Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hebron Settlement and Amona Expulsion

Open Letter to David Wilder and the Leadership in Hebron:


Dear David Wilder and the Hebron Leadership, amv"sh

While I admire your ability to remain calm, cool and collected under severe provocation including the eviction of your daughter and her family from their home and was successful in coming to an agreement with the State I wish to impress upon you that Hebron has to take a more active stand regarding our right to the entire Land of Israel.

The compromise of the residents in the former Arab Marketplace in Hebron was based on the fact that the marketplace has a deed of Jewish owners going back to 1929 prior to the massacres.

Hebron has been relatively silent about the Bible and the Covenant Though I have no doubt that you in Hebron deeply believe in the Covenant, you have continuously refrained to publicly stand up for the Covenant. Security considerations was your position in your fight to keep Gush Katif and the settlements. Now you claim Hebron marketplace to Jewish ownership from 1929.

President Bush in his State of the Union address stated that America must take the initiative to speak up for our right of freedom and lead. Hebron is not leading. They are reacting to each incident but they are not going back to the roots which is the Torah and our Covenant.

The sad truth is that the State of Israel was formed in 1948 with a flaw. That flaw was recognized by the Chareidi population. Satmer to the extreme, refused to recognize the State because the State left out Torah in its formation. The other Chareidi groups opposed the State to a lesser degree. The State, in their defense, actively supported Torah Institutions and under the State, unprecedented growth of the Teshuva movement back to Torah and Mitzvos mushroomed to unbelievable proportions. Judaism flourished and Jews were able to practice Judaism without major hindrances. That is until recently...

Now that original flaw in the formation of the State is turning into a real crack.

In Amona, one can not allow the youth to act unilaterally. They will be brutally attacked by the State. It is not their place. The Leadership must acknowledge that the Formation and Foundation of the State of Israel is seriously flawed as the Chareidi population has repeatedly stated over the years. Until recently, Torah believing Jews were able to live in the State of Israel and practice their religion. Now they are unable to do so and the entire foundation of the State is breaking apart. The Lubavitch Rebbe in a letter to Geula Cohen was against using the terminology of the State of Israel but rather uses terms such as the Land of Israel and the Nation of Israel. The Modern day State of Israel is not eternal. The Covenant of the Land of Israel to the Nation of Israel is.

Hebron's leadership has shown unwavering, continuous, loyal support for the State of Israel. It is quite understandable since Hebron as well as the rest of the settlements were established under the State of Israel. (roads, water, electricity, local gov't, etc). One is hesitant to spit at the water they drank from.

The Torah Institutions including chareidi Institutions as well as my own alma mater Michlala, have recently had their funding severely cut by the gov't so that their day to day operations are severely threatened.

The time has come to finally speak out against the original flaw of the State of Israel and to speak up for the Land of Israel, the Nation of Israel and Torath Yisroel.

Uri Ariel is speaking up for the Torah and the Covenant of Abraham. Hebron must show strong leadership in this point in time as well. They must speak up for the Covenant. They must demand that each and every Rabbinic Leader in Israel as well as in Chutz Laaretz claim the Land of Israel for the people of Israel.

The Land of Israel is a Divine Decree for the people of Israel. Even if the Jews in the Diaspora would forego their rights to the Land they can not. In monetary transactions if one person loans another money and then foregoes the loan, that's legitimate.

But the Land of Israel belongs to the Creator of the Earth. The Jews in the Diaspora may not relinquish their rights to the Land simply because they are not living there. The Jews in Israel may not allow or encourage Jews in the Diaspora to do so either.

Therefore, the Leadership from Hebron must call upon all Rabbinic Leaders wherever they may be, and put them in the spotlight and demand that they claim the Land of Israel as their own. Rabbinic Leaders and the Nation of Israel must publicly make a statement for the Torah (purposely given at Sinai and not in the Land of Israel) for the Covenant and against the Roadmap. We must question the value of a religion that is simply academic but not put into practice. (How can we study that the Land of Israel was promised as an eternal inheritance to the people of Israel and not speak out against the Roadmap?) We must ask Rabbinic Leaders "Is the Torah relevant to our time?" If it's relevant then why isn't there a public outcry against the Roadmap?

If they reply it's politics and we don't want to take away time from our learning then ask them "Is it proper to study the laws of how to give charity to a poor person and then when a poor person comes knocking on our door we tell him please don't disturb my learning?"

The status of the Land of Israel is Torah and is fundamental to Torah. One can not remove the status of the Land of Israel from Torah just like one can not remove the heart of the Land of Israel from the Land of Israel.

Speaking up for the Covenant and the Torah and against the Roadmap is our only hope for Amona and all other settlements in Judea and Samaria.


Robin Ticker

This will be posted G-d willing to my blog

1 comment:

  1. bs"d

    Thank you Tovya for your comment. It seems we are on the same wavelength. What did you think about the piece on Arutz7 called Divorce from the State an article that appeared in YNET by Menorah Hazani previously from Homesh.
