a believer. The Torah is divine revelation and its words are truth.
